Blacks Canada Closure: Blacks Photography To Shut Down All 59 Stores


There’s some unfortunate news just released today. Blacks Photography Canada has just announced that they will be closing all 59 of their store locations. Blacks tried to overhaul their stores last year and have made attempts to evolve in the new digital age, but unfortunately they haven’t been able to realize a profitable enough growth. Unfortunately attempts to find a buyer for Blacks have failed as well.

The closure will leave approximately 485 employees without jobs, but Telus, Blacks’ parent company, will attempt to find employees spots at other outlets such as Telus or Koodo. Others who cannot be found positions will be offered a “transition package”.

Right now there is no word about how Blacks will unload their remaining merchandise, or when the sales will start. All stores are expected to close on August 8, 2015.

Click here to read more about the Blacks Canada Closure.

4 responses to “Blacks Canada Closure: Blacks Photography To Shut Down All 59 Stores”

  1. halestorm says:

    If we could have the last store to leave Canada (or just plain shut down) please remember to turn off the lights and lock the door. Thank you.

  2. 2jk19 says:

    SO disappointed about this news! I love Blacks! Awesome customer service!! I guess I’ll have to use my photo print gift cards asap!

  3. Edu says:


  4. martin says:

    very unfortunate, hope there was something that could be done to save it from closure.


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