Canadian Baby Deals February 18-24th


Babies R Us

Johnson’s essential pk $2.97
Aveeno baby care buy 2 get 1 free(reg. $7.99 each)


Huggies or Pampers club size diapers $27.77
Milupa baby cereal 2 for $6
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.79
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-875g $24.99
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $13.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Peneten or Pediatric Electrolyte $7.99
Gerber Graduates 2 for $5
Playtex Drop-ins bottle liners 8-10oz 100s $8.99

Extra Foods

Poly,Tri,Di Vi Sol drops 50ml $15.99
Playtex Drop-ins bottle liners 8-10oz 100s $8.99
Peneten or Pediatric Electrolyte $7.99
Children’s Advil or Tempra $5.99
Milupa baby cereal 2 for $6
Teddy’s Choice training pants $12.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Baby Mum Mum snacks 2 for $4
Gerber Graduates 2 for $5
Heinz baby food 5 for $3


Heinz baby cereal $4.29
Pampers mega wipes refill 180-216s $8.99


Pampers or Huggies value pk diapers $24.99
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.99
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-800g $25.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Heinz baby cereal $2.99


Milupa baby cereal $2.99
Baby Mum Mum snacks $1.99
Nestle Good Start formula 640-730g $26.99
Dove baby wash or Vaseline Petroleum jelly $2.99

Independent Grocery

Huggies or Pampers club size diapers $24.99
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.99
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-800g $25.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Heinz baby cereal 2 for $6


Huggies or Pampers club size diapers $24.99
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.99
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-800g $24.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Heinz baby cereal 2 for $6

Price Chopper

Milupa baby cereal $2.99
Baby Mum Mum snacks $1.99
Nestle Good Start formula 640-730g $26.99
Dove baby wash or Vaseline Petroleum jelly $2.99

Real Canadian Superstore(ON)

Huggies or Pampers club size diapers $27.77
Milupa baby cereal 2 for $6
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.79
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-875g $24.99
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $13.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Peneten or Pediatric Electrolyte $7.99
Gerber Graduates 2 for $5
Playtex Drop-ins bottle liners 8-10oz 100s $8.99

Real Canadian Superstore(West)

Pampers Easy Ups value pk $22.99
Milupa baby cereal 2 for $6
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Baby Mum Mum snacks 2 for $4
Gerber Graduates 2 for $5
Heinz baby food 5 for $3

Rexall Pharmaplus

Huggies or Pampers diapers & pants $15.99
Enfamil A+,Gentease A+ or Enfapro A+ 680-730g $27.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Huggies wipes tub $3.99
Johnson’s baby lotion Free when you buy 2 Johnson’s,Desitin or Penaten products
Playtex baby accessories buy 2 get 1 free with coupon in flyer


Pampers value pk diapers $29.99
Huggies mega pk diapers or training pants 2 for $25

Shoppers Drug Mart

Huggies mega diapers or pants $13.99(sun & mon only) – rest of the week $16.99
Pampers baby wipes 420s $14.99
Pampers box diapers 48-96s $22.99
Baby Life diapers 60-96s $19.99
Baby Life club pk wipes 320-360s $10.99
Baby Life baby needs $2.99
Baby Life baby accessories 15% off
Baby Life wipes 216s $7.99
Baby Life wipes 72s $2.99
Enfamil A+ ready to feed formula 4X235ml 2 for $25
Enfagrow 850g $15.99
Life brand toddler nutrition supplement 850g $14.49
Milups cereal 3 for $9.99
Baby Mum Mum $2.49
Aveeno or Johnson’s baby gift sets 15% off
Live Clean baby needs 15% off
Johnson’s Naturals baby needs $4.99
Born Free baby gift sets 15% off
Life brand baby formula powder 730-900g 10% off
Playtex disposable liners 100s $3.99
Baby Bee baby needs 15% off
Desitin or Penaten creams 15% off
Playtex feeding accessories 15% off
Playtex nurser trial kit $3.99
Huggies or Pampers wipes 180-216s $7.99
Huggies or Pampers boxed wipes 320-360s $10.99
Pull Ups pants $12.99
Life brand training pants $12.99
Huggies Pure & Natural diapers 50-80s $23.99
Huggies or Pampers newborn diapers $10.99
Pull Ups baby wipes 15% off
Life brand Pediatric electrolyte 1L $5.99


Pampers value pk diapers $24.99
Enfamil A+ formula 680-730g $24.99
Similac Advance with omega 728g $24.99
Heinz baby food 100 bonus Club Sobeys points when you buy 10


Pampers or Huggies mega daipers $12.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99
Teddy’s Choice mega wipes $3.99


Pampers training pants or Underjams value pk $21.97
Parent’s Choice infant powder iron or lower iron 1kg $11.66
Similac Advance concentrated formula 12X385ml $38.66
Heinz baby food $0.58
Gerber graduates $1.97
Baby Mum Mum $1.96
Johnson’s Naturals baby needs $3.97
Playtex 4pz drop-ins $3.86
Playtex Genie II elite with bonus 2 refills $44.97

Walmart Supercentre

Huggies or Pampers giant pk diapers 80-156s $27.77
Enfamil A+ or Gentlease A+ 1.02-1.08kg $26.77
Pampers 7/8x wipes refill $12.97
Nestle baby cereals $2.46


Huggies or Pampers club size diapers $24.99
Pampers or Huggies club size wipes refill $12.99
Nestle or Similac formula with omega 640-800g $25.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Heinz baby cereal 2 for $6


Huggies mega diapers $8.99
Huggies 3x wipes refill $5.99
Huggies Pure & Natural diapers or New born diapers $11.99
Milupa baby cereal or Baby Mum Mum snacks $2.99
Heinz toddler food 213ml or apple biscuits $0.99
Children’s Tylenol $5.97
Nestle Good Start formula 640-730g $23.99(sat & sun only) – rest of the week $26.99
Pull Ups or Goodnites mega pk $13.99(sat & sun only) – rest of the week $16.99

Thanks Couponlady

6 responses to “Canadian Baby Deals February 18-24th”

  1. Jerry Hung says:

    Thanks, appreciate it more now that I actually have a baby 🙂

  2. lola stars says:

    thanks for your hard work. it’s much appreciated!

  3. Sally says:

    Congrats Jerry!

  4. Dealspower says:

    Gotta love the Huggies deals. I think I should of came up with Huggies, bummer 🙁

  5. Mike says:

    CHecked out walmart supercentre @whiterock for the enfamil a+ deal.. nothing. no such deal.

  6. Sam says:

    A+, not in Burnaby superstore but got it at new westminster


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