Brother DCP-L2540DW Monochrome 3-in-1 Laser Printer / Copier / Scanner for $109.99

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Today over at, I wanted to mention a specific item – the above Brother printer on sale for just $109.99! It’s a great deal, and is a monochrome laser printer, scanner and copier with wireless networking and an Ethernet interface. It also will duplex print automatically (print on both sides of the page). A few years ago I bought the exact same type of printer but it was $199.99 back then. This printer still sells normally around the $200 range, at Costco and Bestbuy, but is also on sale at Staples this week for a bit more than, at $119.99. Here is the link to the printer at

Also check out the Crucial 525GB Solid State Drive on sale for $149.99 (currently $169.99 at

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