BzzAgent Canada is a great way to try out all your favourite products for free! If you’re a member of Bzz Agent be sure to log in your account or check your email to see if you’ve received an invite for their latest campaign to try out free P&G products! If you’ve been selected for this campaign, you can receive up to 11 free P&G Sample Packs- 1 for you, and 10 for you to give to your friends and family! To get the additional packs for your loved ones, simply invite your friends to join you on this campaign. The packs are full of P&G products such as Pantene, Tide, Swiffer, Olay and more for you to test out and review.
If you haven’t signed up for BzzAgent yet, you might want to try it out. They’re always giving away free products for consumers to try out and spread the “buzz” about!
Click here to learn more about this campaign or sign up with BzzAgent Canada.