Canada Post Will Resume Mail Delivery Tuesday


Yay! Mail will be back in full force Tuesday.

Canada Post to Resume Operations Monday

Canada Post has initiated the process to resume operations following the passage of back to work legislation (Bill C-6, An Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of postal services). In accordance with the Act, employees will begin to report to work for their regularly scheduled shifts on Monday June 27 and on Tuesday June 28.

Canadian consumers and businesses can expect to start receiving mail on Tuesday, June 28.

Post offices that were closed will start to reopen on Tuesday and resume regular operations.

All mailboxes will be unsealed starting on Monday and ready to receive mail as soon as possible.

We regret the impact of the work disruption on our customers. We will move as quickly as possible to process and deliver the mail.

With unprocessed mail in the system and accumulated mail received from other countries that has not yet entered our system, it will take some time to stabilize our operations and to return to our normal delivery standards. Any mail in the system at the time of the work disruption has been secured for processing and delivery.

Canada Post will be working with large volume mailers within 24 hours after the passage of legislation to support an orderly and effective induction process. Mail pickup from commercial customers will resume on Tuesday June 28.

We thank Canadians for the patience they have shown throughout this labour disruption and are asking for continued patience as we restore our network to normal delivery standards.

Canada Post consumer update

48 responses to “Canada Post Will Resume Mail Delivery Tuesday”

  1. RB says:

    When will the US be accepting mail to Canada again. Anyone know?

  2. Kaguya says:

    About time

  3. Jackie says:

    Finally!!! My parcel from the states spends 3 weeks on the way….Wish I could get it soon!!!

  4. Sammers says:

    I sent emails to my favorite US shopping websites about posties going back to work so they resume accepting orders from Canada. I don’t wanna miss their summer sales!

  5. Wilson says:

    It is too bad that we had to see another group of workers lose their right to strike, though. I guess the convenience of mail delivery is more important than the rights of the working class.

    Having said that, I’ll be happy to get my mail again, as well.

  6. Laura says:

    I was not inconvienced by it I figured they some how that the company would come to terms with what the union put on the table…It was canada post that locked out their workers not the union saying a full on strike was at large. Maybe ya think that the company themselves shoulda been pentalized for locking out their employees instead of the other way around..

  7. airguy says:

    well most of the country voted for Harper so they must agree with this.. Only the government would punish future workers by mandating lower salaries then Canada post was willing to pay in the 1st place..

  8. Mark says:

    Miss gettin my mail. These workers seem greedy to me.

  9. Samster says:

    so frustrating to see so many people only see how much posties make vs. minimum wage. so basic minded.

  10. Ericaraina says:

    Finally my wedding invitations will go through, and my freebies and coupons will arrive!!

  11. Tracey says:

    The company is the Government and I think that pretty much says it all. It is dispicable that the workers are robbed of their rights. But the Government can’t make a profit if the service is down. There has to be a better way. It’s like bullying on a huge level. shameful

  12. mhk says:

    I don’t know how much they get paid, but I would not want their job. Imagine walking the sidewalks during our cold, icy and snowy winters and the hot sweltering days of summer.

  13. Divine~Miss~M says:

    Boo on Harper. They had every right to strike. Obviously we need them to deliver everyone’s freebies and coupons. With the pay cut for new workers, I’m sure they will be using coupons a lot more.

  14. mia says:

    And the gouvernement loose 26 millions of dollars during this strike…make it easy that could be give to the workers and the strike and lost will never happen..but yes I can wait to see my mail back

  15. mia says:

    mhk says…

    June 27, 2011 at 2:21 am I don’t know how much they get paid, but I would not want their job. Imagine walking the sidewalks during our cold, icy and snowy winters and the hot sweltering days of summer

    MIA: they get paid 50 000$ a year depending of years they been worked.

  16. mia says:

    Anywone have an idea or how much time they will take to theirs to recuperate the time we have no mail….double day of mail or two weeks I think

  17. Teenah says:

    Ahhh … I didn’t vote Harper in. I’m disgusted with Harper!

    However, I am down to my last 3 So Good coupons (Kids drink it like crazy) so hopefully the ones i ordered before the strike come in 🙂

  18. olivercat says:


    I read a statement that Canada Post would begin accepting mail from other countries on Tuesday–that would include the US. The US Post had originally stated that they would begin shipping to Canada as soon the disruption was over!
    So… maybe I see some of my international stuff too!

  19. BCcouponclipper says:

    Finally…I was extremly inconvienced with the strike. Thankfully they were ordered to go back to work so ppl that get mailed their paychecks can live. I only hope I can get them before the first so I dont have late fees for not paying rent on time. I also have a large under of trades in the post system and honestly the postaged I paid should be reimbursed to me as they did not do their job efficiently. I am a paying customer and the only business I know that was paid for service that was not provided until “they” Canada Post was ready to finish the job.

  20. silentbob1 says:

    Get back to work you over paid losers

  21. Rose Power says:

    Dear BCcouponclipper: GET A LIFE! trying putting yourself in their shoes and having everyday things taken away from you. Extremely inconvenienced? How so? In this day and age people do not get their paychecks mailed to them. If you live paycheck to paycheck well that’s your fault – not Canada Post’s.

  22. Sue says:

    Airguy – most of those who voted did NOT vote for Harper. He received a majority of the seats but only 40 percent of the total vote. BIG difference, one Harper has difficulty admitting. Glad the Posties are going back. Sad they lost their right to whinge. Once I heard one of the issues was whinging that newbies wouldn’t be earning the same $$/perks as those who’ve been on the job longer, I thought well, the union has lost it’s mind. Welcome to the real world where you have to EARN your wage!

  23. Jenna says:

    thank you thank you my coupons r coming 🙂

  24. carlyincanada says:

    Happy that we are getting our mail service….but don’t agree how they the Govt did it!! They wasted lots of money on G8/G20 that could have been used for better things…ie…our roads here in Chatham-Kent are sad…but of course the Govt has no money left for that!!! Boo on Harper & his cronies!!!

  25. samm says:

    Hooray!! I’m so happy to be getting my mail again, I was going through withdrawl. And as for everyone arguing on here, it is not really concerning you and this is exactly why we were asked not to talk about this on the site because you are all making this us vs. them. so can we PLEASE stop talking about it on here…this is for coupons, freebies, deals, etc. not to discuss human rights, what is rigt and wrong, etc. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop talking about it!!

  26. moe says:

    Really do not need them any more,

    switched the last few Snail Mail bills to instant e-bills, I am now 100% mail FREE

    Sell or disband Canada post & leave it too the marketplace its a Dino. . .

  27. karen says:

    Its about time the strike was over. I feel the workers need to live in the real world with the rest of us. We have all suffered the results on
    cuts in our jobs and other cutbacks. I feel they were overpaid anyway and their greed has gotten them where they are. Now back to work and quit and let other people gladly take your place for your wages.

  28. Lisa says:

    It’s about time they returned to work. They are highly overpaid compared to other similar jobs, and their demands are rediculous possibly driving canada post to lose money and to therefore increase my tax bill in order to make it sustainable.

  29. JENNIFER says:

    I agree with wilson!!!, Oh and that being said YES ROSIE POWER there are people that still get there paychecks mailed to them and they shouldn’t be made to feel lesser class because there check comes in the mail. There are alot of working class that still get paid by mail.

  30. Kaguya says:

    I wish people refrained from comments such as over-paid losers etc. because it’s the union’s fault mostly. I personally know relatives who work at the postal office and they WANT to work but were locked out. I know people are going to lump the whole postal office workers/union ppl though.

  31. Mischa says:

    These workers were LOCKED OUT by their employer.
    There had been rotating job action, which meant mail was still delivered several times a week in most communities, but the employer chose to lock them out instead of continuing to negotiate.
    The issues also involved the health and safety of the workers, not just wages. If your boss brought in a machine that increased the injuries to you co-workers by 400%, wouldn’t you want that addressed.

  32. Unknown says:

    @Moe be sure to let me know your address so I can be sure your postie returns any incoming mail of yours since you dont need it anyway!

    @ Lisa you don’t keep CP sustainable LMFAO!! Nor do any tax payers… Canada post has never not been profitable. Did you know that last year CP’s net income was 218 million dollars THATS NET!!! So don’t try and make it look like you and ghe tax payers pay CP’s wages. Who cares if YOU think they are over paid.. Maybe people think you are over paid for what you do too bad!

    If you people are so friggen mad about how they are paid then get off your a$$ and go apply. They are hiring new casuals all the time. Go be an overpaid lazy postal worker and everyone quit their whining when you don’t know the facts!

    Sorry Sally but this thread should have never been posted they all just end in ignorant comments and I’m so fed up of it

  33. Sally says:

    I’m sorry you feel that way “unknown” but it was and is a quite relavant story to be posted on our blog. 🙂

    It would be nice if people stopped hiding behind fake names. If you don’t feel comfortable posting under your real name maybe theres something in your post that shouldn’t be posted.

  34. Redz76 says:

    CUPW and the union went back and forth numerious times and could not agree on a deal. There was months before the rotating stikes for the union and CP to work out a deal. CP locked out the workers and stopped all mail, thus effecting the population of Canada the government had to get involved. The government gave 1 weeks notice of back to work legislation to CP and CUPW and yet, the two could not work out a deal. Air Canada was able to work out a deal in two days with the threat of government involvement.
    I think people should be allowed to strike, but when the strike impacts the entire country and the economy how long can it go on? Especially when you have two sides (CUPW and CP) acting like children.
    I am happy the government got the mail flowing and hopefully the CP and CUPW can finally reach a positive agreement for the workers.

  35. Sandra says:

    Really who cares if the mail starts coming or not, I do everything electronically and the only time I use the Canada Post is at Christmas Time to send out cards (at $0.56 cents each and more to US and Overseas) RIP OFF. I wish I could get an increase in my Pension to be the same as the Post Office employees.(and Benefits) NOT A HOPE IN HELL. They have it made in the shade.

  36. abddul says:

    They should just get the people who arent happy to leave and get a better paid job. Then hire some young people and people who can’t find jobs. Everyone would be happy about this

  37. Wakeforsoul says:

    I’ve been using unknown for awhile on all the blog comments not just this one but just for clarification I will now use my real useername. I don’t need to hide and this wasn’t in just this case I used it. I am not ashamed about anything that I have said. People that don’t back up other working class citizens of this country should be ashamed not me. One day all everyone will see when it is there turn to lose things that they worked so hard for.

  38. Louise says:

    I’m not surprised people are ignorant of the issues when even Lisa Rait doesn’t have a clue. A statement she made said that the government had to show the union they couldn’t hold the people of Canada hostage. Very nice lil soundbite.

    Except it was the government owned corporation that mandated the total lockout/shut down to force back to work legislation and thereby force workers into a worse deal.

    CUPW never intended to impact the customers fully, they only intended to affect CP. CP made a power play and locked out workers with the hopes that Harper would force them back. It worked.

    The Harper government wanted to flex their majority muscles. If they decide that taxes should go up, minimum wage should go down, baby bonus should be scrapped or welfare reduced they can happily do so. What happened here should concern everyone.

  39. Wilson says:

    I’m actually really impressed by some of the responses on here! It gives me hope that so many people are outraged by this back to work legislation. It seems most of the anti-union posts are pretty ignorant. Thanks for reminding me that there are good people in this country – I’ve been so overwhelmed by how many people don’t understand labour laws and the rights of the workers!

  40. jason says:

    Thanks Wilson and others that support democracy its a shame people dont understand we are losing it as the years go by. remember its not a right to get mail its a right to democracy and people should be ashamed. If your worried about wages why dont you go pick on the big fish like the CEO who prob makes more in first 4 hours of the new year than you all year. Or lets talk about Hydro no wait long as you get a $2 coupie is all what matters in your life. I feel like we are in the old Soviets at times.

  41. Unknown says:

    Big high five to Wilson and Jason! Well said!

  42. jayne_a says:

    @Rose Power ppl do still get their pay checks in the mail. My DH does.

    I’m glad we are getting our mail again. I was happy when CP said they would deliver gov’t checks on June 20; to bad mine didn’t get delivered. Been a tight month in our house.

  43. KittyKat says:

    …I didn’t vote for the Harper government, and there are very few conservative policies that I would support but I DO like their stance on strikes. I have been part of a union before and the union leaders RARELY have the workers best interest in mind — they just want to cause a stink and make themselves feel important. It is a lose-lose situation for the common employee. I am glad mail is back up and running and I think all members of CUPW should take a hard look at the union leaders and where their loyalties lie. Its time for a reality check; it is a tough economy out there at the moment so the postal workers really are lucky to have full time jobs, especially when letter mail is becoming more and more outdated.

  44. Wakeforsoul says:

    Thank you for this lovely PM Privatize !!!


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    Default canada post
    I saw your posts on Canada Post and just wanted to say I totally agree with you. There is NO WAY the government should have ordered the CUPW workers back with binding arbitration. Its too bad Harper didn’t follow some of the great politicians of the past. Like Ronald Reagan, who when faced with air traffic controllers who didn’t want to work, fired every last one of the greedy leaches on society. Harper should have done the same. Obviously the pay and conditions aren’t good enough for CUPW, so it should have been out with the old, in with the new who want to work. Its a damn shame you lazy self centered selfish unskilled brats are back on the job. Definitely shouldn’t have been settled

  45. Sally says:

    I have banned that user for a week Wakeforsoul. We do not tolerate attacks on our members. Please let me know if the issue persists.

  46. Rose Power says:

    Enuf said….get on with life folks….strike is over

  47. Wakeforsoul says:

    Thanks sally! and you are right Rose Power! I’m glad everyone is now getting their mail. HORRAY for COupons and all the other goodies. Lets just hope CP workers get a fair deal at the end of it all!

  48. B says:

    is there mail deliver christmas eve 2011


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