Best Buy Canada Daily Deal: Save $40 on the Philips Bluetooth Speaker (in Red), Now Only $29.99

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Best Buy Canada has these great little wireless Philips Bluetooth Speakers, that pack a lot of punch for not only their size (but their price point more importantly!) Normally, the Philips Bluetooth Speakers sell for $69.99 and on comparable websites the lowest price I could find for these little guys was on, and even there they were still being sold for $63.36.Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 9.41.03 AM

Not only is Best Buy offering the best price on these portable speakers, but they are arguably one of the better designs for Bluetooth speakers on the market right now.

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You can check out the reviews for these speakers on, where the overall consensus seems to be that people were surprised at the quality of these small and seemingly poorer quality speakers, which were in fact very powerful and delivered a decent sound.

Shipping and handling is free for the Philips Bluetooth Speakers, since they exceed the $25 minimum order for free shipping.

Click here to buy the Philips Bluetooth Speakers from Best Buy Canada online.

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