Canadian Baby Deals for the Week of Sept 3 to 10

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Thanks again to couponlady for keeping us up to date on all the great baby deals for the next week.  Huge time saver for me!


Pampers or Huggies mega diapers or Pull Ups $12.99
Pampers Easy Ups $16.99
Nestle Good start formula powder 900g $22.99


Pampers club size wipes $13.99
PC Organics formula 730g $21.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Nestle baby cereal 3 for $9.99

Real Canadian Superstore

Beechnut cereal 227g 2/$5
Heinz Junior or Toddler food 213 mL $0.89
Huggies or Pampers mega size wipes 180-216’s $5.99
Pampers or Huggies jumbo pack diapers 30-36’s $10.99
PC infant formula powder 900g $13
PC Organics Juice or Rice Rusks 50g/1L $2
Playtex feeding cups or Ventaire reusable bottles 2/$10
Teddy’s Choice Baby Needs Accessories 444-592mL 2/$6
Teddy’s Choice Club Pack diapers size 3-6, 88-148’s $19.99
Teddy’s Choice training pants $11.99

Rexall Pharmaplus

Pampers or Huggies mega diapers $14.99
Aveeno baby needs $5.99

No Frills

Huggies mega diapers $9.97


Pampers or Huggies value pack diapers size 3-6(72-144s) $26.99
Compliments club pack diapers size 3-6(80-120s) $18.99
Compliments formula with omega 900g $19.99
Compliments baby wipes club pack 400s $9.99
Farley’s biscuits, Heinz cereal bars or juice 1L $1.99
Nestle baby cereal 2 for $8


Parent’s Choice giant box diapers size 3-6(100-156) $19.97
Fisher Price giant box diapers size 3-6(100-156s) $27.97
Enfagrow powder 850g $13.54
Milupa baby cereal $2.87
Pampers wipes 10pk 720s $18
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $14.77
Parent’s choice training pants $12
Gerber baby food 128ml $0.58

Walmart(sep 1-7)

Pampers big pack diapers $15.77
Equate baby wipes 88s $2.47
Nestle Good Start powder 900g $19.96
Parent’s Choice wipes refill 192-240s $4.97

Shoppers Drug Mart

Pampers or Huggies mega diapers $14.77(sat,sun&mon) – rest of the week $15.99
Johnson’s baby needs $2.99
Pull Ups flushable wipes 42-98s 20% off
Life brand baby wipes club pack 320-360s $10.99
Pampers baby wipes $6.99
Nativa Organics 730g or Life brand 730-900g formula powder 10% off
Huggies Pure & natural diapers $14.99 + Free Nativa Organics toddler snacks
Gerber snacks 2 for $5
Enfamil A+ baby formula 12-16s $44.99
Life brand toddler nutrition 850g $13.99
Dove babywash or Vaseline petroleum jelly $3.99

3 responses to “Canadian Baby Deals for the Week of Sept 3 to 10”

  1. Alex says:

    JPMorgan: Wal-Mart’s Rollback plan in question

    The world’s largest retailer — despite trumpeting its low prices as it looks to lure wallet-conscious shoppers during a sluggish economy — has actually raised its prices by nearly 6 percent over the last six weeks, according to a study by JPMorgan Securities

  2. anisa says:

    omg, now I want a piece of juicy red watermelon 4 times the size of my head!

  3. rap battle says:

    i love to see more from you i just love your movie rip quality


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