Canada’s Wonderland Family and Friends Events: Early Bird Tickets Starting as Low as $21.99 and Season Passes Starting at $69.99


Before the park opens up to the general public on May 3rd, 2015, Canada’s Wonderland will be running pre-season corporate days if you’re a family or friend of BMO, RBC, or Scotiabank employee. The prices start as low as $21.95 for an adult single-day ticket, and can be combined with an all-you-can-eat meal ticket for just $12.99. Seeing as a regular front gate ticket normally costs $62 for an adult’s one-day admission, you will be saving close to $40 if you’re able to take advantage of one of the corporate family and friends events.

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The prices and the dates of the three different corporate days from Canada’s Wonderland will be offered in the following price brackets:

BMO-Saturday, April 25th

  • one-day general admission early-bird adult ticket, $21.95
  • two-day adult ticket, with second use being valid between May 3rd-June 30th, only $34.95

Scotiabank-Sunday, April 26th

  • one-day general admission early-bird adult ticket, $21.95
  • two-day adult ticket, with second use being valid between May 3rd-June 30th, only $34.95

RBC-Saturday, May 2nd

  • one-day general admission early-bird ticket, $23.99
  • two-day adult ticket, with second use being valid between May 3rd-June 30th, only $36.99

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For those of us who aren’t fortunate enough to know one of the corporate employees involved in the Family and Friends pre-season offer, then we can opt to get a full-season pass for just $69.99. Considering an at the front of gate ticket will cost you about $62, this ticket will already pay for itself in less than two visits. Of course this deal will only apply to you if you do intend on visiting Canada’s Wonderland more than once this season, otherwise it’d be best to stick with purchasing your tickets in advance online, or waiting till the end of the season for the reduced fares.

One response to “Canada’s Wonderland Family and Friends Events: Early Bird Tickets Starting as Low as $21.99 and Season Passes Starting at $69.99”

  1. Princess says:

    Hello, it’s not letting me buy the BMW tickets. It’s bringing me to a page that’s asking for username and password


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