Bic Soleil Razor Free with Smartsource Coupon


Bic Soleil razors have been spotted at Walmart for $4! With the $4 Smartsource coupon in this weekend’s paper (March 6 – 7, 2010), you might be lucky enough to get one for free! Some SC’ers have already received their Smartsource flyer and taken advantage of this great freebie. The coupon is also valid on the 4-pack cartridge refill, which is on for $4 as well. It’s not been confirmed that this price is on at all Walmart’s so check yours for a potential razor freebie.

On a personal note, I remember buying this razor at SDM before I started couponing and found SC. It was on sale for $6.99 and I bought one, thinking that it was a good deal. Silly me! Now I know better. Thanks to everyone who make this site so wonderful! It has made such a difference in my family budget!

Thanks to carlyincanada for this post!

20 responses to “Bic Soleil Razor Free with Smartsource Coupon”

  1. mlongboat says:

    The 4 pack cartridges were on for $4 and change at Superstore and Fortinos as well.

  2. CarlyinCanada says:

    Thanks for blogging this deal! 🙂

    I went tonight to WM here in Chatham, ON & found 2 razors with the bonus 4 cartridges attached! $4-4cpn. Yahoo! & also got 1 single w/1 cartridge $6-4cpn(orange package) & they also took the coupon for Soleil Twilight 4 razor pk $5.93-4cpn (pink package). My SIL got a couple in Wallaceburg, ON too!

    Awesome deal! 🙂

  3. sweetmomma says:

    I will definately check it out!

  4. Mamaelmo says:

    Last week my Walmart had upped the price til $7.97 so I just used my coupon at RCSS for the blades that were on sale for $4.97

  5. Marlene says:

    SDM had some refill pkgs marked at $4.99 for clearance too

  6. Digi says:

    I got one on Clearance at Zeller’s last night, and they even let me use the $2 coupon attached. They paid me! lol

  7. Nancy-Rose says:

    No luck at MY Walmart – – but I’ll keep my eyes peeled

  8. Digi says:

    If you’re near the Centennial Mall Zeller’s (Brampton) I’d check there. There were some cartridge packs left on clearance at $3.49 (after the 40% off for beauty products) and they all had $2 stickers attached, as well.
    I’d check your local Zeller’s. 😉

  9. crazycoupongirl says:

    I went to walmart in ajax today I saw ZERO of the one in the pic. I saw the one for $5.93 that someone mentioned above but passed since i just got 18 razors on friday at RCCS for $2 each ( mens but that is ok ) and 2 venus.. so im ok for now i’ll find them again Im sure .. for $4 with the package thingy attacked.. i like these bic razors too they are lightweight easy to use!

  10. linny says:

    I went to walmart supercentre heartland and found lots of these on the opposite side of the razors. The 4 pack refills, razor and the razor with bonus 4 pack refills were all $4. I picked up 4 with my coupons and when I got home and opened the pack there were $4 coupons inside as well!!! I am gonna try go back for more later this week!!! Thanks for the post!!

  11. Prairie girl says:

    none in the West it seems…

  12. Flower says:

    So u guys still pay tax or it is total free? by the way, square one still marks as 6.39

  13. Samm Shitzel says:

    anyone check for this deal in stores in newmarket?

  14. Abby says:

    Damn. Didn’t get Smartsource in my paper this weekend.

  15. mackinld says:

    A bonus set is at Superstore $4.94 (includes 6 cartridges, razor, shower holder and another $4 coupon), all that for .94

  16. lulu says:

    checked the markham walmart and it’s not on sale.

  17. Robyn says:

    I looked at Walmart and Superstore here in BC and no such luck. 🙁

  18. RRES says:

    Hamilton Walmarts don’t have them on sale either.

  19. Jenni says:

    I’m a 23 year old woman living in Toronto who would like to shed light on an advertisement currently running in the TTC subways for Bic Soleil razors.

    This poster depicts a 1950s pinup style cartoon of long-legged woman bending over in the grocery store, her mini skirt riding higher in the back, with a confident smile thrown in the direction of the viewer. “For legs that beckon.” is the slogan written across the bottom.

    Despite the fact that the media is flooded with sex, there is something about this particular ad that affects me. As a target market consumer, I found myself surprisingly shocked and offended and assumed I was alone in this feeling.

    Please find the links of the image taken from my cellphone of the poster in question, and to my petition below.

    Thank you very much for your time.
    Jenni Sager

  20. Jenni Sager says:

    I’m happy to tell you that on Thursday. September, 16th I received the following email from BIC:

    Thank you for your email.

    Please note as a result of our valued consumers’ comments regarding the BIC Soleil Advertisement, we have decided to discontinue the ad immediately.

    Once again, we are very sorry that you were offended by this advertisement.

    It is never our intention to offend our consumers in any way and thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

    Thank you.

    A news article has also been written about this, here:


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