Calvin Klein Canada Friends and Family Event Take 35% Off Of Everything Printable Email November 11-12 Toronto Location


Calvin Klein Underwear Toronto is holding a family and friends event on November 11th and 12th.  Savings of 35% off everything.

Last friends and family event of the season!
Present this email at time of in store purchase.

             Calvin Klein Underwear
            110 Bloor Street West Toronto
           *Applies to all merchandise up to and including 50% off. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotions.

Click here to print off your email pass. Thanks Funkymunky for the heads up.

2 responses to “Calvin Klein Canada Friends and Family Event Take 35% Off Of Everything Printable Email November 11-12 Toronto Location”

  1. Sandy says:

    Hi, just curious, would they accept this “email” when the URL displays the SmartCanucks URL in the footer? Or would we need to print the ACTUAL email to have the 35% discount honoured?


  2. FunkyMunky says:

    if you guys are in doubt, let me know I can forward the email to whoever is interested 🙂

    yay my first deal post!!!


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