Bayer Canada Coupons: Save $5.00 off the Purchase of Priorin Hair Growth Products!


Bayer Canada has a new coupon available where you can save $5 on the purchase of Priorin! Priorin can help supply hair with nutrients, which can stimulate and improve hair growth and hair re-growth! The formula contains four main nutrients including millet extract, L-cystine, calcium pantothenate, and biotin. This offer is valid until September 30, 2016.

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Click here to get this Bayer Canada coupon.

2 responses to “Bayer Canada Coupons: Save $5.00 off the Purchase of Priorin Hair Growth Products!”

  1. fantas says:

    How much is this product?

  2. florence Meredith says:

    Hello i would like to know if there is a recent coupon for priorin , I cant seem to find one with a good expiry date, I have used this product before and know that it works , is it ok to use this product again? Thank you


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