Burger King Canada: Buy One Whopper Get One Free With SPC Coupon


*Limit one per customer per visit. Not valid with King Deals. Not to be used with any other coupons or offers.

If you’re a Whopper fan and have and SPC card, print the coupon below to get 2 Whoppers for the price of one. I’ve never eaten a Whopper before, despite the fact that there’s a BK in my local mall. Is it good?

Click here to print your coupon.

6 responses to “Burger King Canada: Buy One Whopper Get One Free With SPC Coupon”

  1. Doug says:

    Who hasn’t eaten a Whopper before? Sheesh. Get out of the house a bit more often….

  2. Sally says:

    You’ve never had a lighter fluid, I mean charbroiled whopper? Seriously?

    Im not a big fan, dh is lol!

  3. Scarecrow says:

    Even a Whopper at the King Deal price($1.99) is worth it…. don’t know how much it is regular.

  4. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Doug – I do get out of the house a lot, but not to eat Whoppers. Why would I pay money for something I can make better myself? I’m not a fast food type of person, but you obviously are.

  5. Mrs. Magoo says:

    A Whopper is an ok sandwich but if you are wanting to try it go on wednesday where you can get just one for around 2 bucks. The cupon is only good on the regular price and that is 4.39. I can never eat more than one so I just go on wednesdays to get whoppers!

  6. Skippy says:

    Thank you!


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