Bulk Barn Canada Coupons: Save $3 Off on Your Purchase of $10 or More


You may have noticed a Bulk Barn flyer in with your flyer bundle this week, in which there is a new $3 off when you spend $10 coupon. Whenever there is a new one in their flyer, there is typically a version that you can print on the Bulk Barn website as well, and sure enough there is now one available.

This coupon is valid until July the 30th, 2015, and gets you $10 off your purchase totaling $10 or more. A limit of one coupon per customer is specified, however, I don’t think any alarms will go off if you were to print and use more than one between now and July the 30th. I absolutely love these coupons and use them for cake decorating supplies and seasonal cutesy things to decorate cookies and cakes with. Also keep in mind that there is much more at the bulk barn besides the bulk items. There are many grocery items that if you go and have a look, you may find at a really great price!

Click here to print your coupon for $3 off when you spend $10 or more at Bulk Barn Canada from now until July the 30th, 2015.

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