Bees are an important part of our environment, so in order to help bees thrive, Bees Matter Canada has created the Buzzing Gardens program. Head over to Bees Matter and sign up to request a FREE Bee-friendly Flower Seed Pack! Each pack comes with an assortment of 5 different flower species such as Lance-leaved Coreopsis, New England Aster, Dense Blazing Star, Golden Tickseed and Sneezeweed. Each flower is specially selected to attract and nourish honey bees so that their populations thrive!
To claim your free seeds, which are enough to plant a 5sq ft garden, visit Bees Matter’s website and scroll down the page until you see this link:
Bees Matter will then send you your free seeds so that you can get planting your very own buzzing garden!
There’s a limit of one free packet per household. Allow time for delivery. Offer valid while supplies last.
Click here to get your free Bee-friendly Flower Seed Pack from Bees Matter.
Thanks so much for this link. I love bees and am always trying to encourage them in my yard (I have a clover lawn) I learned a lot from this website!
Unfortunately, l would love to receive free seeds for my garden, but, it won’t allow me. Thanks
Thanks so much for this link. I love bees my hole front yard 20 x15 is all for bees and
butterfly that my daughter ho made my do this for nature
I have the honour of having 3 of my 7 grandchildren living with me and all three are interested in saving the bees….I am in the process of building a fairy garden and will include flowers to attract the bees…. thank you for sharing your seeds with us I am looking forward to planting them…..we are also building “bee hotels”….. so it should be fun….. Donna
Wonderful incentive to get people planting flowers and loving everything in nature.I have honey bees in my yard along with bumble bees .Love them.How great it would be to get everyone gardening and stop mowing all this grass.