Woohoo! Nat posted about the Old Navy Black Friday sale on the forum!
Friday, 11/26
… -50% off All Outerwear
-Thermals $8
-Arctic Hoodies $20
-Adults Jeans $20Saturday, 11/27
-Be one of the first 50 customers in the store, and get a FREE Dance Central[tm] game
with any $25 purchase!† Quantities are extremely limited.
-All Jeans On Sale
-All Adults Jeans $20
-All Kids Jeans $15
-Graphic Tees $8And much more!
Visit shoppapalooza.ca for all the deals.
If you have Facebook click here for more details as well.
I clicked on the links, and that shopaplooza is dated for 2010….I looked and searched and couldn’t find anything for 2011. Am I missing it? Can someone please confirm the dates please?
Really, $15 for kids jeans?? I bought three pairs of jeans for my son at Old Navy last week and I paid $10.50 each. This doesn’t seem like much of a sale…
There is something wrong with those dates…November 26 is a Saturday this year.
This is from last year – all the dates are 2010.
the new ad is up. this year they’re giving away a waterproof camera on the saturday.
This is from last year, change it!! now 😮
When you spend $40, you can get a Kodak camera (bundle).