Blackberry Playbook Price Reduction – Now Starting at $199.99

Canadian Deals & Coupons


For those interested in getting a tablet device at an affordable price, select stores have reduced the price of their Playbook device!

Prices are the same across the board:

  • Blackberry Playbook Tablet 16gb – $199.99
  • Blackberry Playbook Tablet 32gb – $299.99
  • Blackberry Playbook Tablet 64gb – $399.99

Stores include:  Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Future Shop, Chapters, London Drugs, Staples, Wireless Wave, Tbooth, Visions Electronics, & The Source (Online only). Act fast because a lot of stores are quickly selling out!  Deal ends Dec 2nd.

This is quite a deal considering other tablets can be much more expensive and the 16gb model sold for $499 when it was first released back in April.

Obviously with technology there are plenty of other factors you need to consider besides price ie: processor, screen size, battery life, software etc. so please Click here for more info & specs on the blackberry playbook.

79 responses to “Blackberry Playbook Price Reduction – Now Starting at $199.99”

  1. Mama Allie says:

    Drat! Got ours just a few weeks ago when Sears had the 16G for $399. Always slightly ahead of the price drops. 🙁

  2. Michael Kwan says:

    @Mama Allie: You can try going in to get a price adjustment if it’s less than (I believe) 30 days.

  3. drpepperslurpee says:

    I heard this was coming and picked up a 16G at Walmart earlier in the week, and price adjusted it today without a problem. The cashiers couldn’t believe the price drop! One Christmas gift done!

  4. Jason says:

    Great price, but not so great product.

  5. RC says:

    in my opinion, this is the price those kinds of tablets should be…not more expensive than a laptop computer…

  6. Lisa says:

    Absolutely amazing price! Their losing likely at least a $100 on each one of these. Super fast, light, two cameras with 1080p HD Video, superb graphics and display (rated better then ipad). You can also bridge to your Blackberry and have free internet wherever you are!!!! Won’t last long, last time I checked still had some in stock of the 16GB.

    Lastly, keep in mind this is a #1 top tier product in terms of quality and overall development. Can’t compare to alot of the cheap tables out there.


  7. Lisa says:

    Just to add to my last post, great comparison of all Tablets. Note how Ipad2 has less memory, no HDMI and Cameras are very poor in comparison to Playbook.

  8. Blessed says:

    We picked up two of them yesterday (one for me and one for my husband) at Staples. got the price match today plus have a buddy that works at RIM and is getting us a 100 credit for each one so only paid $99 plus tax!! We love them so far!

  9. kcsr says:

    Picked mine up at Walmart today! Very excited (I dont get it until Xmas)way better than the Kobo Vox that I orginally wanted 🙂

  10. mnyyoungs says:

    Walmart not selling on line, source is out of the 16gb units and I’ve found them on Chapters who is stating a 1-2 week wait. It’s ordered though!

  11. LifeisBeautiful says:

    Thanks! My wife and I just ordered one from bell.

  12. Emma says:

    Mama Allie & Michael Kwan:
    Sears price adjustment is within 14 days of their own price drop.

    I guess this Christmas a lot of people are getting TouchPad & PlayBook. I already got the TouchPad & don’t need a PlayBook.

  13. quennch says:

    i ordered 1 from staples!!!
    i tried best buy, futureshop, the source all out of stock. walmart not available online
    got one from bestbuy last 5 weeks ago (for 299cad 16gb) dang it!
    cant ask for price adjustment now eh 🙁 🙁

    it is fast too! for that price im a happy camper 🙂

  14. quennch says:

    where can i get an hp touchpad?

  15. just ordered online. i was’t gonna get it, but .. i hear all your reviews think i will has it still a little tricky trying to order it though. however it was successful, why go shop around .. when u can order and have it delivered FREE !

  16. Caitie says:

    Just picked up DH one from future shop for xmas. Our limit was $150, I’m going to be in trouble, but I just couldn’t resist for the price! Our future shop had ALL KINDS yesterday, and the cases were 50% off too. 🙂

  17. Caitie says:

    I think the HP touchpad are sold everywhere, and they’re not making any more… Kijiji perhaps? Or ebay?

  18. Catherine says:


  19. Michele says:

    Yay…Thanks for this website and Catherine, ordered mine too. One x-mas gift bought!:)

  20. Heather says:

    Just to let you guys know – the deal is only until Dec 2

  21. jo says:

    hey michele did you get a confirm # from chapters yet? worried they are going to tell me sorry we are sold out and cxl my order.

  22. alex says:

    This deal happened yesterday and people went crazy! Bit slow Smart Canucks. I got mine at FS Yesteday and I love it.

  23. Maureen says:

    The 32GB seems to be the most popular…. the extra $100.00 is worth it, IMHO.

  24. carlyincanada says:

    Fantatic deal!! I paid $529 plus tax 13% in August for 32G Playbook & love it!!

  25. Lori says:

    Just got mine from Walmart!

  26. Melissa says:

    Ordered mine from chapters last night
    Got an order number, hopefully they can’t tell me it’s sold out after the fact

  27. Sally says:

    Too bad we’ve been posting about it all week then huh Alex.

  28. Michelle says:

    Got mine at Chapters…16GB…yayayayayay…cashier couldn’t believe the price!!!

  29. Jeff says:

    I picked one up a few months ago for $299. It is fantastic, since I have a BB , I don’t have to pay for a separate data subscription. I also have an iPad 2 and I much prefer my Playbook. The iPad is a toy and the BB is for work. 🙂

  30. Pam says:

    Ordered a 16b after midnight Thursday from Future Shop. I was giving the option to p/u in store or ship and I chose to p/u in store since I live 5 minutes away. Got email confirmation for order and instructed to wait for email notification for p/u. This morning I got an email that they cancelled my order as it was unavailable in store. Email said to simply go in and re-order for shipment. Yeah right, who has any left!? So disappointed, haven’t got a prayer of scoring one now. And I was so proud of myself for being on top of it. Could have bought in advance and adjusted but decided to do it the right way and order at time of price drop. Oh well; guess it just wasn’t meant to be. I boycotting Future Shop from here on in; think this is poor customer service to cancel. Whatever happened to transferring from store to store when one ?store is sold out?

  31. pink_panda says:

    if you can’t find one in stock, you can try to get a rain check for it. i’ve read in another forum that the downtown Toronto Future Shop is issuing them.
    try that!

  32. laineee says:

    Pam….SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!! but with best buy. went in and got a raincheck but they said it’s for 30 days and if they don’t get any stock in then it’s tough luck. i’m never going to best buy or future shop ever again.

  33. dawn says:

    And how long do you think a rain check should be for . Most of the time they are for 14 days .

  34. laineee says:

    should be until that item comes in………….

  35. Mathieu says:

    I purchased two 16gb this afternoon at It appears they still have some.
    Some nice Christmas gifts.

  36. alex says:

    Then maybe you should have posted it on the blog, Sally.

  37. violinchic says:

    Just got one at Chatted with online rep and was told it’s still in stock but it’s going fast, so hopefully it will arrive soon!

  38. Anita says:

    Thanks to everyone who posted that still had the 16gb in stock, I just picked one up online! 🙂 Everywhere else (futureshop, bestbuy, chapters, walmart, etc) seems to be sold out online!

  39. Karen says:

    thanks so much for the bell info thats amaze! just bought it online thanks!

  40. Pam says:

    I was just coming back in to mention….I ordered one a few hours ago; no problems!

  41. muffinman says:

    Got a 16G from staples and played with it for a bit, but now I decided to return it… Too many bugs (webpage not displayed properly, power button too sensitive, sometime audio would stop, etc). Android tablet is obviously much better. IMO 99$ is probably the right price for a playbook.

  42. thepixie says:

    I just wanted to comment on the writing of this post, which is excellent. Well done, Matt, for a lovely, well-written, thorough, clear, and well-structured post!

  43. E Z says:

    Thank you!

  44. escher7 says:


  45. escher7 says:

    For those waiting or with rain checks, it will be interesting to see if RIMM makes any more. I think they are clearing these out because they intend to introduce a new product. They can’t be making any money at this price. Look at the Kindle Fire. It is nowhere near the quality of the BB and I think it’s a break even product, being sold for the money Amazon will make off the service.

  46. Catherine says:

    Chapters sent me a confirmation of order email but it said I should receive another in 6 hours with my order number. I did not receive the order number, when I check my order online it says ‘in progress’ . I emailed them to verify just now and I notice now the website says sold out. I really hope they don’t screw me out of a chance to get one. I am worried now.

  47. lizzy says:

    Catherine, same here! I’m scared! I ordered mine yesterday at 8am! I better be getting it!!

  48. Gazpache says:

    I’m going to sound super stupid, but what is a blackberry playbook? I’m assuming a tablet? But what all does a tablet do? Is it like a mini computer? I can’t believe I’m 28 and so out of it with technology that I have no idea what this stuff is lol!

  49. Catherine says:

    Lizzy- I ordered another one on just in case, they still had it available this morning. If i end up getting both- I might just return one.

  50. lizzy says:

    Catherine – I was gonna do that too but then baby duties called! Hope Chapters comes through!

  51. MattS2 says:

    Hi Gazpache – You don’t sound stupid at all. That’s a legitimate question. In short, a tablet device whether it be a Blackberry Playbook, iPad, etc. is a personal computer that is slim, flat, and has many key features that a regular computer has(ie: Internet Browsing). Main difference is that it’s equipped with a touchscreen.

    I personally have an ipad and use it for things like sharing photo’s, browsing the internet and watching movies when I’m travelling.

  52. Michele says:

    Jo…Yes I got my confirmation #. It says waiting on shipment. Everyone is expecting another shipment so probably only have so many units for that. When I went back to site to check it was all sold out. Patiently waiting~

  53. dolphin lover says:

    i ordered one just now through

  54. dolphin lover says:

    mine said 5 business days
    to get it

  55. Sara says:

    Just ordered one from…..hopefully they are not out of stock!

  56. Mom of Two says:

    How do RIM employees get an extra $100 credit? Does anyone know? If that’s true (as per Blessed’s post), than that’s an even more amazing deal.

  57. anita says:

    does anyone else chapters order still say in progress?
    I ordered on friday night.

  58. jo says:

    yes, still in progress, just called them. they say it is since 2 week delivery and that a confirmation shud be coming by 1 pm.

  59. Catherine says:

    I just called chapters and they processed it right away she did tell me that they are OVERLOADED with orders to process, but I got my confirmation email with the order number now. Hooray! can’t wait!

  60. Lizzy says:

    I was just told by Chapters that they would be actually making an order for the playbooks as they were not technically “in stock”….that’s why they need the 2 weeks….I hope that means everyone who ordered before it was “out of stock” will get it!

  61. carnation says:

    For all those who ordered thru bell

    carnation- are the playbooks still available onlineÉ

    Jennifer: I would have to check the website. We don’t have stock information. If it is listed on the website then they are still available for sale.

    carnation: does the site update stock information

    Jennifer: No, if it is on the website, we are still selling it, if they stop selling it, they remove the item from the website.

    Jennifer: I am checking right now
    carnation: just curios as to how bell has them in stock as all other retailers have put it on backorder

    Jennifer: I have no information about available stock. If the item goes on back order after your order is placed, you will be sent an email to let you know.

    carnation ok

  62. Anne says:

    I have given up…called Future Shop, Best Buy, Bell Stores…everybody has been out of stock…some since Friday.

  63. Niki says:


    Have your tried

  64. Rimma says:

    I spoke to a BestBuy employee and he mentioned that they are expecting a new shipment on friday this week and he said that from what he has been told they will keep the price going into next week.
    What is weird is that the Blackberry website is selling them, with free shipment, for $349 but they are advertising the $199 price at all these stores… very peculiar..

  65. Kailyn says:

    I’m also intrigue by how is going to be processing the mass amount of orders. They still have it available on their site, I ordered mine last night, still no confirmation or status update. I am skeptical to see if it gets completed.

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  67. dolphin lover says: is where u get it!! i ordered 1 last night and it sais 3 to 5 business days til i get it at my door!!!!

  68. dolphin lover says: then go to build your solution and go through the steps to order!!!! 3 to 5 days til u get it!!!

  69. dissapointment says:

    hey folks,

    Went to bell store today, asked about the playbooks. He said they had like 200, all gone. I felt bad for him because he was gonna pick on up for himself and even he missed out!

    I asked him about, and he said that he ordered online, got a confirmation, but then was given notice of a refund because the warehouse is out of stock.

    So it looks like everyone is officially out of options. If anyone hears of any stores getting shipments please share.

  70. KRISTA says:

    I just bought one about an hour ago from and received a confirmation to my inbox – just hoping they can deliver. Best Buy just put up another 895 of back stock but I had already purchased from BELL.
    They were gone in 20 minutes. Good Luck.
    Thanks for the post about BELL!

  71. KRISTA says:

    good – thanks

  72. meeee says:

    The local walmart here got a shipment of 10 in on monday, they are sold out again, but check your stores. Most are getting a few in here and there.

  73. Mom of Two says: is out of stock now. It’s stated on their website.

  74. Carla says:

    If anyone is still looking for a tablet Blackberry is now selling them online. I just purchased one.

  75. pink_panda says:

    if you’re going to buy from blackbery directly, use coupon code: 09OLTY12
    and get $10 off!

    so that’s $189.99 for the playbook!!!!!

  76. KathyN says:

    thanks pink_panda for the coupon code…. thinking of getting one

  77. Michele says:

    YAY…It’s shipped! Now I’m thinking I may keep this for myself!:)

  78. China Mozer says:

    The web page is definitely full of good advice and is actually extremely pleasing to look at.


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