Brandsaver Coupon Insert Sneak Peek


You may be fortunate enough to receive two coupon inserts in your flyer bundle this week. In addition to the SmartSource insert I just wrote about, you can also look forward to the latest edition of the P&G Brandsaver coupon insert.

Honestly this issue is fairly thin, providing a mere $36 in savings, and this is what this issue contains this time around:

  • Save $3 when you purchase any two Tide or Downy or Bounce or Gain products
  • Save $2 when you buy any one Tide Pods or Gain Flings or Tide Purclean liquid laundry detergent product
  • Save $2 when you buy any one Downy fresh or Downy Unstoppables or Gain Fireworks or Bounce Bursts or Ivory Snow Blissfuls
  • Save $1 when you buy any one Tide, Downy, Bounce, or Gain product
  • Save $1 when you buy any one Swiffer product
  • Save $1 when you buy any one Cascade product
  • Save $1 when you buy any one Febreze product
  • Save 50 cents when you buy any one Dawn or Mr. Clean product
  • Save 50 cents when you buy any one Charmin toilet paper, 12 double rolls or more
  • Save 50 cents when you buy any one Bounty napkins or paper towels, 6 rolls or more
  • Save $4 when you buy any one Always Discreet underwear product
  • Save $2 when you buy any one Always Discreet liner or pad product
  • Save $3.50 when you buy any three Crest or Oral B products
  • Save $2 when you buy any one Meta product
  • Save $2 when you buy any one Gillette Fusion ProShiels Razor System with Flexball
  • Save $3 when you buy any one Pampers Diapers or Training Pants + Wipes
  • Save $1.50 when you buy any one Pampers Diapers or Training Pants
  • Save $2.50 when you buy any two Pantene or Head & Shoulders products
  • Save $1 when you buy any one Pantene or Head & Shoulders product
  • Save $1.50 when you buy any two Herbal Essences or Aussie products
  • Save 50 cents when you purchase any one Herbal Essences or Aussie hair care product

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