Bookcloseouts Canada Health & Fitness Sale Titles Starting at $1.99

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Bookcloseouts has a new sale.  For a limited time you can get Health and Fitness books starting as low as $1.99.  This might be a good sale to check out if your New Years Resolution was to get fit or lose weight.  They have more than 900 titles to choose from.  And don’t forget they still have the $10 off purchases of $35 coupon code ( jan2012promo with the password bookcloseouts).

Click here to shop the sale at Bookcloseouts.

2 responses to “Bookcloseouts Canada Health & Fitness Sale Titles Starting at $1.99”

  1. Jax says:

    There is a Groupon available for bookcloseouts, under Ottawa, found it by accident, $15 for $30 credit. Great deal, wonder if you could use the promo code too?

  2. James says:

    ^ +1 for the groupon find and to smart canucks for the post. Groupon fine print states “not valid until 01/19”. I wonder how long this sale will be on for.
    Any get a shipping quote?


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