Canadian Baby Deals for the Week of Dec 17 to 25

Canadian Deals & Coupons


The weather outside may be frightful but these deals are delightful!  Thanks again couponlady!!


Pampers diapers mega pk $13.99
Huggies 8x wipes $12.99


Gerber Graduates $2.49
Nestle Good start ready to feed formula with omega 6s $16.99
Teddy’s Choice junior pk diapers $15.99
Teddy’s Choice training pants $12.99
Enfamil A+ formula powder 730g $23.99
PC Organics baby food $0.69

Real Canadian Superstore

Pampers mega pk wipes $5.99
Teddy’s Choice junior pk diapers $14.99
Enfamil A+ formula powder 730g $24.49
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $14.99
Live Clean or Lil Goat’s Milk baby needs $4.99
Teddy’s Choice baby needs $2.49
Gerber baby cereal $3.29
Gerber Graduates $2.49
Nestle Good start ready to feed formula with omega 6s $16.99
Baby Mum Mum $2.49
1st Years feeding accessories $4.99


Gerber Graduates $2.49
Teddy’s Choice junior pk diapers $15.99
Teddy’s Choice training pants $12.99
Enfamil A+ formula powder 730g $24.99
PC Organics baby food $0.69

Rexall Pharmaplus

Huggies diapers $13.99
Rexall brand baby needs 2 for $6
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Huggies or Pampers wipes tub $3.99
Enfamil A+,gentlease A+ or Enfapro A+ 680-730g $25.99
Dove baby wash or Vaseline petroleum jelly $2.99

No Frills

Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $19.97

Walmart Supercentre

Huggies big box diapers Size 3-6(48-96s) $15.97
Huggies wipes 576s $13.97
Enfamil A+ with omega concentrate 12X385ml $39.46
Heinz jarred food 128ml $0.60

Shoppers Drug Mart

Huggies or Pampers mega diapers 412.99(Dec 18 & 19 only)
Baby Life boxed diapers 60-96s $19.99
Baby Life baby accessories 15% off
Baby Life wipes 72s $2.99
Baby Life baby needs $2.99
Life brand training pants $12.99
Baby Life wipes 320-360s $10.99
Nativa Organics 730g or Life brand 730-900g formula 10% off

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