Boston Pizza Canada: 10 items for $10 deal is back!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Planning a dinner out to Boston Pizza? Try some of the tastey items on the $10 menu.

This delicious deal is on these 10, hence the name of the deal yummy dishes:
Baja Salad
BP Prime Rib Burger
Pepper Pizza*
Tuscan Linguini
Szechuan Pizza*
Mama Meata Penne
Vegetarian Pizza*
Baked Seven Cheese Ravioli
Spicy Italian Penne
Tropical Chicken Pizza*

*items served with side Caesar salad

Offer valid until November 1st, 2009. Taxes extra. Dine in only.

Thanks to couponlady for sharing this deal with us!

15 responses to “Boston Pizza Canada: 10 items for $10 deal is back!”

  1. Sally says:

    Its been on since the beginning of September. I was wondering whats good off the 10$ menu. Whats the tropical pissa like?

  2. thecountess says:

    Thanks Justine 🙂

  3. BUBBIE says:


  4. Coco says:

    Awesome deal! But for 10 items, how many people can it feed?

  5. Coco says:

    per item i mean…thanks =)

  6. Sandy says:

    is their caesar side salad all you can eat like Eastside Mario’s was when they had their $10 entree deals?

  7. mist_ynight says:

    No it’s this little tiny bowl of ceaser salad. Not even the size of a side salad, but you can add a starter ceaser for $2.99. My hubby and I were there for lunch on Saturday $30 for two people plus tip. I had the 7 cheese ravioli with alfredo sauce, yummy. The pizza is an individual pizza, that’s what my hubby had.

  8. Tmak says:

    How does it work?
    do we pick 10 of them amongst the 10 items?if so we can pick one more than once instead of another item(interchangeably)
    or is it like a fixed 10 of those stuff for 10 bucks?
    anyone know are they offering them in Vancouver BC?

  9. Sallycat says:

    Tmak…You don’t get 10 items for $10. Each item is $10. You choose what you want out of the 10.

  10. Sean says:

    It’s very misleading 10 items for $10 … there isn’t even the word each in small print.
    Dollarama should have a 10 for $1 “sale”

  11. Eric says:

    meh, just get a plate of cactus chip nachos instead. Or, my favourite, the Spicy Perogi Pizza

  12. Tmak says:

    Haha Opsy
    thanks sallycat

  13. sha says:

    Sallycat, I thought it is ten items for ten dollars and that would mean a dollar per item.

  14. sha says:

    oh my bad sallycat. I just realised what it says after reading it for the second time.


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