Thanks Marissa & Jenny for letting me know about these Biore Canada samples 😀
Biore Canada are giving out 40,000 free daily cleansing cloths! So hurry and order yours if you haven’t already.
Click here to order your free Biore Canada Daily Cleansing Cloths
I filled out the form and hit submit and nothing happened:( Not sure what I am doing wrong??
OK I figured it out.The year I was born in box was hidden behind my email address!??!! There was a little bit peeking out that I could click on to enter it so it would work.Thanks for the post I love Boire:)
If you scroll up the page after hitting submit, it will say Thank you for registering. Try that 🙂
Thanks! You get one cloth, 7g of scrub.
One per person/email address/household.
includes a 2.50 coupon wub2, yay!
Awesome! Love Biore products:) Thank You!!!
Thanks !
Nice, thanks for letting us know. I like using the cloths for camping:)
Well, I can’t get submit to work either and I can’t find the space to put in my year of birth. Bummer. I like this stuff.
I will be doing a review about this product in the next week.
Look out for my review and giveaways on my new Website!!