Coupon Codes: 20% Discount + Contest Winner

Thank you BraAllure for sponsoring yesterday’s contest. Natasha of has kindly given us a coupon code to use:

I would like to offer to those who didn’t have a chance to win a 20% off coupon for all bras & briefs in the store. Minimum purchase $100, good for first 10 customers only, Valid today and tomorrow.

Coupon code: CANUCKS20

Click here to shop at

Here is the video of today’s winner. The winner is:

  • 126 Harbie 

Congrats Harbie! Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize.

16 responses to “ Coupon Codes: 20% Discount + Contest Winner”

  1. Tia says:


  2. bargainlover84 says:

    WTG Harbie!!!!

  3. leslie738 says:

    That was a fun contest to win. Congrats.

  4. itsjustmebub says:

    way to go harbie! 🙂

  5. Sally says:


  6. rainy says:

    way to go!!!

  7. B says:

    Congratulations harbie!! 😀

  8. sha says:


  9. Deb says:

    Good one, congrats!

  10. Dinglehopper says:

    Yay my ‘adoptive mama’ won! Congrats

  11. caring says:

    Congratulations Harbie!!!!!!

  12. carlycanadian says:

    Good for you, Harbie! 🙂

  13. Liz says:


  14. harbie says:

    Shut up!(kidding)LOL! Weeeeeeeeeee I won! I am in shock!!!!!

  15. meee says:

    Nice! Congrats!

  16. Sunraven says:

    Hey! HARBIE WON!!



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