Boxing Day & Boxing Week Canada 2016 Deals, Sales, Coupons & Flyers Roundup *Update*


This list has been updated!

We hope you’re having a wonderful holiday with your family and friends! 🙂

SmartCanucks Team is proud to announce that we have put together Canada’s most comprehensive Boxing Day/Week deals and flyers list! Keep in mind that this post will be constantly updated as new sales and flyers are revealed so be sure to bookmark it and check back frequently.

If we’re missing any deals or flyers please let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll add it to the list!

Have fun shopping 🙂

5 responses to “Boxing Day & Boxing Week Canada 2016 Deals, Sales, Coupons & Flyers Roundup *Update*”

  1. Ciel says:

    Have to commend Team SC for compiling this flyer list! Mega reading ahead.
    Thank you for all that you do on the forum!

  2. Jason Surgent says:

    123inkcartridges has free shipping for Dec 26

  3. Jay says:

    Great list!

    Though it would be better if you would start putting “Sitewide” in bs quotes for the Body Shop. Their “sale” is always just a huge scam.


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