Have you ever been shopping when you find an item, read its displayed price and decide to buy that item but then when you checkout the cashier scans it for a different price? a much higher price? Yes it happens to all of us and the cashier does one of two things… either apologizes for the wrong price and says he/she’ll charge you the lower displayed price or the cashier just acts like a total %$# and says the display price is wrong.
Well in both cases believe it or not, many well known stores in Canada should give you the item for FREE! Many chains are members in Canada’s Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code.
How does the code work?
If the scanned price of an non-price ticketed item is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the item free, up to a $10 maximum. When the item has a price tagged, the lowest price applies. When identical items are incorrectly priced, the second one will be sold at the correct price. Under this code you are eligible
What does the code cover?
The Code covers all scanned merchandise at participating retail outlets where the “Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code†sign is displayed at the store entrance or checkout. Note that you’ve probably seen this sign before but never knew what it is. A&P have it posted on every checkout isle.
What happens if two or more identical non-price ticketed items are incorrectly scanned?
Customers are entitled to the first item free (up to a maximum of $10) and the subsequent item(s) at the correct price.
Which stores participate in this code?
Here’s a rough list of participating stores. Please feel free to notify of additions/deletions to this list:
the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores (CACDS)
Shoppers Drug Mart
The Groupe Jean Coutu (NB and Ont only)
Lawton Drug Stores
London Drugs
Lovell Drugs
Pharma-save (BC and Sask)
the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors (CCGD)
Canada Safeway Limited
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company of Canada Limited
Loblaw Companies Limited
Sobeys Inc.
Metro Inc.
Thrifty Foods
Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.
Co-op Atlantic
Federated Co-operatives Limited
the Retail Council of Canada (RCC)
Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.
The Home Depot Canada
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd.
Toys r Us
Shoppers Drug Mart
Wal*Mart Canada Corp.
Giant Tiger Stores Ltd.
The North West Company
Best Buy/Future Shop ( in implementation stage)
2 Home Hardware franchisees
the Federation of Independent Grocers (FIC)
Thrifty Foods
Overwaitea Food Group
The Harry Watson Group
Longos Brothers Fruit Markets
As well as over 1000 independent locations
Where can I get more details?
This sounds really good, but, how many items are under $10? I had this happen at a store and they said I’m not entitled to anything because the item was over $10. It seems that as long as the items are over $10, the company can still rip you off with the scanner.
They should give you $10 off!
What if the scanner error difference is greater then the ten dollars. Ie item tagged at $35 and scanned @ $$55. A error of $20 over priced.
So by that logic they should discount $10 off the correct price which means the should be $25.
FYI: I saw a question about Old Navy amd can now say that Old Navy DOES NOT participate! Therefore…check your receipts!
then you get $10 off that item
This past weekend Canadian Tire tried to do the same with me, the manager said that I wasn’t entitled to any compensation because the item was over $10.00. So I told him that he wasn’t interpreting the policy correctly. Then he said he wasn’t going to argue with me anymore, and with a gesture of dismissing me he told the cashier to take off $10. Well then the cashier tried to take it off the highest price. I said, it comes off the lowest price. Well another call was placed to the manager and he said that it was off the highest and that was that. So I asked for a full refund, came home and call Canadian Tire in Toronto. A customer service lady took all my information and confirmed that I was correct. A complaint was filed by her and this morning a got a call back from the store that I was dealing with. They apolgized and said that they are going to better inform their managers of this policy. But at this point, to me, it was more about how disrepectful the orignal manager had been to me in front of a busy store with other customers. It was embarrassing. So the story finally concludes with me getting the item at the appropriate price. As consumers, we have to go after what we are entitled to. At the moment the price we are charged is higher than the shelf price, that business is stealing from us. If we take something from them without paying for it, that is stealing. We are all victims of overpricing, we just have to watch more carefully in our busy worlds.
It happened to me at a best buy store 2 years ago. A CD spindle was advertised for 30 dollars in the flyer.
I brought the spindle to the checkout and was told thet it cost 42 dollars; I contested and brought the price tag from the rack were the cd spindles are located. Then they accepted to sell it to le for the advertised price on the tag of 30 dollars. they also have a policy where if an item it falsly advertised then you get ten dollars off your lowest priced item. I ended up paying 20 dollars for a 42 dollar spindle
What of a situation where the retailer has stock of a particular product on the floor advertised at a price of $7.49, however the price on the shelf is $3.99. The product scans at the $7.49 price. Should they be held responsible for selling it at the $3.99 price, however having to give me the 1st one free ( as its under $10 ) and each other one at $3.99 ( unless quantities are clearly limited on the advertisement ) ?
I am always amazed at how many cashiers are unaware of this policy. I often shop at Sobey’s and when I point out the incorrect scanned item, they get a little pissy with me, then go to change the price (after verifying it with someone on the floor). I have to remind them about the policy and say “shouldn’t it be free then?”. Then they have to call a manager, etc. I always get so embarrassed and feel bad for the people waiting behind me. I usually tell the other customers what is happening and tell them to go and buy the same item (as it will be free). No wonder the Sobey’s staff give me such a hard time!
My husband and I got several bags of free Doritos before they eventually changed the price on the shelf. Every time we went shopping there we would pick up a bag and every time it would scan in at the wrong price!
I had been working with Sobeys for a few years and WAS aware of the Scan Accuracy Poilcy. I had also recently transfered from one Sobeys to another where I encountered a time that the price scanned was higher than the price marked for a product. Knowing the policy and being a Front-End Supervisor I filled out the correct paper work and gave the item to the customer for free. I was later approched by my Assistant Front-End Manager saying that “this is not how we do things in…(city of employment)” and was lectured about how I should not have given this item away free (it was $2.98)! I later found the policy given to the store from Head Office and approched my manager whom was reluctant to even read it and contiuned to say that I did it incorrectly. The moral here is how are the cashiers suppose to know the Policy if the managers themselves don’t know it!?! Try to be understanding with the cashiers they only do what they are told to do (usually)!
Shoppers Drug Mart is ‘famous’ for not honouring the Scanning Code of Practice.
Stacey – you’re absolutely right – the Manager/Owner are the ones who need to be educated.
In my case when I asked to see the Manager/Owner he was extremely ignorant and rude – especially when I asked for a Business Card and mentioned I was going to call Shoppers Head Office & file a complaint.
I filed two different complaints with the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores (CACDS) – this is the reply I got –
“Please be advised that your below complaint has been forwarded to the Customer Service department at Shoppers Drug Mart Head Office. Someone will be contacting you shortly.
Thank you,
Coordinator, Industry Issues”
I’m still waiting for someone to “contact me shortly” eight months later!!!
Conditions of the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code:
• If the scanned price of a product is higher than the Sale or Shelf price the customer is entitled to receive the first item free (if the item is under $10.00). For example if the product Sale or Shelf price is $10.00 but scanned at $12.00, the customer will get the reduction of $10.00 off the Sale or Shelf price. So the customer will pay only zero on the first item only. Rest at the correct price of $10.00.
• If the product scanned retails for over $10.00, the customer is entitled to a $10.00 reduction off the corrected price on the first item only. For example if the product Sale or Shelf price is $12.00 but scanned at $15.00, the customer will get the reduction of $10.00 off the Sale or Shelf price. So the customer will pay only $2.00 on the first item only. Rest at the correct price of $15.00.
Conditions of the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code:
• If the scanned price of a product is higher than the Sale or Shelf price the customer is entitled to receive the first item free (if the item is under $10.00). For example if the product Sale or Shelf price is $10.00 but scanned at $12.00, the customer will get the reduction of $10.00 off the Sale or Shelf price. So the customer will pay only zero on the first item only. Rest at the correct price of $12.00.
• If the product scanned retails for over $10.00, the customer is entitled to a $10.00 reduction off the corrected price on the first item only. For example if the product Sale or Shelf price is $12.00 but scanned at $15.00, the customer will get the reduction of $10.00 off the Sale or Shelf price. So the customer will pay only $2.00 on the first item only. Rest at the correct price of $15.00.
Wouldn’t the correct price be the Sale or shelf price of $12.00 not !5.00 for the additional items?
I mean $15.00
We had a similar experience to the Doritos scenario above. Went to our local Extra Foods Store and bought some bulk salted peanuts. Price on sign was .28 and scanned at .58 so went to front desk and mentioned SCOP and voila a free bag of peanuts. Next Saturday same price still on the bulk bin so filled a bigger bag of peanuts scanned higher so another free bag. After a month the sign was still up and we kept getting bigger and bigger bags of peanuts until we hit the $10 mark. Finally after about 6 times one of the managers walked back with us and took down the sign.
Got a box of rice pudding for free after the sign price failed to take into account a price hike. No argument or resistance from the manager.
oops, that was from Costco.
hmm I did not know this! Thanks!
What happens in this instance? – Safeway has a special chicken dinner for $14.00. The clerk scans the barcode for the chicken dinner and then scans the product that comes with the chicken dinner. Is this a scanning issue or just a store screw up?
Thoughts anyone?
They still have to scan the free item for inventory tracking, but it should then discount by the same cost, so you end up getting it free.
Sobeys – Penhorn location – I purchased some towels. The price tag indicated $5 each, but they scanned for $8. I advised the clerk at the check out that each towel should only be $5. She called someone to verify the price and it was confirmed the price should be $5 each. Clerk then rang through the towels at $5 each. When she totalled the order, I asked her if I should get the first towel free (instead of $5), in accordance with their scanning code of practise. She advised that since she corrected it at the register, I was no longer eligible for the free item. For me to get the free item, she would have to have charged the $8, and then I would have to have gone to customer service. But since she corrected it at my request, I was no longer eligible. Go figure.
KA – that is not what the policy states. The fact that it rang in at the wrong price means you get the item for free. I would go back and buy more towels 😉
You are not correct. The cashier needs to complete the purchase at full price and then refund the money. Cashiers and managers need to do this for their records. You can still get your item free but you need to go through the proper procedure.
Depends on the store, most have a SCOP button/code to keep records without making the person pay an inflated cost fist
Zellers is notoriously famous for not entering their sale prices into their system. I’m forever getting basically free stuff from them. Just today I bought a pair of jeans for my son…..regular price was $15.99….was on sale for 30% off….should of scanned at $11.19….so less the $10.00….I paid $1.19 for his pair of jeans!
I was at Zellers last week and purchased a sale item that rang in wrong.
I mentioned it to the cashier who knew nothing about it and so I went to customer service.
I asked the cashier there who also denied any knowledge of the practise so I asked her to ask her manager.
She dissappeared into the back room and came back and said her manager told her that stores participate on a vomuntary basis only.
No discount and no more business from me,I’ll stick to Walmart.
I was recently at Wal Mart purchasing a tape measure which was clearly priced on the rack at $13.97. When it was scanned the price came up as $19.97, and I quickly reminded the cashier of the “scanning code of practice”. After several minutes and then some a costumer service manager took the $10.00 off of the highest price of $19.97. I insisted that it should be off the lowest(13.97) or advertised price, and was told no, and had to pay $9.97. Well I believe that I should of got it for $3.97 and still have reservations. Later on that same day I decided to return the item (without the reciept of course) and actually made money from the purchase, as they gave me $19.97 plus tax. Wal mart will return an item without a reciept and give you a gift card for the cash value. Maybe they should of corrected the problem and gave it to me for $3.97 because now I just earned $10.00 +tax ….Thanks Wal Mart..
I just learned of this today and got to test it out. I bought a nintendo ds lunchbox case at Walmart that had a tag of $34 but rang up as $36 and I bought a pack of false nails shelf price $6.97 rang up $7.35. I wans’t trying to be a jerk, I really did want these and the other 12 products I bought 🙂
I had to go through 3 people and refused to leave until they gave me $10 back and the nails for free. The supervisor was fine with getting me the nails for free but had never heard of the $10 back part and she just walked away! Didn’t even look in the binder another associate was pointing to that had the code all typed out. Then the cashier insisted I wouldn’t get the $10 because the $34 price was for the Wii lunchboxes, not the DS. Finally the manager came, told the girl to take off $10 because this wasn’t about the Wii box, it was about the box in front of her face, and then he asked me to show him where the nails were and took down all 3 price tags (shoulda grabbed the other 2 brands!)
In the end they gave me back $28 (Shoulda been $17, but I wasn’t going to say anything right there)
In Quebec all stores are automatically liable under that law (except stores that put price stickers on all their items)
ok…so this only applies to products that do not have a price tag on them..correct…more so a sign or something indicating the price…right????
Since the CDN $ has reached parity with the US $ some time ago now I am astonished to learn that the OTR microwave/convection oven made by GE model JVM1790SK sells for $539 in the US and for $799 in the CDN store here.
The store mgr I discussed this with explained to me he does not understand it either why but says he cannot do anything about it….duh…
I am not willing to lay down and pay $259 for a bilingual french/english label as that is the only difference here. several additional appliances I checked are in the $200 raNGE DIFFERENCE.
this is absolutely ridiculous and the only explanation I see is RIP OFF!!!
Interesting subject. Though I would not do this, I did hear an interesting story. With this scanning policy, some people go into a retail store the morning after an ad has expired with the previous weeks ad. Quite often retailers leave old signs or labels up and these customers go around looking for items priced wrong. They end up getting many items for free or up to $10.00 off. I could not do this however.
You wouldn’t even try to rip off/get revenge on walmart alex…
just kidding
I know you’d never step foot into a walmart
I actually just heard about this this evening from my boyfriend who’s been a manager in retail for 11 years – I can’t believe I had never heard about it before – but sure enough right there at each of the tills the notice is there! I’m going to check at other stores if they have it posted as well and I’ve just been oblivious. I personally don’t see anything wrong with it – it’s actually quite annoying when the stores don’t do their job and I have to argue at the cash that it’s a much lower price
Example – Petcetera – sale on my canned dog food .99 cents each – I buy 10 at a time (my dog is a beast) and they try and charge me double – this happens at least once a month – why would I pay $20 when I could pay $10 so of course I argue
Save-on’s has their employees out the day the sale starts, so their prices are frequently contridicting the new flyer. I’m personally sick of lazy stores who can’t seem to get their prices to match the till prices. I call them on this mis-match every time, they always want to adjust it to the proper price w/o the discount, unless you tell them it’s free. Hopefully with all the freebies they give out to me they’ll start priceing properly!
I bought my son SPIDERMAN 3 DVD from Walmart. The Sticker price stuck right to the package states $ 22.89. When I got home I seen that it rang threw at the cash as being $ 27.89. While on the morning of the 20 I went back to Walmart and broght this to there attention. I was told it was a manufactor mistake, and something blah blah about price comparision. So I pointed out the scan code sign on the door under 10 being free over 10 being 10 o the lowest price. THe woman told me that she could give me $4.00 difference that that was all. This Walmart was in Trenton, ON. The same night I went to another Walmart in Belleville and just for the hell it had the sales person check the same DVD and sure enought it was the same. The young man told me he was very sorry and he would tell some right away. So I told him what happend with the other Walmart and was told that I was right. I am wondering how many people have bought this DVD thinking they are paying 22.89 when the price is 4.00 higher. Think about it this way 10 people buy the movie think there paying 22,89 and then pay 27.89 not realizing Walmart just made 40 bucks off these people.
I have printed out the code and plan on taking it with me when I shop. I too have come across many mistakes. WalMart would only give me the correct price, no $10 off because I had corrected them before I had paid! I plan on taking the code in to the customer service desk to show it to them.
I couldn’t get the code from the website site listed above but I did fint it at:
Good Luck Everyone!
In regards to “P$%%^&^_+off” please understand that while an item may be exactly the same as the one being sold in the same chain in the US, that does not mean the prices will or should be the same.
Some very important, but often overlooked reasons for this are:
US chain usually runs independent of the Canadian chain and as such we place our own orders and due to our lower quantities / volume purchases we seldom get the same purchase price as our US brothers.
Shipping charges to Canada are on average 10-15% more than shipping to the US…sorry to say, but by any mode of transit you want to choose, our major Canadian ports tend to be a further distance from China/Taiwan (and these days the majority of goods seem to be coming from there) than the major US ports and as such it costs more for us to bring things in.
Lastly I must also point out that on average a Canadian employee in a retail based job does tend to make $2-5 more/hour than most of their US counterparts due to our much higher minimum wage laws.
However with all that being said, a $259 difference on the item mention is unacceptable and it should be dealt with by the Canadian head office, but unless you and other consumers advise “us” of these differences then unfortunately these things will often get overlooked and fall through the cracks.
Does anyone know if Old Navy participates in this scanning code of practice? I’ve come across 2 items being incorrectly rung in only to be told they don’t participate and very few stores do. I’m not sure how I can actually find out if they were telling me the truth.
Please advise.
Thanks for your help.
If you check the top of this page then it lists the retail chains that participate in this program. Other than that there are about a 1000 independents.
This code of pricing ethics was introduced by the retailers to prevent legislation. I am not sure what you can do with a retailer that does not participate.
Hi All:
Just so you know the right wording is If an (unticketed) item scans at a higher price than shelf label displays then you get it for free up to $10…..over $10 they will take $10 off….For the first one then the proper price…..NOTICE (unticketed)……If it has a ticketed price thios policy does not apply and you will only get it for the ticketed price or if advertised for less then that price NOT $10 off…..Have worked in retail for years and if customers watch their bills and half were honest there wouldn’t be these hassles but unfortunately rude and obnoxitous people spoil it for all….
had the same experience at walmart and didnt honour the code of practice
I get to use this Law almost once a week. Mostly grocery stores. And almost al;ways I get an additude from the cashier, like it’s coming out of there pocket. Several times I have to argue in order to get the item free, but I do get the item free.They cant refuse its printed right in front of them, there is also a # you can call if they don’t. Yesterday i bought a box of chicken from A&P, the sign said sale $4.99. They charged me $5.99. I din’t notice until I got home. Went in the next day double checked to make sure the sign was still up, went to customer service. She was going to give me only $1 back. I said I get the item free, she said that policy only applies if you catch the mistake while your being checked out, it does not apply if I catch the mistake later. Anyone who does grocery shopping knows to you cant see everything be scanned. I told her she was wrong a law is a law. She gave me the $5.99 back but said she was right. I got my money and the next time I shop at A&P the cashier will be told not to scan anything until I have everything out of my cart and I can watch. Grocery stores are real bad for wrong scanned prices I once paid $7.97 for juice I thought I was buying for $1.97. You must be verbal and stand your ground you will get the item free up to $10.00 anything over $10 you get $10 off the lowest price!!!
Be most careful about pricing when shopping in stores first thing in the morning. What generally goes wrong is the labels and signs are not put up as soon as the pricing systems generates the changes in the stores point of sale systems. Certain days are worse than others such as when the new ads break, or when a major batch of price changes happens.
Please remember the reason for the Scanning Code of Ethics by the retailers, was to prevent the government from creating a law to deal with it. If places like Walmart and other retailers are not honouring the code, then a call to consumer groups and the government will improve their behaviour.
Good luck.
I bought a product on sale at Pharmasave shelf priced at $8.99; it scanned at $11.49. I made 3 different attempts to find out if the store followed the scanned pricing code and each time was told all they ever do is refund the difference. Later I researched the issue on your site; it confirmed that PharmaSave is a member of Pricing Policy Code and what their responsibilities are.
The next day I called the manager who advised that no one has ever complained when they are offered a price adjustment and don’t instruct the clerks to follow through with a full refund. Also, as the price had not been downloaded by Head Office the error was not ‘their fault’
Today I went back for my refund. The manager came over but never acknowledged me, just said ‘give her the full refund’ and turned away. There are no signs in the store advising the consumer of the Scanned Pricing Policy. I asked the clerk where the signs are and she said they ‘don’t follow those rules’.
This incident does not promote customer appreciation. If the Manager had been friendlier I would have dropped the issue. However by ignoring my presence and not acknowledging their error I’ve decided to take more action by sending an email to Pharmasaves’ head office, let them know what has happened and request the retailer’s responsibilities be followed through on.
Any other ideas?
Considering the SCOP is a voluntary thing, is there anyway to report stores that continously have scanning differences yet do not follow the SCOP? I was shopping at Zellers the other day and they are nortorious for NOT having any prices match. I found myself arguing with the cashier over several prices. The first item that scanned wrong I notified her and she simply said “I wish they would update the systems”, to which I asked, “Does this tore abide by the scanning code of practice?” she answered “no”, to which I answered “that’s why, they don’t have to be accountable for anything so why bother updating anything, if they had to be accountable they’d lose alot of money doing things this way”. I don’t shop there often but I find when I do I need to write the advertised prices down so I can correct the cashier at the register. How is this fair to the consumers? They almost always give you attitude when you correct them on the prices.
Best thing to do folks is complain to the government.
This whole Canadian Code of Practice Scanner Price Accuracy was invented to prevent the government from bringing in legislation. The problem is that the Code was invented to keep the government off the retailers back. It was not made because of the customers concerns. When they wiggle out like some stores do then it shows that they don’t care about you.
I love living in QUebeC! major chains (WALmart, zellers, canadian tire, giant tiger, loeb etc) are required by law to follow this policy and the cashiers know. I didn’t however realize it was in Ontario too!
For example, went to wally world, saw a jersey slip cover for my couch.. shelf price $39.99 (from 59.99) i finish my shopping and take the cart to the cashier. I scan my items and scan the slip cover and it rang in 59.99 WHOA! so, I grabbed the cashier, she makes me take her back to the shelve, she states people move these items around, i told her thats not my fault nor job to know that (descriptions on the tags matched) so i got my slip cover at the adj. price PLUS the additional $10.00 off.. so $29.99 for a choclate brown jersey slip cover! YAHOO!! 🙂
When I worked at No Frills the cashiers were all made aware of the policy during training. Now of course maybe not all were paying attention. But in order to verify we had to get the stock boy to go pull the price label off the shelf and bring it up (which could take forever)
And of course if we voided $10 or more (either because we double scanned something and had to take it off, or “god forbid” typed the wrong code and had to fix something) it took a manager override.
But you are correct that you get the item free to a maximum of $10, so if the item is $100 you get $10 off the “correct” price; which is the lowest price.
Its a great idea but sometimes implementation really sucks.
I was shopping at Costco the other day. I saw an item with a sigh for $8.99. I decided to buy two of them. They rang up at %16.98. I told the casher the sign said$8.99. They went and got the sign it was for something of the same brand. They would not sell me what I wanted for the lower price. I asked if they had the other item and they said No.I ended up buying only one at the $16.98 and feeling like I had been screwed over. I am deciding if I will continue to buy a membership there when they do not honor what they say they will do.
I bought Advil at Shoppers Drug Mart which was priced on the shelf at $14.99. When I got to the checkout, she rang it through at $15.99. I immediately advised her of the scanning code which she knew nothing about and had to call a manager. When she read it (I keep a copy of it in my purse) she too had to go to someone else to verify it then finally, came back and said they would charge me the lower price. I said “No, that’s not correct. You have to take $10 off the item because I get the first $10 free if there is an error in the price.” She hesitated for a minute then RELUCTANTLY gave me the item for $5.99.
I think the $10 should have been taken from the shelf price of $14.99 but I wasn’t about to argue over a dollar after standing there waiting for 10 minutes already!
This should be a part of the training process for every cashier at every store that participates in this practice.
The Real Canadian Superstore in Kitchener honoured this without me even having to ask! I was shocked – my razor blades rang in at $10.99 they were supposed to be $9.99 – they sent someone to check once I asked them about it and they came back and told me I was right and now get the item for free! No hassles – it was great – I love to shop there!
We’ve definitely used this a few times too, and I’ve always felt slightly guilty about rocking the boat! My father, though, who used to work in retail, reminded me that it’s in place to keep the stores honest…so now I don’t feel so bad!! We were at Walmart a couple of weeks ago doing the diaper and wipes deal when the wipes rang in at $5 over the posted price. I showed the flier to the cashier (which contained the same price as was on the shelf) and he called over customer service. While waiting for the manager, I mentioned the scanning code. When the manager approached, the cashier explained the the wipes rang in at the wrong price and then said “I need it voided – she KNOWS about the scanning code”. I was shocked! Clearly the cashier was aware of the policy and made no effort to offer it, plus made me feel like a bad person for asking. Yeesh!! Now I encourage everyone to stand up for themselves and not let stores take advantage (even if it is accidentally).
ok,…can someone help me here, i was at walmart today and bought a set of bunkbeds, they were for $179.97, and when it wrang in through the cash register it came up at .01cent, should i not have been entitled to $10.00 off of this item??
Stacie, it only works if the register price is higher than the price shown at $179.97 and only if there is no price sticker on it.
So, what happens when there is a special sale on top of the already marked price?
I went to Future shop a few days ago for the family and friends event. This meant 10% off the lowest price from several items, including the DVDs I purchased. There was clearly a red sale sticker on the movie I purchased stating it was $22.99. There were about 3-4 with a sale sticker and a couple without, which is not unsual for Future shop. At any rate. The sale price should have been $20.50 but it rang up at $22.49. When i asked the sales associate about the sale price he said it was priced wrong. So I emailed Future shop customer service and they referred me to their website and the comment “As per our policy on misprints we reserve the right to correct or cancel sales and orders at any time, as well as edit item information including price to reflect the correction. All things offered on our website and in-stores is an offer to purchase and not an offer to sell.”
I worked in retail for years and we would at least do the sale price on the item and then we would take the sale tag off/down. At Safeway they gave me the items for free, to my surprise for it coming up wrong.
It is only $2.00 but the response from Future shop is annoying….
Please help
I was just at Zellers, the price rang in higher than the posted price. The clerk said “that was yesterdays price.” I said the sign shouldn’t be there…so she rolls her eyes and reduces the price to the correct price. I said “isn’t this item free when the checkout price is rang in higher than the posted price…she said, “no.” I went to customer service and they also said “no”. I guess Zellers doesn’t want to be one of the many stores that honor this policy…which is in place for many goood reasons. First off, it’s an embarrassment for me…it’s annoying to the cutomers behind me…it may well be on purpose (hoping many people won’t bother to say anything…it’s discriminatory to people who may not be able to see their receipt or the till well enough to know they’ve been ripped off. Any store who doesn’t honor this policy is basically stealing…and that is not too strong a word. I, and I hope many of you will also boycott Zellers for not being big enough to honor a system which holds them accountable for their shelf prices. After all, other than the posted price, what are we to use as a reference…psychic ability? Please let your friends know of this policy and let Zellers know you will not shop there for fear of embarrassment and fear of being ripped off. Don’t tell me stores don’t use this to their advantage…those stores that are too cowardly to be part of this fairness program. Just post the price right and there is no problem.
At least the many participating stores give you vindication when you’ve held back everyone in the line-up for 10 minutes while they try to figure things out. It also gives you a chance to explain the policy to others in line…whom which many are not aware…but thankful when they become aware.
I’m not sure if this person working at the Zellers customer service was correct…but they refused to give me the item free…and it was well under 10.00. So, in Zellers in St. Albert Alberta…they don’t honor this policy…not sure if that’s a national policy for zellers or local.
Boycott Zellers…They won’t see my money again after the embarassment they put me through.
One final tip…if I know an item rings in incorrectly…I usually say nothing at the till…just casually walk over to customer service and let the line flow…just takes away the pressure of the customers behind you. Also, make 100% sure of the item you are questioning ie: it’s the exact brand, size, and the specific item that is on sale…often they will put the wrong tag, that isn’t even for that item above or below the item. Not sure if there is any recourse there…though there should be. This too can be used to bait people into buying an item…if they don’t look carefully to seen it is a sign for a totally different item which isn’t even in the vicinity.
Pharma Plus doesn’t follow the scanning code of practice either.
But I keep getting lucky with the real canadian superstore – they follow it %100 no questions asked – you don’t get any eye rolls or attitude – it’s great!!
I just found out about this practice today, after becoming a “smartcanadian”! After reading all the comments about how hard it can be to get stores to comply I wanted something to take with me when shopping.
Did you know the Competition Bureau is responsible not just for the competition laws but apparently also 3 major labeling acts? Here is the act as published by the competition bureau. It’s only 7 pages and very easy to read (not legaleeze).
Also, the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors seems to have it together. On their site they have some PDF info including “scanner price accuracy voluntary code – cashier pamphlet”. It is a basic printout which tells the cashier what the code is and how it works as well as a step by step guide of what to do in case of a pricing error. At the bottom of this PDF there is complaint line listed – 1-866-499-4599. Here is a link:
I noticed a consistent complaint in posts to this website that the incorrect price was only spotted AFTER the consumer had left the store. The code does not specifically address this. I have sent an email to the Competition Bureau them asking for clarification. Here is a copy of the email:
I am writing to you today to ask for clarification on the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code.
The code does not specifically state a time in which the price correction should be addressed. While I understand that it should be done as soon as possible what if I don’t notice the error at the time of check-out? What if I only notice the error on the way to my car or once I’ve returned home?
Although I am currently a resident of Ontario, if the information differs based on consumer location could you please outline these differences by province?
Many thanks.”
Once I get a response I will post the answer.
Power to the people!
Received a response…didn’t actually get any GOOD information. Then again it’s only my first letter to them and this is a government opperation afterall so naturally a second and third may be required.
Here is their response as well as my follow up:
“Dear Mrs. xxx,
Thank you for your correspondence. The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency responsible for the administration of the Competition Act as well as three other federal statutes dealing with the packaging, labelling and marking of consumer products. For more on the Bureau’s role please visit our web site at http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca.
The Bureau has endorsed the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code, which evolved from the collaborative efforts of the Retail Council of Canada, the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers and the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors. These associations are composed of national, regional and local retailers selling a wide assortment of general merchandise, as well as pharmaceutical and food products.
This Code, implemented in June 2002, applies to all scanned Universal Product Code (UPC), bar coded, and/or Price Look Up (PLU) merchandise sold in all participating stores, with the exception of goods such as prescription drugs which are not easily accessible to the public and price-ticketed items.
The Scanner Price Accuracy Code is a voluntary code and therefore not endorsed by every business. If a Code of Practice problem cannot be resolved at the store level, please call 1-866-499-4599 to register your complaint.
For more information about the code, please consult the following links:
Code of Practice: http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/internet/index.cfm?itemID=1294&lg=e
Brochure: http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/internet/index.cfm?itemID=1262&lg=e
Thank you.”
And my email to them:
“Thank you for your response, however, it did not answer my question. It simply restates everything I read on the Competition Bureau website. My inquiry was very specific about the timing in relation to receiving a credit.
I want to know what my responsibility is, as a consumer, when a discrepancy occurs. When must I address the pricing discrepancy? Does this have to be done at the check out before paying? What if I don’t notice the discrepancy at that time? Can I go back to the store afterwards to address the issue and if so within what timeframe?
According to Section 1.1, “On a Claim being presented by the customer, where the scanned price of a product at checkout…” and Section 7.1, “When a scanner price error occurs, the cashier will be authorized to implement the Item Free Scanner Policy.”, leads me to believe that I must address any errors before paying the cashier at the time of checkout. Please confirm if this is correct or not.
Thank you,”
Stay tuned…
So the other night in the Argyle Mall location of Wally World I seen those DVD’s that were 2/15 bucks. I only bought the one which shouldmean it was 7.50 right? Wrong! I got home and it was 14.96 plus taxes. Go back in tonight to get my refund and was told they only will honour the price on the sticker, and that I’m SOL in terms of a free product.
So I’ve decided to return as much of the crap I bought that night as possible(most of it was groceries) and tell them I’m returning the items out of “spite”(like that episode of Seinfeld) and that I’m very unhappy with the treatment I received the night I wanted to rectify this.
Walmart is just dishonest. What you took advantage of was an offer that is called multiple pricing. When I have purchased items at retailers, they have always charged a single unit price. eg. 2/10.00 for two or $5.00 for one.
Too bad Walmart is just out to screw people.
Ok ok ok….I work at Zellers and I am going to try and defend them just a little bit. We are notorious for items scanning incorrectly…actually, it’s more items being tagged incorrectly. This is a human error, the day a new flyer comes out, sometimes not all the signs are down. We agree to give the price that is up, but we DO NOT participate in the Scanning Code of Practice. The only Zellers that should follow are the ones in Quebec. It is VOLUNTARY, not a law as some above have said it is. At Zellers, we follow our own Competitor Price or Price Match. SO if a store is selling a product cheaper and you have proof (a flyer, or in rare cases we call) then you get it for that price. In the long run, this will save you more money, and on a wider array of products.
This can also go vice versa though folks! From working at Zellers, I know that very often (especially on clothing) things ring up CHEAPER!
We do not pratice the Scanning Code because people ABUSE IT and try and make up prices, or pick things up that other customers have put in the wrong place, or MISREAD signs. I’d about half of “price disputes” I have had the customer has misread the sign. If you can read that it’s Buy One Get One, then I’m sure you can read that it’s on the baby sunscreen next to the diapers, not the diapers themselves!! (just had this happen)
grrrr ppl are very ignorant in this sense and Zellers employees do NOT get paid enough to hear customers rant and rave, I’m sorry.
We will give you the signed price (if in fact, it is signed/priced wrong).
This is just an issue of the squeaky wheel gets the grease…
This just happened to me today at Extra Foods in MB, the items shelf price was $3.69 but scanned at $5.99. I told the cashier and she just tried to give it to me at the shelf price, she said the item wasn’t over $10 so it wasn’t free….I had to explain to her.
In regards to “P$%%^&^_+off†you must remember that electrical products made in the US are not CSA approved and if you have an electical fire, after the investigation your insurance can void your coverage and not pay for damages because you were using something not CSA approved.. Something to think about. I do however agree with the fact that the price should be the same.
Another note I worked at a center that serviced US customers and they were constantly calling aout their electical unit causing kitchen fires….Just goes to show that the US have lower standards for appliances.
I just did my grocery at Food Basics at Neilson/Ellesmere. I was purchasing 5 frozen fish which was labelled at $2.49 and there is a handwritten note that says save 50 cents. But when the cashier scanned the items it showed $2.99. I told her that it is labelled as 2.49 to which she asked for verification and corrected my bill with the right amount. I told her about the scanning code to which she is totally ignorant about. She called one of the other cashier….look at my bill and said “what is the problem? she corrected your bill.” and I said “it does not matter, I should be entitled to one free fish because your scanning is incorrect.” The lady said it does not apply as it got corrected. She said it only applies if the pricing is wrong and I actually paid for it. Not if it got corrected in the first place. So I said I will not be fighting a $2.49 but she should know that her interpretation is incorrect. And I said that Dominion gave me a discount of $10 on my purchases for an incorrectly scanned item (item labelled for $12.50 and scanned for $23.50…total cost of my cake $2.50) to which she replied that I am not in Dominion Stores. I felt cheated but I forgave her because I think she lacks training. Never bothered with the manager as I think it will be the same scenario. I should have though…as a matter of principle. Next time I will have a printed copy of the code with full explanation.
wow…must I remind you that this code is voluntary and taking advantage of it would just give the stores more reason to withdraw their participation from this practice.
oh i never knew about this!! i was ripped off before, coz i was buying a DVD at Best Buy, and the price tag said 8.99 but when it was scanned, it was 9.99! I mentioned this to the cashier and she went over to look and was like, oh sorry that’s only for the full screen versions. only it didnt say that ANYWHERE on the price tag!!! aah, if i had known about this i would have complained and could have gotten the dvd for free.
I was in RONA today and had the same fight with the manager. I was purchasing a Black and Decker Workmate that was tagged on the floor at 46.97 and it scanned at 53.00. After the ignorant “Head Cashier” called and verified that I was right she claimed to know nothing about the scanning code of practice. She proceeded to call a Manager and he cane up and didn’t introduce himself or anything and argued with me in front of a whole line of Customers. He then went to chack the policy and came back with a bogus paper stating that Rona’s policy is different. I could tell he had no idea what I was even talking about. Funny thing I worked at Home Depot for 7 years and know the policy really well. We are about to begin finishing our basement and Rona is a few blocks away… I tell you they just lost a customer over $10.00!!!! My complaint will not end here… Make sure you file a complaint as well to 1-866-499-4599… We have to stick together!!!!!!
Valued customer;
You are right. The manager should of happily honoured the shelf price. If it scans higher priced , the bin label or sign is the price you should receive without hesitation. I work for Rona and it saddens me that a Rona manager would act the way you describe. I do agree that you should take this further , so that the manager and employee’s know what is the right thing to do and how to treat a customer in the future. Please take your complain to the distict manager of that area,instead of the Rona office in montreal as you will get a faster reasponse. Better yet , I would think that it was a junior manager on duty and the Centre manager would definetly agree with you. I am sure that he/she would like to hear from you about this incident.Please give them another chance as I know full well that the centre manager and would not want to lose you as a valued customer. As an employee and manager for 35 years , I sure would want to hear about this right away so that I could fix this problem and offer my appoligies to you. Regards and appoligieson behalf of Rona.
I’ve found that most stores are great about abiding by the scanning code of practice. As we all know Zellers does not. Infact just the other day I was shopping at Zellers for a birthday gift for my Nephew. I saw this transformers thing with a sign that said Reg $39.99 on sale for $9.97, so I picked it up. I read on the sign that the sale didn’t start until the next day, HOWEVER the tag was already visible on the shelf. So I took the sign with me upstairs to the cashier to show them. I did this because the last time I was there the sign read something and when questioned at the cashier she called downstairs to the manager who “convienantly” couldn’t even find such a tag where I had picked up my merchandise. Anyways, the cashier stated that the sale started the next day to which I replied. “Yes I see that on the tag, however the tag was on the shelf and it’s your mistake not mine, I want it at the price you’ve got advertised on the shelf”. She went and spoke to someone and than returned to say “Sorry my Manager said I can’t give it to you at that price” to which I responded “I’ve worked in retail, I know how this works, if your store screwed up by advertising the wrong price or by advertising the sale price early, I should be able to get it at that advertised price”, to which she really rudely said “Well my Manager is over there, go take it up with her if it’s a problem”. So I snapped back and said “No, that’s okay, you can keep it” and walked out. I will NOT be shopping at Zellers again. Not only is their business practice shit, they treat their customers like shit.
In regards to the above person who stated they worked for Zellers, I find it hard to beleive that it’s human error that most of the items in Zellers are mislabelled, and if it IS, well it isn’t the consumers fault that their staff are incompetant.
I was at Zellers on Saturday and (again!) got overcharged. There was a large sign saying peanut butter $1.49, regular price $3.99. Went through the line and was charged $1.99.Went to customer service, clerk seemed very annoyed and I had to go get the sign! It’s only 50 cents, but its my 50 cents! Also this was at 5pm in the day, so I wonder how many people had been overcharged throughout the day?
If the problem is when it’s the first day of sales they don’t have enough time to get all the signs right, then hire more night time staff — this was at 5pm at night, 10 hours after the flyer had started.
I think if a store is confident in their pricing/scanning then why wouldn’t they volunteer to participate in the Code?
One time at Loblaws, they did honor the code and seemed happy to do so. I had never heard of the code and was simply happy to get my coffee for free.
Fast forward two years later at my local Food Basics. My eggs rang up higher than priced on the shelf. I pointed that out to the cashier. She just looked at me and said, “yes, that’s the price on the scanner, you still want it?” “Yes, I want it”, I replied, nonplussed by her attitude, “but at the right price.” I wish I had thought to check if the complied with the code!
Do I still want it….I get the impression that scanning errors happen to her more often than not.
Sports experts says they are exempted from the laws aswell. They were very rude with me. I wish they would listen and learn.
Gives all the info needed
Everyone always have the opportunity to shop elsewhere! Dont get me wrong, I think if a store advertises a price then attempts to charge higher that you as the consumer should be protected. When treated poorly at a store though I would ensure I don’t shop there anymore.
I had been supporting my local independent food retailer in Bragg Creek Alberta, ( Family Foods). The other day I bought a bottle of Advil for what I thought was $14.49. I checked my receipt the next day and they charged me $15.99. I took my receipt to the store that same day and was treated with indifference and a snotty ignorant attitude from the OWNER. I received the whole price back and kept the Advil too. Had they not been so ignorant I would continue to pay higher to support the local guy, but no more.. Hello London Drugs and Super Store for now on. They never argue regarding the scanning code of ethics policies..
does this apply to small convenience stores?
Giant Tiger in Bolton ON doesn’t comply. Today, a rack of pajamas with a sign mounted on the rack read $14.96. Some tags were marked $14.96 as a regular price and others were marked $19.96. Even after pointing out the very obvious sign I got an argument. I abandoned my purchases and left.
About a month ago the Zellers at 40 Steeles West in Brampton would not honour the “buy 2 get 1 free” signs even though I brought six signs to their attention. Finally a manager sold me my 3 items for the cost of 2, but no $10 off.
I am fed up with how so many simple shopping errands turn into a battle.
Any retail store with a scanner should be held accountable for their sloppy file maintenance. I remember at one time and I don’t know if this is still the law, but if a retailer had enough complaints about incorrect scanner pricing, then that retailer would lose their ability to have scanners and revert back to price tags on every can etc..I worked for Safeway for 20 years and we played by the rules,
Pa.’s ‘scanner lady’ wins again against Wal-Mart
The Associated Press
DELMONT, Pa. – A Pittsburgh-area woman famous for campaigning against pricing errors at retail checkout counters has won another court case against Wal-Mart.
Mary Bach, of Murrysville, is nicknamed the “Scanner Lady” for her repeated small claims suits against Wal-Mart whenever she is overcharged because of incorrectly scanned price tags. Wal-Mart has been ordered to pay $164 in damages and court costs for violating a consumer protection law when it overcharged Bach for a dress last month.
Wal-Mart says it works to promptly fix such mistakes, but says a small number of errors will occur because it has 4,000 stores nationwide.
Bach’s efforts helped lead to a law requiring the state to inspect price scanners.
Information from: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, http://www.post-gazette.com
Pa.’s ‘scanner lady’ wins again against Wal-Mart
The Associated Press
DELMONT, Pa. – A Pittsburgh-area woman famous for campaigning against pricing errors at retail checkout counters has won another court case against Wal-Mart.
Mary Bach, of Murrysville, is nicknamed the “Scanner Lady” for her repeated small claims suits against Wal-Mart whenever she is overcharged because of incorrectly scanned price tags. Wal-Mart has been ordered to pay $164 in damages and court costs for violating a consumer protection law when it overcharged Bach for a dress last month.
Wal-Mart says it works to promptly fix such mistakes, but says a small number of errors will occur because it has 4,000 stores nationwide.
Bach’s efforts helped lead to a law requiring the state to inspect price scanners.
Information from: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, http://www.post-gazette.com
A-ha! My local Food Basics (Kanata) DOES follow the code! I saw the sign behind a cashier just the other day. But, when I had a scanning error about a month ago, the cashier at the time didn’t do anything special for me other than ask “Do you still want it?”.
Is there a time limit to go back and ask for my free eggs that I was entitled to in the first place? You better believe that I will be making sure the code is followed next time.
Mistakes I just yesterday at the Real Canadian superstore I was overcharged on a meat item with two price stickers attached.after much scanning,trying to correct the price the cashier called the HEAD cashier and she stated”be reasonable sir,the
is the higher sticker and gave me real attitude.
I spend approximately $5,000.00 a year in this store and should not be treated like this.
I left with no remedy, and will report this to 879 contacts in my mailing list.Maybe that will help.At least they will be informed.
Today, for the third time in this particular Walmart, I have been overcharged on a DVD. Beware consumers..pay attention to ANYTHING you purchase in the electronics section of any Walmart. Most of the products have tickets on them and they WILL REFUSE the scanning code of practise. The DVD gift set I purchased today rang up at $32.83 when the ticket clearly shows $24.83. $8.00!!!! It was a gift suggestion from my daughter who had seen it in her Walmart for $24.83. This ‘ticketed price’ policy is a crock!!! Overcharging is overcharging…someone has to load those prices in and the store should be held accountable for ANY overcharging!! GRRR!
I work at the Bay (which is linked with Zellers) and I have been told that this is on a voluntary basis, and we do not participate.
And no, I don’t think it’s possible for us to be 100% confident in our scanning. There have been MANY MANY MANY times that a customer’s item has rung in lower than advertised. And the times it doesn’t, I always double check the signs, and if they are correct, then I give them the sale price. If I owned a store, I wouldn’t honour this policy. I would give them the advertised price if it applied to their item, but other than that, no. If we didn’t constantly mark things down, and put things on sale, then it would be easy to keep things straight.
Also, I really don’t consider it “stealing” when something is overpriced. Every store I’ve been into has a screen that shows the price of the item. If you aren’t watching, and correcting any mistakes, then it’s your fault too! If you are using a credit card, when you sign you are agreeing to pay those prices! If you use a debit card, you agree to the price too!
I don’t know why Canada can’t take this as seriously as the USA,
eg Walmart fined $1.4M
Taget Fined $1.7M
Yet in Canada HBC can get away with massive price scanning overcharges, with no intention to do anything about it
This just happened to me at Canadian Tire also. The Flyer showed the item $20 less. I scanned it, and it came up with the original price of $49. The manager (J—-) was really ignorant to me when I mentioned this. This happened just before Xmas 2008 (December)
He tried to tell me that ONLY applies if the item total is only up to $10. I told him I disagree. The Canadian tire manager (J—-) the yelled at me, in front of other customers and then told me *I was banned from the Store*. This all took place in front of other morning customers, and IN FRONT of other staff (M–, for example)
I kept the receipt, and the flyer to prove this. This is my second big problem with Canadian tire. Before it was a faulty piece of garden equipment. i told this manager I would be calling (again ) head office.
Funny, then I was called into the office, he did end up apologized to me – but I still never got my $10 off due to the scanning error. I was also told I am NOT banned from the store, and that I could shop there any time…
Perhaps he should learn the facts – and I have every right to speak up about it. Anyways, I may still contact the head office as I have the original receipt, and the flyer to show that it did scan wrong, and that I was not given the discount in any shape or form.
It is a long story here – as there is MORE — but this is the basics…..I do not care IF he apologized to me or not —–he had NO RIGHT TO YELL AT ME, OR IN FRONT OF OTHER CUSTOMERS BECAUSE OF THEIR ERROR.
I think I should still call head office about this. It was totally unacceptable to the point that I was publicity embarrassed, and made to cry…for his ignorance.
I work in retail.
Our store gets people purposly trying to find things that ring up wrong…
Get lives people
I was charged a higher price than posted at Chapters Indigo. While my family waited in the car, I had to go back in to get a price adjustment. Twenty minutes later I got only the difference between the posted price and the price charged. So, I wrote to Chapters Indigo when I got home. Here is their reply:
Thank you for contacting Chapters Indigo Online regarding The Scanning Code of Practice.
What you are referring to is The Scanning Code of Practice is a voluntary code and is not Canadian Law. Participating retailers display a sign on the entrance doors and at the till that states if they are part of The Scanning Code of Practice. At this time Chapters Indigo does not follow this code and we apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced.
If you require any additional assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for choosing Chapters Indigo Online. Books, Music, Movies and More.
Kyle 25458
Customer Service Team
Chapters Indigo Online
I think of the $10 price absorbtion as paying the customer for the time and effort required to correct the store’s mistake. I expected a completely different response from this company and now I don’t think I’ll be “choosing Chapters Indigo” any more. Shame on them for not adhering to this widely-accepted policy.
Make sure you know the stores that participate in this policy!
Most stores participate but make an effort to hide the sticker so customers cannot see it (food basics and wal mart in Toronto, Ontario). Educate your friends and family.
Happy shopping!
Need to understand this practice. Does this mean this code only applied is the item i purchased has no price ticket attached to the item? What if the reason I bought the item is it has a price ticket in it and when it scans, it has the wrong price?
I bought an item that has a price sticker on it saying 2.99. It scanned at 5.99. I told them to look at the item as it has a price sticked into it. Cashier called up another person to validate to check the price and he was told 5.99 so I argued and said it clear shows a big 2.99 price sticker on the item he was holding. They said I was not entitled to the free item but that I pay 2.99 (despite a second check of a manager going bck to the shelf and validating the price which she confirmed is 2.99) and still asked me to pay 2.99. Is that correct because the item has a price sticker?
Thanks Walmart for the FREE picture frame today!
Price Display 5.97
Scanned Price 6.97
There was no issue or hassle from the Walmart sales staff! Very cooperative!
Go into Walmart right after their ad change with the previous weeks flyer and check prices. Pick up one each and had for the checkout. Get lots of free items since they don’t change the labels in a timely fashion.
Have fun shopping for free goods.
PS. They aren’t usually as cooperative.
Re: Janet’s Tip above
I love bargains, discounts, & freebies (promotional); however, that’s quite the abuse of “Canada’s Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code”. It was meant to curtail abuse by retailers, not so consumers can work the system. I hate paying more in the long run ’cause of shoppers like you. I wonder if many customers let retailers know if they have been under charged..
Happy Hunting..
I bought a set of 2 sippy cups for my 6 month old daughter today at Superstore. The price labeled was $8.24. After going over my bill before leaving the store I noticed the cups scanned at $9.69. I went to the customer service counter and the employee had another go check the item on the shelf. Sure enough the price showing was $8.24. She asked me for my telephone number and then processed the change. She then handed me $1.69 for the difference. I questioned her and asked her why she wasn’t following the Scanner Code of Practice and not giving me the cups for free. The employee replied , “Oh, you have to say that before we process the change.” I wasn’t about to argue with her as she already seemed to be quite uncooperative. I know Superstore, or any Loblaws retailer follow this practice. Is it true I need to ask for my full refund for it to apply? Thanks.
Sounds like you are entitled to a free item since Loblaw is a participating member.
Ok, here is the “Consumer Complain Process” as defined by the “the Code”.
1) When a scanner price error occurs, the cashier will be authorized to implement the Item Free Scanner Policy.
2) A customer dissatisfied with the cashier’s decision will be directed to the store manager or supervisor.
3) If the store manager or supervisor cannot resolve the dispute, the customer should be directed to a designated company representative.
4) The time period for considering a particular complaint should be left to the discretion of the retailer. However, generally complaints should be resolved as expeditiously as possible and, in any event, no later than one month after the error is alleged to have occurred.
5) In the event that the dispute between the retailer and the consumer cannot be resolved:
..(a) either party may refer the complaint to the Scanner Price Accuracy Committee; and
..(b) if the dispute remains unresolved it may, at the request of either party, be referred to a designated arbitrator on a cost recovery basis.
Register your complaint with a Scanner Price Accuracy Committee by calling 1-866-499-4599
Good lucking and happy hunting..
PS: Remember, this is just a “voluntary” code. Also there are few exceptions..
1) Not apply to goods not easily accessible to the public (e.g. prescription drugs and behind-the-counter cosmetics)
2) Not apply to individually price-ticketed items
3) Not apply in provinces or territories where existing legislation or regulation covers these concerns
4) Only ONE item is eligible on multiple unit purchases
5) Policy applies AFTER the final sale price of the purchased item has been displayed at the checkout, INCLUDING relevant rebate, discount or promotional coupons.
6) Not apply if the barcode or shelf label for a given product has been (or appeared to be) tampered with
7) Not apply to a product where, in respect of that product, the law:
(a) establishes a minimum price (or specified price); or
(b) does not permit the retailer to offer a discount or a rebate.
Regarding #7: Many companies now participate in so-called Minimum Advertised Price(MAP). This is where the manufacturers mandate specific prices for certain items. I’ve posted some info in the “Canadian Shopping Discussion” forum.
Loblaws does honour the code and you are entitled to the full refund. I work there.I would suggest that you go back and talk to the manager. In most cases it is the employee who does not understand the policy. However it is the company that should make sure they do.
Thank you for your responses; much appreciated.
I brought 2 cases of Purina dog food to the Zellers cashier, but one case had a can missing. The full case scanned properly at $24.99. For the partial case, the cashier scanned one can at $.01, called a supervisor who explained they don’t sell the cans individually, but only by the case. I pointed to the Zeller’s pricing policy sign which promises lower of ticketed, advertised, or scanned price. There was no ticket or advertised price, so I asked for the scanned price of $.01. Supervisor calls the manager who says to calculate the price of 23 cans based on the case price. I contected Zeller’s customer service via email and they explained that the scanned price was due to a technical error and is therefore incorrect.
They will not honour the posted pricing policy, so I asked to speak with management or I will call the CEO.
What else can I do??
You have the right to get your case (23 cans) of dog food replaced with a full (24 cans) case or you have an option of receiving your non-full case of cans pro-rated. Important part of your statement is that “they don’t sell the cans individually”. Regardless what it scans at the till, the supervisor stated that they don’t sell cans individually. Also, you stated that there were no tickets or advertised price. That also backs up the supervisor’s statement. So this has nothing to do with honouring “the posted pricing policy”. How can you honour a price on something that is not for sale?
Let’s put it this way. I went into a store a while back and saw one of the store’s newer display cases still had a price tag on it. I thought that the store was lucky to get this beautiful display for that sticker price. But at same token, I knew it is not “for sale”. Would I demand to buy that display case for the sticker price even though it was not for sale? (price sticker attached looked similar to the store’s stickers)
Also, I’m sure you’ve seen multi-pack bonus items, where the manufacturers package many items into one pricing. If you break the pack and scan the individual items, you might get different prices (some higher or some lower than individual shelf price), but the overall package price you pay will likely be lower than buying all items separately. Would you break the pack and take out just one item that is cheaper than the shelf price and demand lower pricing? I hope not. Since the store does not sell cans individually, what do you think happened to that one can? Someone actually bought it??? More likely someone walked away without paying for it.
Sounds to me that you are simply trying to manipulate the scanning code for your own benefit. It applies to discrepancies BETWEEN the displayed price of an item and its scanned price at the till. In your situation, since there were no loose cans stocked and ticketed on the shelf available for sale, you have no case.
Happy Hunting..
Ziplock is right. Grambo is just trying to bend the system.
It is important to remember that many other customers break open case sale items so they can try to buy single units of products.
This often happens with 6 packs of pop for another example.
In conclusion I would suggest that ‘the customer is always right’ is a cute saying but in reality is not always the truth.
I saw a bodycare gift set with a shelf tag that shows that it was on sale for $10, RRP $19.99 at the Shoppers Drug Mart in Sunwood Square in Port Coquitlam, BC. After I paid for it, plus a bunch of other items, I noticed that I was charged $19.99 on the receipt. When I went back to the cash register, I was told that I would be given a refund of $19.99 and they’ll ring it in at the correct sale price. I pointed out that is not how the code of scanner price accuracy works. The item should be free since I am allowed up to a max of a $10 discount for one item. The manager there was a real piece of work. She claimed that it is $10 off the RRP. I kept insisting that it was not. I was treated as if I was trying to steal from the store. I finally found the tiny little sign that was posted by the cash register and had her read it, which CLEARLY states that it is the shelf price, not the RRP. She then told the cash register to give it to me only this time and that she’s going to call the phone number posted on the sign. All in all, I wasted over 10mins dealing with them, and they were so rude and acted as I was trying to rip them off the whole time. On another note, I have had to deal with this manager before when I use my Save.ca coupons for other items. She’ll claim that I can’t use them for the items unless they are RRP. What is THAT all about?
I have obviously had a better experience than most. Wasn’t even aware of the Scanner Price Accuracy Code until about a year ago when I was shopping at Food Basics in Markham. Bought a package of tortillas that scanned in at a higher price than the posted shelf tag. When I asked the cashier about it, she directed me to the customer service window. I was only interested in getting back the difference but the employee at customer service told me about the policy and insisted I take the item for free. Now how is that for customer service?
On various occasions I’ve been told that the code doesn’t apply if the cashier hasn’t finished ringing my entire order through (i.e. if I notice a price difference as soon as it’s scanned.) This happened once when there was only the single item, but the receipt hadn’t actually been printed. As far as I’m concerned the code should apply right after scanning. Any opinions?
There’s a difference between “should” and “is”. According to “the code” (section 1.3), it only applies after the final sale price of the purchased item has been displayed at the checkout, including relevant rebate, discount or promotional coupons. Theoretically all “relevant rebate, discount or promotional coupons” need to be taken into account and these usually happen at the end. If I were you, stay quiet till the cashier is finished. :O)
Happy Hunting..
I used to work at Zellers, and although the company is famous for not having the correct price scan ziplock and craig are right. Often times customers are trying to scam and tear open a case and try to buy the single items, even though the company doesn’t sell them as singles and does not advertize in any way as a single item. Eg. 12 pks of soda. Their scanning code of practice is stated on every register – the customer gets the lowest advertized, ticketed, or scanned price. The cashiers know the policies, but I know at the store I worked we had a lot of pretty shady characters shopping there and tag switching was a big thing. The cashiers were always told to be very particular – if something doesn’t seem right it probably isn’t. It’s not the cashier’s fault, but the management who expect the ‘lowly’ employees to follow rules and regulations that they themselves won’t if pressed. That said, Zellers has so many problems with their scanning systems that really do need to be addressed by HO, but as long as they’re allowed to do it they will probably never spend the cash to get things in order.
I don’t know if Pharma Plus (Rexall) follows the code but they would rather do anything than process a refund when it was their fault. After double checking the sign, I brought two boxes of Royale tissue to the cash. They were supposed to be 59 cents; they rang up at $1.29. I showed him the sign that proved I was right. Rather than process the refund (which can be lengthy and cumbersome), he offered that I take three additional boxes, at no cost. I took him up on his offer.
Mind you, this was at night when there was few people around and we had the time to deal with this leisurely.
I was at the Zellers at the Bramalea City Centre in Brampton and the Customer Service girl said that that store does not follow the Accuracy Code
After reading this thread – Zellers does indeed follow the Code
What should I do?
Zellers does NOT follow the code of practice. It is voluntary for the stores to follow it and they are one of the stores that have opted out. They will give the lowest scanned, ticketed, or advertized price. IE. They will refund the wrongly scanned price and you will get the sale price. You do not, however, get $10 off or the item free up to $10. They just fix the mistake by ringing the product up at the correct sale price. Some stores may give an extra discount for the mistake, but only as a gesture to the customer. It is completely the manager’s decision if they want to do any more than just give the correct sale price. Not necessarily a good practice, but it is the way Zellers works.
Superstore (Loblaws) 170st in Edmonton.I purchased the NN cheddar snacks which were listed with a shelf price of $1.98 but scanned @ $2.18 aech. When I approached customer service all they did was refund the difference and made no mention of this code to me. I will make a point of writting down all the prices as I shop from now on, if this was wrong there most likely were more issues.
Sanda, it isn’t too late. Call the `-800 number (found on any of the councils websites), and leave a complaint(it just goes to voicemail). Thhey will contact the store and you will hear back that they will honour the code, and often go beyond that when you’ve had to make ac complaint.
They reported all 700 complaints that were made last year were resolved for the customer
Friday night CBC Marketplace had a short segment on the scanning code, with the reported being over charged twice at walmart…and not having the staff follow the code until escalated to management.
So I have a quwstion then. Has anyone noticed how when you go to a convicent store and buy a Arizona can drink that stats 99 cents right on the can and ends up paying about $1.25 and up to $1.59?
Does that law or whatever it is apply to convient stores aswell? And does anyone else feel ripped off when they’re staring at a big price tag that clearly stats 99 cents or what?
I work at a No Frills and we have this policy in place.
We were told about this policy when we were trained. Since I have been working there I have only had to do this twice (in 8 months there). The first time was about 4 months after I had started working there and I had totally forgot about this policy even though we were told about it during training as it was basically just a 5 minute max talk about it. The customer was the one who (politely, thankfully) pointed it out to me and I just simply called for customer service supervisors to come to my lane. She knew about the policy and gave the customer her free item. And it was all done nicely and I was now properly informed and won’t forget next time, having now actually gone through it.
This is what I learned we are suppose to do in these situations. If an item scans higher than its shelf price, we are to call that department and verify the price. If there is indeed a pricing error, then we are to call for customer service to come to our lane so that they can authorize the free item. We cannot do this ourselves it has to be done by the supervisors as they are suppose to go and pull the cheaper price tag off the shelf after or change it in the computer if they are able to. I only point this out because I don’t want people to think that we are trying to avoid giving you the item because we are calling someone higher up, we have to do it.
Had a pricing problem at the Real Canadian Superstore today in Kitchener. Tag price said 2/$4.00 and came up 3.49 each at the checkout. Only gave me one of the items at no charge. I was wondering if something is price based on buying two should you get both items at no charge ?
This actually happened to me in January. I have described the eposidone in my blog but end results Bounce 120 pack free plus $1 coupon given to them before the error was discovered they applied to the rest of my groceries. It made my week. It definitely made me happy to shop at Sobeys. I watch every time they ring my groceries through to make sure the correct price is charged.
Today, at Liquidation World store #104located in Trenton, Ontario … 5 piece luggage set with extending handles and wheels. My husband and I checked all the zippers to make sure they worked, decided after about 10 minutes that it was a great set of luggage and that we would buy it for my son. The sticker price on the barcode label was $29.99 and placed just above the manufactorer printed price of $189.99. The large label on the front of the luggage also was manufacteror printed as a 5pc luggage set for $189.99.
We took the luggage and the other items to the register and waited in line. The line moved well, and when it came to our turn, the “manager” appeared beside the cashier. The cashier ignored the items in my hand and asked the manager if the luggage was a set price, or done individually. When I lifted the bag by the handle, the manager actually ripped it out of my hand, causing me to exclaim that she was hurting me! She didn’t offer an apology, nor appear to notice until I asked her if she was aware my hand was still attached to the handle.
The manager immediately began telling me that each bag was priced individually and she began opening the luggage to show me the tags of different prices. I informed her that the luggage had the manufactorer price in two seperate areas, one stating it was a 5pc set and the other with the printed manufactorer price and barcode, along with the LW sticker price of $29.99. She told me that she didn’t care what I thought I was seeing.
I was in the process of telling the manager that the SCOP was a recognized way to treat customers … when another person who was totally not involved in the conversation decided to inform me that if I was going to hold up the line with my B****ing, that I might better try to rip off another store. I ignored the woman, and asked for a senior manager, but was informed to come back on Monday. The next words struck me as hilarious … “We are in the process of seperating the luggage and marking them as individually priced items. There are two staff back there working on it right now.” I told the manager that there wasn’t a staff member anywhere on the floor, but I was sure that by Monday that every manufactorer label would have magically disappeared from the luggage. At this point, I choose to purchase my other items and walk away. As the cashier handed me my change, she told me that there was no such thing as the SCOP! I let the cashier know where to look online for the SCOP and then heard the manager tell me that she knew about the SCOP and agreed with me, but she still wasn’t going to give me the luggage at the LW price
Well, I will call the store manager on Monday, as I have to go to work. I doubt I will get the luggage at the sticker price, but I also doubt that the store will appreciate this entire episode when it becomes public in the local newspapers!
[…] at the cash. Were you aware that there is a list of stores that make this their policy? Click HERE for more information about getting your items free when they come up at the wrong price at the […]
Just a friendly reminder.
If you want the companies to honour the “policy”, then at least read it thru it thoroughly and understand what it states. Also, make sure they ARE participating member. IT IS PRETTY CLEARLY.
Happy Hunting..
After reading about the experiences here, I feel the need to comment.
The Scanning Code of Practice (SCOP) is one where the retailer participates voluntarily. However, once a retailer has chosen to participate, they need to be held to the terms of that code. Cashiers and managers should not be allowed to change the terms of that code and need to be held accountable to those terms.
If a retailer has chosen to participate, signs showing their participation are to clearly posted. Those signs should be at the entrance to the store as well as at each cash register.
If an item that does NOT have a price sticker is scanned at a HIGHER price the following procedure should happen:
1) If the item has a correct price of $10.00 or less, the item is received free of charge.
2) If the item has a correct price over $10.00, the item is sold at the correct price less $10.00. (Example: scanned price – $19.99; correct price – $14.99; price to be charged – $4.99.)
Any additional purchases of the same item in either of the situations are to be charged at the correct price.
Cashiers are to have the authorization to implement the policy. I interpret this to mean they do not have to ask for a supervisor or manager to make an override. (When it has happened to me, I have asked the supervisor/manager why the cashier does not have that authorization. At the same time I have told the cashier they are doing a great job and my grievance is with the supervisor/manager.)
As for feeling you are an inconvenience to those in line behind you, remember you have a right to pay the correct price. (If anyone gives you a hard time, politely request they pay for your purchase. You will find they get quite quiet at this point.)
This policy was devised to assist both consumers and retailers. Retailers do not have to place price stickers on their products. Some of us older people can remember the ink stampers that would put a price on canned goods before the grocery clerk placed them on the shelf. Those ink stamps changed to small paper stickers. It was with those small paper stickers that dishonest shoppers could place a lower price on a costly product. The retailer then had to give the item at the lower price. (This was because of other legislation.) With no stickers on items, the shopper can only see the price they are being charged when the item is scanned. Watch carefully while your items are being scanned and know the prices.
As for the retailers that say your request in implementing the (SCOP) has to happen at the exact time of purchase, refer to section 1.1 of the policy. It does not state any particular occasion the incorrect scanning is to brought to the attention of the retailer. It only says a claim needs to be brought. Section 7.4 states it is left up to the retailer to determine. I see this as if the store does not satisfy your claim and it is brought to the attention of head office, the original application of free/$10.00 off is required.
I hope this helps and, (I forgot who said it) “Don’t let anybody rip you off.”
Kim Watson – your post has nothing to do with the SCOP. Items were individually priced “The sticker price on the barcode label was $29.99 and placed just above the manufactorer printed price of $189.99. The large label on the front of the luggage also was manufacteror printed as a 5pc luggage set for $189.99.”
If youa re going to argue about it, make sure you know what you are talking about.
So I was wondering.. if a store that participates in Scop but say one week, they put up a notice saying they arenot participating in that week’s flyer. Will Scop not apply then? Or else we can get everything on the flyer for free right lol.
And my local SDM often does not have the same sale as the ones displayed in the flyer, is there something that can be done about that as well?
Today, I was at Extra Foods on Warman Road and 51st Street in Saskatoon, SK. I bought some bulk pistachios that was advertised at $9.24/kg. When checking out, I was charged $11.66/kg.
I went to customer services for a correction. I was refunded the difference and told I did not qualify to get the pistachios for free because it was not classified as “a scanned item.” She said bulk foods, fruits, vegetables, etc… do not qualify under the Canadian Code of Practice Scanner Price Accuracy.
Can someone verify that for me? If she was wrong, where do I complain for a reimbursement?
It is the common practice of the Extra Foods store to mispriced their fruits and vegetables. I have to go to Customer Services on a weekly basis because of being overcharged on food. I wonder how many millions they are stealing from other customers?
Wal-Mart flunks price accuracy tests, pays $1 million settlement
Unfortunately I had a customer who was extremely pathetic and had to take advantage of this scanning code of practice to the max. A customer came in and bought a mosquito lamp that scanned at $16.99 but was actually $12.99. So I finished the transaction and I took off the $10 so she had to pay $2.99 plus tax. She asked why I had taken off the reduction and I told her about the scanning code of practice. Ten minutes later she came back with 3 more lamps and asked if the offer still applied. I told her that it wasn’t an offer, it was simply a policy. However my manager told me that I had to take the $10 off until the shelf price was corrected which hadn’t happen because it was so busy and the price couldn’t be changed unless it was done at head office. So I scanned all three lamps which I marked down to 12.99 for two and 2.99 for the third since it was $10. She became upset at me because she thought the lamps were now 2.99 each. I said that we only take off $10 for one item only. So then she told me to scan each one separately on different bills. My manager said limit one per customer and she blew up completely saying that my store was stealing from her and that we were being crooks for not letting her have the lamp for $2.99. My manager said to let her buy one more lamp. The worse part is that I was down by lumber by myself so none of the other 8 cashiers did not hear this whole debacle going on. The manager did not believe it was a “big” deal and did not find the need to alert others of this woman. The next day there was a meeting with all cashiers about 15 mosquito lamps being sold in one day. It would be a great thing if they were all sold for $12.99 but instead they were only sold for $2.99 each time by the same woman, the same card by 9 different cashiers. So what happened? Well, the woman simply took the the sticker off the shelf and when she went to the cashier and it scanned wrong, she showed them the sticker with the correct price and the cashier would take $10 off. The other cashiers recall her coming back 5-10 minutes later saying she was going to buy another lamp and the cashiers would just give her the extra $10 since she is technically, another transaction thus another customer. Honestly, this is an example of pure deceit and ridiculousness in every respect. If she needs 15 mosquito lamps, I hope they don’t work and West Nile gets to her.
I bought a blouse from Wal-Mart and it scaned in at $9.00 but the price on the price tag said $8.00. So, do I get it for the lesser price or do I get it Free?
[…] SCOP stands for Scanning Code of Practice. You can read more about SCOP here. […]
[…] SCOP stands for Scanning Code of Practice. You can read more about SCOP here. […]
Ever since I found out about the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code, I have been REALLY diligent about looking at prices and I am amazed at how often it comes up when I go shopping. I have gotten a lot of items for free or $10 off because the price scans up higher. In general, I found the Loblaws stores to be great about honouring the code but I have had instances where people did not honour the code or misinterpreted the code. Here are my experiences:
1) One cashier at a Superstore only corrected the price after I pointed it out to her and proceeded with the transaction. I reminded her about the code and with a roll of her eyes, she asked a manager for a price override. While waiting, I asked her, “If the code is your policy, why did you not just put it through as a free item?” She said, “Oh, sometimes I do, but sometimes I just don’t feel like it.” I said, “If that’s your store policy, then I shouldn’t have had to remind you.” She apologized in the end, but it just shows that we have to diligent.
2) I had a bottle of shampoo that rang up as $10.49 when it should have been $10.39. When I pointed it out to the cashier, and after checking the price, she punched something into the cash register and it came up as $10.39 this time. I asked her if she changed the price manually and she claimed no; however, I thought it was odd that she had to punch in something at the beginning of my transaction [I was a cashier once and I know you don’t need to punch something in if you’re already signed into a cash register.]. I told her I didn’t want to purchase the shampoo. I took the shampoo to a different cash register and, lo and behold, it came up at $10.49, the incorrect price. So why does it come up different at both cash registers? The manager and cashier said that each register loads up differently so she may have had the correct price in her register. I still think she tried to by-pass the code by putting it in at the correct price, especially since the store’s own price checker scanned the item at the incorrect price.
3) Even a company can misinterpret the code and each store can interpret the code differently. Very recently, I found an item is posted as $9.99 but it scanned up at $10.99. I pointed it out to the cashier and she corrected the price. I reminded her about the code and she changed that on my transaction… but hang on, I was still charged the tax on the $9.99! I asked to speak with her manager and the manager confirmed that the $10 was taken off after taxes. I said that I’d never had that happen to me, but he insisted. I didn’t argue and I bought the product, but something didn’t sit right. I called another Loblaws and the manager there said that, yes, I should have gotten the product for free since it was $9.99 and under $10. She told me to call Loblaws Customer Service. The rep didn’t know the answer but after asking someone, she said that it was $10 off the item after tax. I didn’t argue with her, but when I called the Scan Code folks, she said that the Loblaws rep was wrong and I should have gotten the $9.99 item for free, regardless of tax. She’s going to contact Loblaws to rectify this and someone from Scan Code will get back to me with regards to a resolution. So I learned a few things from this:
i) Even companies can get it wrong.
ii) The $10 off is BEFORE tax. If the item is $9.99, I pay notihing. If the item is $16.99, I only pay $6.99 plus the tax on ONLY the $6.99.
iii) Keep your receipts (I always do) so that you have proof of any discrepancies.
4) When I tell my friends about this, many of them say, “Oh, it’s not worth my time,” or they say, “I’ve pointed it out once but they gave me a hard time about the code so I gave up”, or they say, “Won’t they get mad at you? I mean, they’re in business to make money.” My answer to all that… i) it IS worth your time! Most part-time jobs don’t even pay $10/hour. If someone gave you $10 would you take it or just say, “No, it’s not worth my time.” The most all this takes is 5 min, and often even less if the store and employees are well versed in the practice (which most are). Pay attention to what you’re paying. You may think, “Ah, so they over charged me 10c, big deal.” Why would you pay 10c more on top of the cost of the item when you can get something for free!
ii) If you pointed out the price different and the cashier gives you a hard time, you can either point out the policy that’s found at the cash register, carry your own copy of the scan code policy, ask the manager/customer service or call the Scan Code folks themselves. In the end, the policy is in place. If you’re following the rules, why shouldn’t they? Their company volunteered to be a part of this code so for them to not honour it is not right.
iii) The company does not take your name or photo every time you get the scan code discount. It is a simple transaction not requiring any signatures or contact information. This is the code they have chosen to abide by and we shouldn’t feel guilty or feel like criminals for using it. Don’t forget that for every time you find something that scans up higher than the shelf price, many other people have purchased that item at that higher price and the company pockets that money. As long as the company does their job and provides accurate pricing, then we would not have to bring these errors to their attention.
5) Some cashiers think that if you bring in two different items that scan higher than the shelf price that only one of them gets the $10 off and the other gets the corrected price. In actuality, the scan code brochure says that this only applies when you buy multiples of the SAME item. So if you buy 2 of the same items and they scan up higher than the shelf price, you get one of them at $10 off and the other at the corrected price. If you bring two different items and they’re both higher than the shelf price, then you get BOTH items at $10 off each. I checked this with Loblaws customer service and with Scan Code.
6) Know the code inside and out! If you know it really well, then you will always have a leg to stand on. Bring a copy of the brochure yourself so you can point it out. If you don’t know it, then you may wind up backing down when you weren’t supposed to. Remember, the code is NOT up for interpretation. It’s there to protect you and keep stores in check.
I have to add that the scan code brochure could be tweaked to offer clarity on the whole tax situation and when 2 or more different items scan up incorrectly. This would leave less room for interpretation. Nevertheless, stick to your guns and, oh yes, happy shopping!
In response to Bonnie and her blouses, no, you would not get $10 off. The $10 off is if the scanned price is MORE than the shelf price and only if the item does not have a price tag on it (sticker or tag). In your case, you would get the lower, scanned price.
In response to K, I totally agree that, as a consumer, she is taking advantage of the code since the code clearly states that multiples of the same item means only one gets the discount and the others get the corrected price. I feel that if the store honours the code, then we as consumers have to honour its intention since it’s there to protect us and not make us greedy consumers!
To that end, I have gotten a scan code discount on a mispriced item and come back 1-2 days later to see if the price has changed. If the price error hasn’t changed, then I’m not adverse to picking up that item again. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a new day and I’ve given them ample time to correct the error.
In response to Mike, it is true that items sold by weight are excluded. Have a look at the following link for the FAQ’s:
I Love the way you write…thanks for posting
Liat52 is wrong when they say the following:
Liat52 says…
June 19, 2009 at 10:49 am In response to Bonnie and her blouses, no, you would not get $10 off. The $10 off is if the scanned price is MORE than the shelf price and only if the item does not have a price tag on it (sticker or tag). In your case, you would get the lower, scanned price.
You would get the First item only free up to the value of $10.00.
After that the limit stays at $10.00 thought the price of the item be more.
In response to Matt, Bonnie does not get anything for free. This is because her blouse has a tag on it. If an item has the price clearly marked on it and it scans up higher at the register, then she would get the lower price, which is the price on the tag. This is evidenced through the Retail Council of Canada’s website:
“The Code does not apply to:
-Prescription drugs dispensed by a pharmacist.
-Behind the counter cosmetics
-Individually price-ticketed items (items where the price of the item is on the product, such as store packed meat, deli sliced meats and cheeses, clothing or greeting cards).
-Products where the barcode/UPC or PLU has been tampered with.”
However, I am not sure what would happen in this scenario…
If the $8 blouse had a sign on the fixture that said “Blouses only $6” or if it was advertised as $6 in a store flyer, and it scanned up as $9, then would Bonnie have gotten the blouse for free or just at the $6 price. Does anyone know the answer?
Pat, I feel your pain, I tried to take advantage of the $10 of free `Canadian Tire Money` if you buy $50 coupon (it was in the paper) and the cashier told me that I was being a pain in the a** (her words). The manager was standing right beside her and told me that it wasn`t worth the trouble to give me the $10! Why did they even run the promotion! I did eventually get my deal, but they shortchanged me 50 cents. BTW the SCOP works great at most stores! I get a free loaf of bread every time I go to Walmart because they haven`t fixed the price in months. The cashiers have actually started just ringing it in at no cost for me because they know that no one has bothered to fix the price. Come to think of it, Walmart is so much better than Canadian Tire. I feel like a horrible Canadian.
yesterday I was at Zellers and a lady got a free case of coke as they were advertised at 3 for 9.99 and it scanned at 5.69. the cashier gave her the case free with no questions asked. The customer didn’t even know why she got it free. Thought that was good, as usually you hear only bad stories about Zellers.
To ElsaLAbbe, that’s amazing, but I’m also confused. The HBC stores, such as Zellers, are not listed as signatories, according to the SPACV’s November 2008 annual report. Are they new this year?
I was standing in a line-up at a grocery store one day when a customer was yelling at the cashier for scanning an item at the wrong price! poor girl was almost in tears! remember folks, those cashiers that are ringing in your items, usually don’t have anything to do with the pricing or changing of the prices! they don’t need to be yelled at!
yes i like to save money and i will save it wherever i can! but this scanning code of practice is a big nuisance! by the time you call for a price check, by the time those cashiers call the manager, you’ve wasted away about 10 minutes of your day! i’m happy just to get a refund for the difference!
I don’t think all the cashiers know about this. This seems to be the case when some customers bring up the scanning code of practice. Or they lie and claim they don’t know about it. Or maybe even if they do they’re encouraged not to volunteer the information so most customers not in the know pay or overpay and the store gets to take advantage of the customer’s ignorance. The other day at Metro the guy in line before me asked about it but the cashier said that wasn’t the case anymore and they don’t give it for free or whatever. They just correct the price if the mistake is pointed out and you still pay for it. Ofcourse if it isn’t pointed out (which I’m sure in many cases it isn’t), the customer loses his/her money and that’s how the cookie crumbles.
This is Law in Quebec..And I have benefited Numerous times..
Anything under $10 scanned wrong is free and over $10 a percentage off is given..This is The LAW….
Read this link, it is an investigation that cbc Canada did and this is what CBC said (it is in the article with the Competition Bureau’s pamphlet on the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code :
“If a store scans a product at the wrong price — and if the item costs more than $10 — you get $10 off the price. And if it’s under $10 — you get it for free.”
I have noticed lots of people here complaining about Canadian Tire. You should check out http://www.canadiantiresucks.net .
Canadian Tire is generally not very customer friendly.
Zellers is a Joke
I am not sure how they get away with what they do.
Just this week they had taped a 50% 0ff Patio All Patio sets While Supplies last Limited Quanities Sign taped all over there Patio Sets.
My friend inquired about a Patio Set Priced at 149.99 this one also had the 50 % off Sign taped on it. She was told it was already reduced from $499.99 so it was not on for a Further 50% off.
We then pointed out that the sign clearly stated 50 % off ALL PATIO SETS.
The Assistant manager was very Rude and said you actually are trying to tell me that we would sell that for $ 75.00 no you are not going to get that $ 499.99 set for $ 75.00.
After much argument we called Zellers District Manager.
Where we got no Further Satisfaction.
NOTE: Signs did not state any Particular Sku numbers nor did they say Previously Reduced Patio Sets did not Qualify.
But much to my surprise when I visited the Store again in the Afternoon all the 50% off the Patio Sets Signs had been REMOVED.
WOW isn’t that FUNNY !!!!
The last few weeks at the grocery store I’ve gotten $25-40. Some weeks, it all rings up okay. I usually find it just easier to pay it all and go to CS and deal with it. It takes a manager’s approval to do it, so it’s just easier to clear the line and go to CS. I love SCOP. I save a lot on groceries because of it.
the link provided in the original post no longer work???
For five years, state inspectors in Arizona went into Wal-Mart stores to check whether the prices paid at the register matched the price they were supposed to be sold for. The results weren’t pretty: Wal-Mart flunked more than half of the 976 inspections.
I recently went into a shoppers drug mart in Vernon BC, saw a whole bunch of ice packs on sale for $2.99. next to them were another type of ice packs on for $3.99. I was in a big hurry and did not notice until I got home that I was charged for the larger (3.99) ones. The next day I went in with the receipt and the icepacks, and told the girl at the til that I was over charged for the ice packs, and that I would like to use SCOP. She went to check the price, came back with the tag that was under the bunch of ice packs I chose from and said the ticket shouldn’t be there. The SKU is not the same.
I said that the price is pinned up right there with all those type of ice packs (not just one or two). She said that it shouldn’t be. I then went on to say that it is not my job to make sure price tags are all in their right spot, and that I shouldn’t have to check the SKU on everything I buy. If there had been only one or two, I would have checked to see if someone had just put them down.
Anyways, this other lady jumps in, and says, you can have it then for that price. I said no, I actually am supposed to get it for free. So she gets uppity and goes to check with her manager. She comes back and in an “I told you so” tone of voice, says “the manager says you can have it for the price on the ticket and that’s that.
I was so frustrated with her tone, that I said “no, you can just give me a full refund”. I haven’t been back there since.
I do want to say that this was the downtown location and have not had problems at the other 2 locations.
northwest(AKA gianttiger) state they participate but hey argue with you and you get sqat
I had a problem when I went to the Price Chopper in Burlington, Ont. (Brant Street). I was told that I have to leave the store than come back to get the item for free. I knew this was not correct so I contacted the scanning code conduct office (there is a 800 number wherever the signs are posted at the stores). Anyways I called them and filed a complaint against Price Chopper. A couple of days later the manager of price chopper called me and I went into the store to get my free item.
So call the number if you have problems with any of the stores.
Hmmm, the where to get more info link is broken.
And good luck to you trying to deal with mistakes made at Crappy Tire.
I was at RCSS last week and purchased an item that was advertised on their flyer for $20, but the cash register rang it in for over $24. I took this over to customer service and they said SCOP does not pertain in this situation because there was no price tag displayed on the shelf and they can only give me the item for $20 as advertised.
Do they really need to have the shelf tag in order to give me $10 from SCOP…even when it’s advertised on their flyer?
Thank you everybody!
shoppers drug mart,,,please train you frontstaff to know what scop is,,,and what to do when finding a mistake that youve made,,,it saves me time and the cashier an argument,if i find a mistake that youve made i want to get compensation for my time and money that ive overspent there over the years before scop was placed in your stores.
cool pics
I am a lead cashier at a NoFrills store. A lot of customers need to re-evaluate their approach to these situations. If you were to come up to us politely and inform us that it scanned wrong, and that we need to abide by the code (The cashier’s all know what it is…) we are 100000 % more likely to respond in a polite manner, correcting the mistake and honouring the code.
I had a customer explode on me as soon as it scanned wrong.. I didnt do anything, in fact I was overly polite to her as she is a regular. If customers were to loose the attitude, it would help everybody.
On a side note, regular cashiers at NoFrills are not authorized to putt in a 338 (Scan-Free Code), unless they have an override code. Thats why most of us will try to sell it at the lowest marked price, as we can do that without an override, and if you shop at NoFrills you know how long our lines can get!
Just be polite, we would be glad to work with you to solve the issue, even if it involves us giving you a free item.. we appreciate the business more than the bad PR.
Can someone please clarify that if the first item can be free, do we still have to pay for the tax? Many thanks!
Hi there,
Yesterday we were at Zellers (Saskatoon Market Mall) and found a Spiderman costume with no tags on it. We used their price scanner, and it came up as $.01, admittedly cheap!
When the clerk scanned it, she refused to sell it to us for that price. She then called her supervisor who concurred saying that it was priced wrong and shouldn’t have been on the floor.
Does anyone know whether they are obliged to sell it for that price?
Thank you!
where can i get a list of stores that participates in these ethics code? there is one chinese foodmarket here in winnipeg that dupes people by putting a lower price tag on the shelf and different from the scenned price.
I find it depending on the clerk too. I was in a superstore in Calgary and got a case of cheese that I clearly remembered shown $6.99 in the cooler. When I bought up to the till it rings up as $7.99 and I contested with the clerk. She said that’s the price and proceed to send someone to check on it. Surely someone call back and said $7.99 is the price but in that incident there is about 3 of us in the party saw the $6.99 price sign when we took the item out. I then went to the cooler again of course at that point the price tag had changed to $7.99! I just found it annoying on how much you have to rely and trust these people and if I need to follow them everytime someone did a price check when you clearly is protected by this rule based on the pricing mistake yet you have to argue like you are a cheap skate! Just venting! Thanks.
I have been doing the SCOP thing for a while. But now I have been accused of basically what they say is that I “Switch” tags, ie: They THINK i put up an old tag which has the sale price. RIDICULOUS! Has this happened to anyone??
I am so distressed and upset about this, I have NEVER done ANYTHING ILLEGAL, and I even tell them to check their security tapes or have someone follow me around the store and I will show them where their STAFF leave the old prices up and forget to change them.
Please help. I am consulting a lawyer about this, it is very humiliating.
You people always have such superb articles to examine on your web page. I enjoy returning to see new subject matter since I now have your site bookmarked. Thanks a great deal.
Ok so today i went to SDM and got some hair dye that was on sale from 7.99 down to 6.49. It scanned as 8.49, I went to the shelves and took a look to make sure of the price, I realized that regardless of it was on sale or not I should be refunded for it. The customer service woman got the cosmetic counter woman to fix it for me.Their policy at this store it to run it though for 1 cent. The two women argued for a bit about how to refund me for the item and kept on saying ‘we she wants it for free not just the difference’, ‘be we just give the difference all the time’, and of course ‘but she wants it for free’. After all this the cosmetic lady still asked me for the penny. I gave it to her just to avoid more stupidity.
I love the ‘she wants it for free’ like if I didn’t know about the SCOP I wouldn’t have gotten it for free.
Your posts are extremely helpful and informative. What brought you to put up your blog?
Not sure I agree entirely, but I have to say that I find the commentary insightful.
Free Energy for Your Home
Superstore in Fort McMurray should be called Super rip off, Bought 12 items on Sunday 3 were priced wrong, Refused the first one because even though the price was marked clearly under the product with identical name and size, they claimed it was a different sku number and therefore they wouldnot honour the price or the code. Items 2 and 3 were different kinds of sandwich meat and would only give me one because they said they were the same item just a different variety, when I asked if they were the same sku the manager walked away. I then went back with my cell phone camera and took picture of the two very different price tags and was then quickly thrown out of the store for “using a camera” which I was told was aganst store rules and was posted at the entrance. I went to the entrance only to be told by an employee, that there was in fact no sign and the Manager had knowingly lied to me.
I was at Metro In Kanata this weekend. They overcharged me on 6 bottles of PowerAde. I brought this to the attention of the cashier. He checked the ticketed price on the shelf, brought in a Customer Service Manager to override and she asked him if he offered one bottle free. He had… I didn’t have to ask about the SCOP. I never knew anything about it – until now. They were very forthright – I admire that.
I was shopping at the local Dominion in Mount Pearl NL and I picked up a package of band aids which were advertised in the flyer for 3.99. They scanned for 4.99 and I advised the clerk of the correct price. He then checked the flyer the for sale price and called his manager over to do a price correction. I was aware of the SCOP but didn’t have to remind them. The manager advised me that I received the item for free and I thanked them both for implementing the code and dealing with the situation in a very professional and timely manner.
Thanks Dominion.
WandaJoy I shop at that Dominion all the time. I usually don’t have a problem with items scanning incorrecty there but I bought a mini watermelon there that was on sale for $3.99 but scanned for $7.99. I had already paid before I realized. When I went to the service desk they refunded the price, ie. free without me having tomention the SCOP at all. Nice to know our local Dominion implements their policies 🙂
I really can’t understand why Zellers does not have to individually ticket every item (like in the “old days”). I remember those days…..
Zellers stores can not seem to present their products neatly and properly display the item’s price via the shelf tag (most stores shelves are a complete mess), nor can they seem to scan those same products at their checkout with any degree of price integrity.
It seems to me that there is a responsibility (not just a voluntary one) to retail with consumer needs consideration in mind, This can either mean retailing using modern scanning technology (thereby saving operational cost through labour productivity) or individually price ticketing each item, if that is what it takes. The price invoicing methodology is up to The Bay / Zellers organization.
What SHOULD be mandated everywhere (as Quebec law states) is to require all businesses selling direct to consumers to charge the correct price… or be penalized. There must be an incentive to retailers to not defraud consumers that trust that their purchases are transacted with acceptable accuracy and a degree of employee competence (meaning elimination of both over and under charged).
In my opinion Zellers is the most deficient retailer in the market in regard to pricing accuracy. I believe as a result they are afraid to comply with the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code.
What is ironic, and quite sad, is that (certainly in my community anyway) a once respected Canadian company like Zellers is clearly being mismanaged and consequently struggling for consumers, while a US company like WalMart is booming and claiming huge market share in the discount retail demographic that they both compete for.
I did buy a baby shoes from Walmart in Northwest Edmonton today and I found the price item tag is different that what the cashier scans it. It was much higher price. I asked the cashier to give me the $10 discount as it shows in their Canadian Code of Practice Scanner Price Accuracy policy that shows in the front of the cashier’s desk. The cashier called her store manager, but the last one refused to give me the discount. How shame they are. They put polices and don’t do it.
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I have a question what if I purchased for example two different items and they both have the wrong price do I get both for free? I mean since they are two different items. Would anyone know how that works.
My cousin recently purchased some frozen food items that were on sale for $10 she got 10 of them since they were only .99 and she got all 10 for free since the price was incorrect I don’t think the stores know the policy that well and it how it works either. The store was Loblaws I find they have a lot of mistakes on prices and I have got a lot of free items, cheap items all under $10 but got them for free because of their errors.
I got angry when I realised management and staff refused to honour store policy.
As a business transaction the exchange of goods for hard earned dollars must be conducted with moral codes and fair practices in place. But yesterdays exchange with customer service has me thinking that thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars are being taken from hard working ordinary Joe’s and Jane’s because someone is asleep at the RETAIL PRICING LABEL MAKER.
As a MSRP is marked down to generate store goodwill and IMPULSE BUYING, shoppers tend to buy products they never intended to purchase that day. Therefore boosting the bottom line when the till is closed for the evening. In my case a “PRICE ROLLBACK” was clearly marked on a shelf sticker, by the time I got home and reviewed the reciept it was too late to complain. Or was it? Each of those labels are generated from a computer printout on a sheet of self-adhesive labels. Each of those products purchased for the day would have been entered automatically into a database for inventory and marketing analysis. When I went to the display after the fact the label had been removed and the product was back to it’s origional MSRP. I relayed this bit of information to the customer service employee, but when she presented the facts to the manager in charge she claimed she went over to look at the display and reported that the product was never discounted. (the nerve). “PRICE ROLLBACK” is a EUPHAMISM for customer rip-off.
Of course when I tried to tell the manager about the missing label, her reply was “there is no way to check if that product was marked as “rolled back” LIE #1, when I challenged her to check with the computer database of the previous days purchase of that particular item, she claimed there was no way of doing that. LIE #2. My reply was “So, out of the hundreds of stores across Canada who advertised this sale item, the thousands of customers who made the same purchase as I did, they were charged the higher price, NO ONE COMPLAINED???!!!” Her answer was “NO”.Lie #3
As I stormed out of her department I yelled “THANKS FOR NOTHING!” Regrettably that was the dumbest thing I could have said. Unfortunately, I’m not very good at protesting. I do know one thing though, I never once used an expletive to voice my displeasure. As angry as I got I vowed never to be taken advantage of again. (I felt so dirty). This is how WALMART makes new enemies. I’ve been saying for years “EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO EARN A LIVING” But please, not through dishonest and fraudulent means.
Good post, thanks
Love the post! I was searching for free classified advertising and classified related articles when I came across your website post on Google. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the share. I’ve saved this post for future reference 🙂 Nice article – Catch Ya
I have to say… I work at a drug store and we dont follow this… but in most cases its just a left up sale tag… and for the customers sake we do give them that sale price… but to get an item free is kind of a load of crap… like you were willing to pay for it just a minute ago… we are changing the price for you… customers just need to find something to complain about… they make the cashieres like a living hell… but i guess its just what we signed up for.
I love your website! did you create this yourself or did you outsource it? Im looking for a blog design thats similar so thats the only reason I’m asking. Either way keep up the nice work I was impressed 🙂
recently went to safeway in marpole vancouver .I purchased some salmon steaks from deli,after coming home I seen the safeway flier advertising salmon steaks for 1.99 per 100 grams.Looked at my bill and was charged 2.19 per 100grams ,my bill was $15.00.Went back to sevice counter and was told I could have it at the lower price.When I said it was scanner code violation the assistant manager became very rude and said take it or leave it!he then called the manager.His reply was the deli clerk entered the wrong code so it was not a scanner code violation. I told him the price in front of the salmon reads 2.19 not the advertised flier price .He offered me 7.50 for my trouble, no $10.00. who is right? 2 days later went to store and the price is still 2.19 not the flier price, what scammers ,scanner scammers!
does Zellers have to comply to this rule too?? I was given attitude when it happened to me today!!
This just happened to me a shoppers. Tried to buy pro health toothpaste. It was 2 for $5 (or 2.99 each) and I didn’t realize it scanned wrong till I got to the car. On my way back in a lady reminded me of this law and the cashier knew about it but didn’t quite know how it worked. I got my refund and then paid $.02! According to this I probably should have got one free and then paid 2.99, or got both free. I don’t know how it works for 2 for 1 prices.
They have to sell the item for no less than 1 cent. If the item is 5.00 it would then cost a penny. I had this happen at shoppers and she fully offered it, I had never even heard of this. They were great about it. I’m glad not everyone is as terrible as the story I read below about Canadian Tire.
fear the dark needs to realize that the 10 customers before me paid 5.00 extra thinking the item was on sale as posted and not checked the reciept,thats 50.00 in sales that the store wouldnt had made on that product,so when i go up and notice its 5.00 over the listed sales price they better give it to me for free,been rippedoff for way too many years to feel any sympathy for these retailers.
We should boycott all stores that refuse to abide by this practice. They have no respect for consumer protection, and only care about how many people they can rip off with wrongly advertised prices.
I had never even heard of this. They were great about it. I’m glad not everyone is as terrible as the story I read below about Canadian Tire.
You all know your Scanner Price Accuracy VOLUNTARY code very well,but ZELLERS isn’t one of the participating retail outlets. Could have sworn I read the list of participating stores at the top of the page. In my experience you get more with a nice approach than approaching with bitchy attitude.
Please know that this is a VOLUNTARY code and not all large retailers participate. If they do, there is always a sign on the front door. Please double check this before you start yelling at us cashiers that work at these stores which DON’T participate. We do not have anything to do with the prices, we just scan your items through.
Thanks from all of us cashiers.
This is incorrect. If you purchase two identical items priced incorrectly, you get the first one for free or for 10$ off and the other item for the scanned price.
Active Tech
3633 Boul. des Sources, Suite 208 D.D.O.
Quebec H9B 2K4
TEL: 1-866-685-5603
Re: Not Honouring Prices as Marked.
On Saturday September 11th, 2010 I visited your store at 3790 Victoria Park Avenue in Toronto to purchase an adapter for a project my son and I were working on.
After a pleasant half hour we approached the cashier with almost $100.00 worth of merchandise, including a small jewelers loupe marked at approximately $4.50.
The cashier, a Russian sounding fellow informed me the price of the item was actually over $8.50, and they wouldn’t sell it at the price marked on the item.
He called over a supervisor, who also informed me the price was wrong, and that they wouldn’t honour the price as marked.
I pointed out that ALL of the identical items on the shelf were marked with that price. They insisted there was nothing they would do about honouring the sticker price.
This of course if the primary mechanism that cashiers use to defraud customers. Tell the customer the price is wrong, ask for a higher price, and pocket the difference.
They would not show me the price in the computer, and they would not honour the sticker price.
At that point I proceeded to return all of the other items I had picked up, and placed approximately $80 to $90 of merchandise to the side which I indicated I would not purchase if the price on the sticker wasn’t honoured.
They would not budge. Even at a conservative 10% profit margin, the items I elected not to have purchased profit margin far outweighed the approximately $4 difference between the price marked and the price they claimed was in the computer for the jeweler’s loupe
The supervisor refused to provide his full name, and insisted he was “Shawn” and would not give a last name. He said his manager was “Brett” but again refused to provide a last name.
Clearly your staff would rather sell me $7.78 worth of merchandise and forgo the revenue of the nearly $100 worth of equipment I was going to buy, and take the time to restock the shelves with all of the purchases I elected not to proceed with due to the shabby treatment I received.
I will be making a special effort to relate this poor treatment I received at your store to as many of my peers and colleagues as possible. I will be posting it to facebook, to my blog and to as many Internet sites as I can find as well as the old fashioned bulletin board at work.
Clearly your staff would rather:
1. Not honour prices as marked contrary to the Canadian Scanner Price Code of Conduct. http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/eng/01262.html
2. Invent new prices and attempt to charge customers higher amounts without showing them what is in the computer.
3. Infuriate customers who insist that prices be honoured as marked.
4. Forgo the revenue and profits on nearly a hundred dollars and elect instead to sell $7.78 worth of merchandise.
5. Take the time and effort to restock shelves with merchandise that could have been sold.
6. Harm the reputation of the firm with a direct customer, and spoil the goodwill with all the indirect individuals that customer tells about the experience.
Tell Shawn, “Good Job Buddy, You saved us $4. Way to go.”
cc: Diane J. Brisebois, President & CEO, Retail Council of Canada.
cc: Better Business Bureau, Mid Western and Central Ontario
Hmm that was weird, my comment obtained eaten. Anyway I desired to say that it is nice to realize that someone else also mentioned this as I experienced trouble finding the exact same info elsewhere. This was the first place that told me the answer. Many thanks.
In regards to a few people’s comments who were saying items were ringing up for $0.01 at Zellers, that typically means it is written off. (And therefore should not be sold to customers)
As a cashier myself in the past, I’ve witnessed first hand the flaws of our system. With weekly price changes as well as sales throughout the week, our staff always missed re-pricing a few items. There was nothing worse than figuring out at around the end of a shift that you had been selling a certain product at the wrong price all day. That being said, there is two sides to this coin. I’ve had just as many items that were under priced as overpriced. Customers typically don’t point these out, but an experienced cashier should be able to spot most of these.
Ultimately I believe the solution boils down to simply being better organized and having everyone do their job. I’m in charge of my own department now and I’ve personally never had one call about a wrong price or an item in the wrong place. Under-staffing is also a big reason for many of the wrong prices and disorganization of some of our stores.
I personally do feel that this is “stealing” and trust me when I say that no cashier wants to be a part of that. If you see a price that comes up wrong, point it out to the cashier! (That being said, try to remember the prices of everything you buy.) This enables them to not only save you money, but any other customer that buys the same product. I personally loved being corrected. If you have a snobby cashier, I wouldn’t let that affect your opinion of all of HBC. (Every business has their rotten apples) Try to apply some compassion to these cashiers as I’m sure most people would agree, it’s not the most delightful job out there.
Also, I’m sure most of you don’t know this, but at many Zellers stores, cashiers are empowered to give up to a 30% discount without consultation of a manager or a specific department.
And one last thing I’d like to mention is to be courteous to the cashiers. It is not their fault that a price is labeled wrong and I’ve had numerous people outright blame me. I personally felt much more compelled to try and help customers if they were nice about it.
Overall, we do have a very high accuracy rate of our products prices, but there is definitely room for improvement. (As we are low compared to many other businesses) People do seem to focus on only the negative aspects of us, which is human nature, but at the same time this overshadows many of the great things we bring to the table.
Also, someone asked about our price match policy. Zellers matches any price as long as you can provide proof of the sale. I believe the only exception to this is if the company selling it is out of stock. We will not match if that is the case. (we typically don’t check on low-priced items anyways)
Hope this was useful.
I work at shoppers drug mart and actually had this happen to me today. I wasn’t fully aware of the code and the man I was waiting on was being a real smart *** about it, telling me he had worked for the government and knew all about it. He even took the sign that we had and put it in my face.
Our prices change frequently and we’re asked to put out 400 new price labels a day. Quite a few of our products are in more than one place which we aren’t aware of. In most cases, our store is so busy that it can’t be done in one day. PLUS, customers tend to leave products everywhere and in the wrong places, and another customer than thinks that that is the price of the product.
Doing the Code of practice for a customer wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t so rude and disrespectful about it.
I was told at Metro that you have to “catch” the mistake at the till, once it is rung through they can only give the difference back, the exact opposite of what some other cashiers said. They really are trying their best to get out of honouring SCOP!
Oh, and just the other day at WM, I was buying Dole Squish’ems, listed on shelf as a sale for $2. They rang up at regular price, so I pointed it out to cashier who was new and did not know about SCOP. Called dept. manager and he said there was no sign there for $2 but to go ahead and give it to me at that price. I told her I should get the item free, not for $2 and she did do it but what gets me is the fact that the manager must have taken down the sign when he went to “check” it as it wasn’t there when I went back and he was the one that tried to get out of the SCOP.
Does anyone here go “looking” throughout the store for SCOP deals? ie. it’s obvious which items are probably tagged incorrectly, so you check on a self-scanner to confirm, then go to checkout to get it for free?
Hi there, just browsing for information for my Black and Decker site. Lots of information out there. Not what I was looking for, but nice site. Have a great day.
I just finished a shopping trip at walmart. I wanted to buy the cars potty and the sign said 24.97, when I got to the cashier it scanned 32.97, when I brought it to her attention she called the dept and they said nope it is 32.97. I knew that this price was wrong so I went back to get the sign that read “Cars Potty, 24.97”. I brought it back to the cashier and received the item for 14.97. She then explained the scanning code of practice to me. If the item is 10.00 you get it free, and if it is over it is 10.00 off the lowest price, and even showed me the law that was laminated on her cashier desk….
I’ve been working in retail for 10 years now and when I was trained:
If the item was scanned at a higher price than the shelf price, the consumer do get the FIRST item FREE (up to $10). BARCODE items only and excluding price tagged items and produce items. The rules did change or the years a little bit.
There are still a lot of company that are not a part of SCOP?
Do you research before complaining, you do have up to 7 days to complain or demand about the discount it.
Unbelievable, I had a manager try to tell me you could only get one item for free. I know the rule regarding identical items but I had 4 DIFFERENT items that were mispriced and the guy had the nerve to tell me I could only get one free. That is not how the code works. I’ve been following this code for 7 years and never once did I run across this problem. Anyone with a similar experience?
I like how all the cashiers here are complaining about how RUDE customers are. You’re obviously not looking at yourselves. I’ve been treated very rudely by managers and cashiers who like to act stupid and pull $@%# out of their #$#. I don’t enjoy being lied to or looked down upon because I found a wrong price tag. Stop ripping off your customers and learn some respect!
I got jerked around by a Wal-Mart manager once. It was a complaint over being overcharged on a sale item (read: loss leader). The sale price was removed overnight. My reciept indicated that the purchase was made during the “limited time offer”. Of course I was denied because I complained a day too late.
Well, determined to remain vigilant from store rip offs, I now review my reciepts as soon as I walk away from the cash out.
My first opportunity came about recently. A large bin of pistachio showed a $5.89 per lbs. price, not cheap but reasonable. The reciept showed a $16.00 a kilo price. I went back to the bin immediately and used my cell phone camera to document the advertised price, confronted the manager of customer service and got $10.00 off the lower price.
The story gets better.
Five days later, I walked by the same bin. Same $5.89 price. Took another photo and loaded up with as close as I could get to $10.00 worth of nuts. Passed through the cash register, paid the higher price. Went back to the same manager and showed her the reciept and told her the sign on the bin had not changed. Got another $10.00 off.
Ha! Karma shore is a bitch!
What if a store charges 39.99 for an item that was supposed to be 399.99 due to a mistake.
what would you do?
Billy no store makes mistakes that bad. Your silly for using mismatched comparisons.
I was shopping at Le Chateau, and fantastic find for me I found dress pants for 39.99 marked as a sale item, but the pants also had a tag on them stating that an additional 30% was to come off the lowest price. Don’t get me wrong as I liked the dress pants but I liked them even more with the additional 30% off. When I had the girl ring my items up I mentioned that the additional 30% was not given and it should have been as it was marked that way, she said leaving the tag on was an error that it must have been missed. I said, “I would like the price that it is tagged for”. She made a call to her manager that said NO. I understand that they are not on the list above, but neither is Walmart and if something is tagged at that price I should get that price.
~ Still upset that they didn’t do anything.
This page wasn’t working yesterday. i tried accesing it but it timed out 3-4 times now but i can can get on now. Why did this occur? Am i alone having one of these error?
The second part of the code says “any other displayed price. I had an item scan lower than the display price at walmart and best buy. Shouldn’t be eligible for $10 off since display price is not the scanned price?
I don’t know if this applies, so I’m asking: Today at Walmart I saw diapers that were labelled at $23.97 for the box. They rang up for that price, but the actual box says that they are supposed to be $16.97. Does this not apply because what they scanned for was the same as what they were advertised for? Regardless of the fact that Walmart is ripping everyone who isn’t aware enough to look at the box off?
I absolutely refuse to shop at Zellers. Last week I bought 7 items, 3 were scanned incorrectly. I talked to the manager and he said he would only give me the items at the lower price and that Zellers did not participate in the SCOP. I would love it that since stores that do particpate it in post the code…then stores that do not should alos have to post that they do not follow the code. See how long they stay in business.
I am often very pleasantly surprised by the knowledge of this code at Superstore and have received several free items over the years (voluntarilty by their supervisore-I don’t have to remind them). Today; however, I was in Golf Town after having just been charged a wrong price at a store prior and decided to bring it to the clerks attention that my $48 shirt was actually marked at $29 right on the tag. I informed her of the policy and she replied in a very snotty attitude that she has worked there for several years and she is quite certain there is no such policy; she did call her assistant manager who told me it was a voluntary policy and that he knew some stores like Canadian Tire honored the policy but he would not. I did pay the correct price but he may be interested to know that I had just bought a $90 golf shirt there for Father’s Day and that will be my last purchase for a very long time!
^ That sucks AiE, but it’s good that you will no longer give that store business. Stores that voluntarily participate in SCOP are great and it’s great to know they take responsibility if an item rings up wrong.
so if this happends what do you say? do you have to say the name of the policy? or do you just let them know it was wrong and what they need to do? i cant remember the name of the policy and have missed out on using it! lol
@ Becca
They sometimes don’t do the SCOP and just adjust the price. Make sure to tell them you want them to do the SCOP. They should have a sign somewhere that says they follow the scop show them that.
If a cashier doesn’t know what to do ask for a manager.
Does it also apply when the item is tagged at a lower price then it rung up at the register? We didn’t relize it until we got home that we were charged more.could I go back to the store and get the item for free?
What do you mean tagged? If the item has a price tag individually affixed to it no it doesn’t fall under the Scanners Code.
It happened to me at Canadian Tire. They had a T-fall frying pan for $9.99 (original price was $35.) The register scanned it at $35 so I told them about their sign. When the girl confirmed what I was saying I also told her now I got $10 off because it was scanned wrong. She called her manager who said I will get the $35 pan for free! That was the best deal ever. At this point I saw them rushing to adjust registers.
Another story at Walmart. They had a rice cooker on sale $14.99. It scanned at register for reg. price $19.99 didn’t notice. Came home and when I noticed their mistake went to back to customer service where I had to argue with assistant Manager that I now get the item for $4.99. He was a jerk about it but did it anyways. The next morning, I went in thinking $14.99 is still a good deal so I was going to buy another one as a gift for my Mom. Guess what? Their registers were still incorrect and I scored another one for $4.99. How stupid can they get? I should’ve sent my friends to buy more. hahaha but I didn’t because I’m nice. Keep your eyes open at the register and never hesitate to make them follow through with their posted policy.
Lol! I was at Lowes buying bags of concrete. Their price was 7.99, but it scanned in at 8.79. I told the cashier that according to the scop, I get them for free and looked around for a sign, but there were none posted. I went to customer service and they said they would honour the scop and called the cashier. Store management was summoned to the till, and they said that compliance with the scop was voluntary and they would only give me 10% off. I said that this was bs and that the scop was a consumer protection to prevent companies from stealing from consumers by way of inaccurate databases. I then told the manager that I would be happy to obtain my concrete at full price at home depot and that I would be filing a complaint against them for not honouring the scop. He quickly assured me that would not be necessary and rung through my 8 bags for 8 cents and asked me if I would like help loading the bags into my car!
I recently went to FreshCo where they have the scop. When I walked in there were bags of Lays chips as well as boxes of indiv snack packs stacked together with three signs all saying $1.99. These were the only signs there and they stated Lays chips on them. When I pointed out the scop to the cashier, she had no clue. Then she asked a manager who was off duty and she said “those chips would never be that price” because they scanned at $6.99 and not at $1.99. I told her that they should be free because the only price listed for the chips was $1.99, but they argued with me and said I should have checked the grams listed on the price poster. As there was no price poster for the boxes of chips and no price tag on them, shouldn’t they have been free, since the only displayed price was 1.99?
last night I was overcharged at Shoppers Drug Mart in Ontario for cat litter. The shelf had a sale sticker for $6.49 and the register rang up at $6.99. I loaded up my car and then went back in with litter and receipt. The supervisor instructed the cashier to refund me .50c. I explained that the item should be for free, as I am overcharged and it is less than $10. The supervisor explained to me that the policy is for regular items that are priced wrong and I should not get the item for free just because it’s “an old sale item and somebody forgot to remove the sticker and I’m entitled to .50c.” While trying to process her reasoning, she looked at me and said, “Well obviously you’re not going to be happy unless I refund you the whole amount.” I felt like a crook. Today I phoned Head Office who informed me I was correct. Even though I rec’d the item for free, I felt it necessary they call the store and educate them on their own policy as it is not my job to do so.
And so here it is October 10, 2011 and in the nearly 5 years people have been leaving posts on this page I see nothing has change. We still get overcharged, clerks still roll their eyes, supervisors/managers still are beligerent, customer’s are still getting angry, humiliated and disgusted. I would like to do more than just complain about this in a post. I wrote CBC marketplace – hopefully they will do a story on this and hopefully it will be the retailer that is going to be embarassed……. I wonder how long I can hold my breath……….
PRINT OFF THE PAGE — that is what i did, and then show it to them, this will shut them up very fast as it is the LAW they have to and if they still refuse get their name of all the people who told you no and report them to their head office and they will get reprimanded and they will call the store that gave you problems and deal with them … trust me it works, once you actually show them the proof they will do it as they don’t want you to report them to their head office. Best of luck to everyone!!!
I was really annoyed today with Home Outfitters! Apparently they don’t practice the Scanning Code. My $19 item rang up at $24 and I said “oh I get $10 off for the scanning code of practice. It said it was $19 on the shelf and there is the sticker on the box.’ the cashier said “oh we don’t practice that. Our store doesn’t. its not the law.” I didn’t want to stand there and argue, but I am trying to find out WHERE it says that retailers HAVE to honor the Code. I want to go back there and say “see!!” give me my $10!! But I do like this scanning code practice when it works!!
This Scanning code also applys when a product scans even at a lower price then the displayed price!!! And Most stores follow under this practice — You just have to stand your ground! I love the scanning code!!
It is actually a great and helpful piece of information. I?m satisfied that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.geilelaura´s last [type] ..1
what if hst charged where not required do i get 10 dollars off
Try this…. throw computer out the window cry about it for awhile go to a friends house log on using her/his computer and shop til you drop. Remembering of course to order your Macbook pro to replace the PC you through out the window.
A big thing a lot of people are ignoring about this code is the word VOLUNTARY, its not mandatory a retailer give you 10$ off or the item free it is completely VOLUNTARY and at their discretion so if you’re a royal a$$ about the situation I’d bank on you getting squat.
It is only voluntary for the company to comply not for each individual store to follow. If the company has agreed to be part of the code, each store must follow it regardless.
To add to this I was just in Zellers today and not only did they not scan the item correctly but they refused to adhere to the discount advertised on the rack saying that those products should not be on that rack because they were new items. Ok so why put them there? I will not be shopped at Zellers again. They are a big waste of time and a joke as a Canadian company.
Bought a box of candy at Shoppers Drug Mart recently. Cashier accidently scanned item twice. Checked receipt while I was still in the store and found the error.Returned to cashier who refunded for one item. was I entitled to receive the candy for free plus a full refund. I’m not really greedy, just don’t know what the policy is.
What is the item is a bottle/case of pop???
1. do we get the taxes free too?
2. What about the bottle deposit?
3. What about the enviro fee?
at superstore I got them to refund the taxes but didn’t go for more because I’m not sure they should give more.
Wow, marvelous weblog layout! How lengthy have you been running a blog for? you made blogging look easy. The full look of your website is great, let alone the content material!
Days new flyers come out, that’s when there is the chance of the registers and shelf/sign pricing differing since someone has to get around to changing this. At the store I work at, the day of a new flyer, we’ll adjust if the register is coming up higher than the flyer, to the flyer price. The manager then informs that department manager or department associate so the changes can be made. But if the next day (now Day 2 of the flyer) the issue is still there, then we will give the item (up to $10) free because by then it’s the store’s error. It can also happen when the store gets a lits of price changes to be made. It takes time to get things changed —- and after all we are all human.
However, a customer must expect that the cashier has to get confirmation from someone on the floor as to what the price is on the shelf/sign. Otherwise, what’s stopping a customer from saying one price, only to find out it wasn’t anywhere near that price. And remember, the shelf/sign price must be FOR THAT PRODUCT. Too many customers don’t even read – other than the price – what the shelf says. Customers are constantly pushing things around, moving things here and there, dropping things they no longer want where they are (as they are too lazy to take them back to where they got them from) – making it difficult for another customer (and the cashier) when, of course, the register is not going to come up with the same price as the shelf BECAUSE THAT’S NOT THE PRODUCT THAT BELONGS THERE! All products have UPC codes. The shelves show the UPC, as well as a brief description and the size….so make sure it is the correct product. I watched a woman one day moving all the loaves of bread around to get (or to see, not sure) what was at the back of the shelf. Did she move all that she moved in the first place back to their original positions? No. So, if what she was looking for was the one on sale for $1.47, then Joe Blow comes along, sees the sign (but doesn’t look at the shelf sticker to see if it’s the same product), picks it up, the price is not going to be the same at the register as it isn’t the one that is one sale.
I have had the worst problems with the Zellers in my area. It seems like every time I go shopping there, I get home to see I have been over-charged for at least one item. They do not have the screen that allows customers to see what was rung in and how much it was rung in for. It is also a long bus ride for me to get to, so not worth going back to complain. I don’t really shop there anymore, because of this.
I must comment on some of the posters in here though… there are quite a few who still don’t seem to really understand that the code IS VOLUNTARY unless you are in Quebec. I do agree that the stores SHOULD follow the code, and I believe it SHOULD be law across Canada, but it is not yet… so either complain to the government with detailed info, or chill out a bit. :-p
Many times the problem is that the cashiers are poorly trained mainly because there is such a high turnover rate and the training is not very good.
However as a cashier many of us are so reluctant to give scanning code because the customer is rude and obnoxious about the situation.
I know I am more than happy to give scanning code to a pleasant, polite customer. But when I have someone so rude they talk to me and treat me as if I did it on purpose and have no clue what I’m doing, i do everything and anything I can to avoid giving scanning code.
If they think I know nothing, I’ll act like it then.
Cashiers are also so reluctant to give scanning codes because they get customers that are not only rude, but then they turn around and tell everyone around them to run back and get some as they’ll get it free too. Where I work this money IS basically coming out of our pockets since it helps decrease our end of year bonus.
I happen to work at Zellers and have for years. We have an old school unupdated system, yes most of the pricing mistakes are in fact human error as we do have to scan every single item individually just to change the price. Our signs happen to go out the night before and yes customers DO flip the signs out of curiousity. You all jump to blame the cashiers. The cashiers have nothing to do with pricing or signing, and I don’t much blame the underpaid that have to deal with customers stupidity who put up the signs and change the prices. You constantly distract those who are assigned those jobs.
I am a cash lead at zellers, so I hear all of the customers complaints on a daily basis, and yes most of the time it is the CUSTOMERS STUPIDITY. Read your signs correctly, read them fully match the items, don’t just pick up the item next to it. And for everyone complaining about how we don’t follow the policy, it’s because ITS NOT IN OUR POLICY. The Scanning Code of Conduct is a voluntary policy, especially for privately owned companies which we have been for years.
So next time you think about bitching to the cashiers about how an item came up wrong and you should get it for free, think about the fact that a) we’re underpaid and all losing our jobs, we don’t exactly want to be there let alone deal with you, and b) do your research, the stores that participate must have a sign saying they participate in the policy, it must be at the front doors. We have no such sign, nor have I seen such a sign in any other HBC store.
So ill do further research but what if there’s multiple *different* items scanned wrong on one order?? Am i still not enititled to each of those free? Extra Foods tonight would only give me on one item although i had 3 wrong scans! Going back tomorrow to the manager…the GIRL in charge didnt even like the fact that i was using coupons and i was getting a b1g1f on the bullseye…ah sweet victory for me tomorrow. Also the one item they did give me for free i didnt realize they didnt take off the transaction with the original higher price so i still paid for it!
Niki, I routinely get more than one free item. It’s one for every mispriced UPC code.
Hell if I wanted I could find 100’s of mispriced items in this one store I shop at but I usually only get around 4-7 wrong items when I shop.
I have to admit I didn’t have time to read ALL of these comments, but, does anyone have experience of when a single store item has two different price stickers on it?
I had thought that the store *must* honor the lower price, but I don’t really know. Certainly the store in question (independent) had NO intention of doing that. They said “No Way. Ever.”. The clerk then quickly became angry, and actually quite threatening. I left saying that they would hear about this. But again, I don’t know what the deal really is on this/
Thanks for any help,
I think what you are all missing here is that the code is VOLUNTARY.
If the store does not display a sign saying they participate in the act, then they do not have to give you the discount. Read the article.
In my place of employement, we used to have a sign up, we no longer do. I have had customers tell me that this is “the law”, lol.
Thanks to this article, I now know I do not need to give anyone a discount, if I don’t want to.
what happens with the wrong product is put on the wrong price tag
Is there a price limit that this scanning code of practice is applied to
Just had experience with Canadian tire.. Sale price $6.99 scanned regular $14.99.. I asked them what do I get?.. The manager replied..”Nothing… You’ll get the sale price!” Shouldn’t I get it free coz its below $10.00.. The manager said “NO! Its a sale price”
I bought a bottle of vitaminsat Basics.
The bottle I bought was the bonus bottle on the shelf.
It says on the bottle, 200 for the price of 180.
The cashier charged me $1 more for the so called bonus.
I went to customer service.
They wanted to give me the $1 difference.
I said I want the $10 off.
She said she was never told of that rule.
I pointed to the sticker in front of the counter but she couldn’t see it.
I read it to her.
She still didn’t believe me.
Another employee was there and said you only get it $10 off if the price difference is over $10.
I felt depressed at their ignorance despite the sticker with the pricing rules being under their noses.
Are they illiterate?
Clearly this “rule” isn’t being followed and a lady who wrote above about reporting her problem to this government agency didn’t get an enforcement.
As usual the government isn’t doing it’s job at protecting consumers.
It only cares about big business.
We are screwed by big business at all ends.
Stop shopping at Zellers if they don’t honor the code.
Some of you people need to learn to stick up for yourselves
I’ve never had a problem getting the SCOP and when I did it was resolved promptly.
Shoppers Drug Mart today had Orange Juice for $2.50 but it rang up as $2.99 so got one free!
Also would like to say it looks good on Zellers going out of business. Wonder why Target is closing most stores? One look at customer service and quality of products will give you the answer.
So frustrating! I know how all of you feel. Just about two hours ago I went to Walmart in Edmonton Alberta and picked up a pink ottoman. It was the last one. It had an inventory price tag on it that read $14.99 but when I scanned it at the self price checker, it came up as $19.00. I went to the customer service desk because I’m well aware o the scanning code of practice and the front end manager REFUESED to give it to me for $4.99. She said she will only give it to me at the lowest ticketed price. I will be calling that number first thing tomorrow!!!
After years of getting ripped off by my local superstore i have now made all my money back in the lasts few months alone,i dont wait at customer service any longer for my .99 back,i make it worth my while and get at least 40-50 dollars worth of free things each visit,i dont care if its one cent over the advertised price,i will get it for free,management at the store has made no effort to fix the problem,so until then i will make no effort to stop getting half my groceries for free.
Yesterday I was at walmart and they had their 24′ RCA LCD TV’s on an endcap where they had a price sign about it priced at 29.99. I knew this was priced wrong so i went up to the cashier to buy one. It rang in at 179.99 so I told the cashier that it was only 29.99 and I went to show her. After her seeing the price she immediately took the sign down and said “it’s not 29.99 it was just priced wrong so you cant have it for that price” I told her scanning code of practice dictates that I do so I told her to go get the manager. He came up and told me that he can take $10 off and thats it. I pulled out my phone and read what the RCC says about scanning code of practice. He said well I have to go ask the store director about this… I waited in the electronics section for about 15 minutes (They were probably just trying to see if I would give up and leave) and I then he came back and told me that he would honour the price of 29.99! I was gonna give him a hard time for the additional 10 off, but I figured I’m already getting 150 of the original price so its no big deal. Lesson of the say “Know you right, and dont be afraid you stand up for what you deserve.”
just went to shoppers drugmart and grabbed a tylenol on sale for 9.99 and a antibacterial soap for 3.99,tylenol rang up at 13.99 and soap at 5.99,tried to get the scop and get items for free and the store owner said he would have to take a look at the store video before honoring the scop,,,lmao,,,im going to plant wrong price tags to get a few dollars worth of stuff free???are you joking me,,,he then tried to blame it on human error and i told him his stores human error almost cost me 6.00,,he then proceeded to ban me from the store,,,wow,,,,do not shop at the meadowbrook shoppers in edmonton anymore i guess,,i immediatly called the scop line to register my disgust.
Ok, long story short, I went to HomeDepot today and they had the BBQ I was looking for under a sign that said 359.00, I knew the BBQ was 699.00, so I called them on it and said its not my fault they had it in the wrong stall, they gave me 60 bucks off it and said take it or leave it, Should I not have got it for the posted price of 359.00 ?
1.4 To be eligible for the Item Free Scanner Policy, the product must match the product description on the corresponding shelf tag.
So the tag would need to state that item, if it was truly in the wrong slot and the pricing stated a different item, they dont have to SCOP it
Does anyone know if Home OUtfitters (HBC) practice this code?
I purchased an item today with a sticker price of $12.99, when it was scanned it appeared as $14.99.
SCOP is voluntary (except Quebec where it’s law)…..YOU, the customer, has to call out the store on SCOP. It will not happen automatically. If you don’t mention you want SCOP applied when the register rings up higher than the shelf, then the cashier will not apply it. I always thought it was automatic, until my lead CSM told me one night that the assistant manager told her that it isn’t..the customer must make the callout on it. With hundreds of prices being changed daily, it’s going to happen that the register is updated with the higher price already but the shelf hasn’t been. Some days the associates are running around with the guns checking things and making corrections (funny how when the shelf price is higher but scans up less, everyone thinks that is just great). I think everyone should work retail one month and then everyone would see it’s not a piece of cake! Anyways, there is protection there for the stores, too. Customers do move things around, put things back where they don’t belong, even purposely move signs, take clearance stickers off one item and stick it on something they want, etc. For SCOP to happen, the UPC code on the product MUST match the UPC code on the shelf price. If the customer doesn’t check that the product they just took from the shelf where the shelf sticker says it’s this much for it (matching the UPC that’s on the sticker on the shelf against the UPC on the product), then of course there is going to be a price discrepancy at the register if the product isn’t the one the shelf price was for. I’ve often ran to check the shelf price when I can’t find someone in that department to do it….if the shelf price is for the product the customer is purchasing, unless the customer calls out SCOP, I enter it for the shelf price. I also will remove the sticker so that it doesn’t happen again (so no price will show on the shelf…leaving it to whoever works that department to do a check and reprint the correct price label for that spot). If I check, and the product being bought does not match the lower shelf price when I compare UPC codes, I will take the sticker with me back to the register to show the customer that it isn’t the product that the shelf price is for. Now, there may be times when we’ll give them the product at the advertised shelf price (but not SCOP) if the UPC codes do not match just as a courtesy. But imagine if customers started moving things around purposely in order to try and get a price for something that the lower price isn’t for……so somehow the stores have to be protected. Where I work, prices being wrong is taken seriously because having to apply SCOP, or even the lower price, means it hits us at profit sharing time. Stores aren’t out there purposely doing it….it’s all that goes into getting prices changed. Oftentimes a shelf price is left at the higher amount until the registers have been updated (it’s not an automatic thing when an associate submits a new price for the register….takes time before the update is applied to the register). Fridays are the worst when one flyer ends and the other begins. Sometimes it will be brought to our attention the price is wrong in the registers for something and we’re to override it with the correct price until the update goes through the register. SCOP won’t apply then because we’re aware of it, are making the correct adjustment already while waiting for the update to go through (can take minutes to an hour sometimes).
Our local Extra Foods store in Melfort, Saskatchewan consistently overcharges for items. Often I go in on the last day of the weekly sale and have items scan through at the wrong price. This means that they have been overcharging their customers for the entire week for that item. This happens so consistently that I can only believe that it is a conscious management decision to rip off the customer to raise their bottom line. Either that or they are the most poorly managed grocery store that we have ever shopped at. When I point out the mistake, the cashier has never offered the item free. I have always had to demand they follow the SCOP for the item. It is always a challenge to try to get the whole cart rung through at the advertised price.
I have almost never had an item scan incorrectly at the Co-op, Safeway or at the Superstore, and it is so uncommon that I will give them the benefit of the doubt that it was an honest mistake.
What happens if the tag is misleading and the managers won’t do anything about it? I was at Walmart today and there was a tag stating children’s character helmets or helmet combos (with a bell/knee pads etc.) were on sale for $14.88. Regular price $29.93. I went to purchase two children’s character helmets (regular price $29.93) and they said that those were not the ones on sale, that it was the ones with the tags. It was completely misleading and I left the store very angry, and with no helmets. Is there anything one can do in this kind of situation where the store has clearly not done everything anything to prevent such a confusing situation?
You can report them to SCOP but there is a requirement on consumers to also check the tags to ensure they match that specific product (it is not the store’s fault if people put something back in the wrong place etc) but if it says it, they should at least honour the price
Does the scanning code practice apply if the cashier manually keys in the wrong code and the wrong price comes up. Do I get it for free?
Cashiers often don’t know about this code, and if they do, they aren’t always authorized to make the change themselves. Some get angry when you bring it up, BECAUSE WHEN YOU START BEIN SNARKY AND HAVE A FIT about it, they don’t want to deal with you.
*item rings in at wrong price*
Customer- that price is supposed to be $***
Cashier- okay, I just need someone to go check.
Cashier- oh my god…just shut up…
Those are the situations in which you get attitude from the employees. They don’t normally see you coming and think, “I’m going to be an awful person to this customer and rip them off.”
And when you work in an environment when customers are constantly trying to get things for free, you are less inclined to care about the ones who don’t give you a hard time.
Many of the comments on here are a perfect example of people taking advantage of this code.
Also a reminder that this is only law in Quebec, everywhere else it is VOLUNTARY.
I recently went to purchase a toy garbage truck at Toys R Us in Richmond BC, I could not find a price listed on the shelf so I took it over to one of their price scanners on the wall. The price scanned at $0.01! I thought that can’t be right so I took it to the cashier and again it came up as $0.01. The manager was called over and I was told I couldn’t purchase it at that price as that means it is a toy they should have pulled off the shelf and it must have been missed (total BS as there was a nice full row of trucks on the shelf not just one random floater) and they cannot sell it to me at that price. I agreed but acted disappointed as my son loves garbage trucks etc hoping to sway the manager. She did offer a more expensive and larger garbage truck & dump truck combo set for half price. I reluctantly agreed. Anyways does this price thing apply to my situation? Because it was scanning at $0.01 I should have paid for it at that price?
Aiden, many stores price things at $0.01 to know they can’t be sold, often they are recalled products too
I get free stuff weekly because i feel after all the years of getting over charges im taking back. I look for old tgs maybe on 8 things and checkout for free!!!
Just had a similar problem with Safeway, even though they are on the Retail Council of Canada they do not know or follow the scanning policy. I purchased 6 items at Safeway and had problems with the prices, they corrected the prices but refused to follow the scanning policy of refunding me and giving me the items for free. The first item was for Nabob coffee, their email 3 days sale stated Nabob Coffee all 300 gm varieties 2 for $7.00, the sign in the store said the same, when I checked out one of my 2 pkgs of coffee scanned at $3.50 while the other scanned at $8.99. After seeing this on my receipt I went to the customer service department and she told me that there is a limit of four and someone in my house must have already purchased 3 at the sale price. I asked her to check if anyone is using my phone number as I am the only one with a card and you can just give a phone number, she told me that they do not have that info and I should call 1-800-safeway and they could check. The next day I called and got someone at customer service in Arizona, I live in Canada and she knew nothing about the scanning policies in Canada did not listen to what I was saying and when I tried to explain yelled at me, though it took a half of an hour I was able to confirm that no one else had used my card and in the last minute she finally heard what I was trying to explain. She transferred my call to a manager at the store where the purchase took place and I got the same person from the night before who tried to say again that someone had used my card, I then told her that she just spoke to the customer service department she told me to call to find out if someone did use my card and no one had used my card. She then tried to tell me that the scanning policy was that the store had to advertise the correct price but had no affect on what we are charged. I finally got her manager who was in his early 20’s but knew the policy and is giving me a refund. The other problem I had was I had an online Safeway coupon for 2 for $4.00 for Safeway brand frozen vegetables, I was charged $2.00 for one but $3.49 for the other, she told me that it was not a scanning error but a cashier error as the cashier failed to put the coupon code in 2 times for the 2 bags. This is how Safeway rips you off and then still does not come clean when brought to their attention.
good thing any links work at all to more detailed information on the topis of the canadian code of practice scanner price accuracy. really “smart”.
Hey! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble with hackers?
My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing a few months of hard work due to no back up.
Do you have any solutions to stop hackers?
I never knew this existed until last week when I went to buy a jar of Bicks Dill pickles that was on sale for $ 2.77 at Loblaws. The scanner listed it at $ 3.28. The regular price. I was quite surprised when the checkout person advised me there would be no charge because it was their error. Gotta love the work FREE!!
Love SCOP, although I am surprised the cashier told you, usually they just mark it down to shelf price unless asked
That last line should read Gotta love the word FREE!!!. Fat fingers lol
As a Retail Store Manager, I am all for the scanning code of practice, especially if it is a genuine mistake, and I embrace the fact that if we over charge you…. you get it for free! plain and simple! why wouldnt we??
What I DO have an issue with, is something that I am sure you ALL will gasp at, and I would like to know your thoughts seeing as it impacts the prices you pay each time you shop:
If a customer comes in to a store, not wishing to purchase anything or not actually ‘genuinely’ shopping for the usual weekly shop items, but in fact knowingly/pre-emptively planning to collect as many free items by utilizing the SCOP, and systematically selecting/checking for every single product that has yet to have weekly price changes done, and having them run through the registers with full knowledge that they are ALL going to be free once he has taken everything to customer service to be price checked/refunded (which takes hours and really annoys the other customers), ALSO add in to this that it happens EVERY DAY with the same customer to the tune of approx $200 – $350 PER VISIT, which severely impacts the future pricing of your groceries due to company loss! At this point, I would like to ask you all….isnt the definition of a thief a person who pre-emptively plans to visit a store to knowingly have no intentions of paying for goods, but to take away $$$$$$+ worth of goods for free, (stealing…right??), so why can a person who has the same pre-emptive plan to knowingly and intentionally walk away with $100’s of $$’s of merchandise each day for free with the only minor difference being a visit through a register to validate the already ‘guaranteed/pre scanned for varification’ purchases… get away with it?????
Isnt this still classed as theft?
1, 2, 3, 4 items with incorrect pricing during the weekly visit to the grocery store is certainly cause for implementing the Scanning code of practice, I 100% agree, but 80-100 items that have been systematically selected from within the entire store, selected purely for the ‘Free Factor’ SURELY cannot be what the scanning code of practice was implemented for??
Thoughts anyone?
Did it ever occur to,,, Dick Tail,, that your sale prices should correspond with the day the sale starts.
What about the other customers who believe the item is on sale, and end up getting screwed.
Get your dung together or get out of the business.
I was shopping at a local A&P. I picked up some Jumbo Franks that were advertised with a sign indicating they were on sale. When I got to the cashier and she rang in my purchase the sale price was not honoured. I tried to explain to the cashier that the Franks were on sale. She called the manager over and he informed me there was no sale on this product. I took him to the location where the product was and there before his eyes was the sign I had been alluding to. Not only did the Manager honour the price but he gave me everything in my cart free. Essentially I got 2 for 1 of my purchase. It was only 20 something dollars, but I was right and the manger did what he could to diffuse the situation.
I don’t know whether it’s just me or if everyone else encountering issues with your blog.
It appears as though some of the written text within your content are running off the screen. Can somebody else please provide feedback and let me know if this is happening to
them as well? This could be a problem with my web browser because I’ve had this happen previously.
The Real Canadian Wholesale store in Swift Current Saskatchewan is known for not scanning the sale items correctly.
The store manager, some guy named jason, informed me that he wasn’t going to give me the ten dollars owed me from an incorrect scan on either produce or meat.
A quick call to the regional office in Winnipeg convinced him otherwise.
I recently went into my local Leon’s store to purchase a new kitchen range. The very informed salesman showed us several and we narrowed it down to 2. When we finally chose 1, it was the last one in the store, and as it was a discontinued model, it was priced at $999 marked down from $1,899. We told him we would like it and would be taking it with us, they didn’t have to deliver it (we live 42 kms from the store). When the tag was scanned, it came up as $1,699 and after much time spend going from the office to the range, they told us they were sorry, but the price was $1,699. The SKU was correct, but they would not honor the $999. We left the store with a different range but a bad taste in my mouth. I cannot find what the scanning code of practice is and feel frustrated.
I was at Target tonight and i was told by the store manager that they don’t participate with this conduct. Never again I will shop there!
Target opted out of SCOP when they came to Canada, but they do match the shelf price
I purchased 4 rolls of adhesive mactac at the Dollar store. The rolls I picked up read $2.00 but when I was matching the rolls up so they would all be the same I failed to notice that one of the rolls was sticker priced at $2.50. They charge me $2.50 for all of the rolls. When I went back to tell them that they had incorrectly charged me and that the rolls should have been priced out at the lowest price they said no and that one of rolls had been priced correctly and the others had not had new stickers put on yet. I am still thinking the lowest price shown should have been what I was charged. Thoughts?
I picked up some chocolate on sale for $2.99 according to the sign on the display at the Shoppers Drug Mart in Ottawa ,Ontario. At the cash register, I was charged $6.30 instead of $2.99 plus tax. After a long time, another clerk confirmed that the right price was $2.99 but no one seemed aware of the existence of the Scanner Price Accuracy Code and I was not offered the chocolate for free. Shoppers Drug Mart is on the list of business adhering to the Code. So I requested it. Someone else was called who – after a long delay – called another person. After more delay, a tall man appeared. He never introduced himself. There were now 4 Shoppers Drug Mart employees standing at the cash machine -with me – because of a financial crisis over $2.99 worth of chocolate. The tall man informed me that I had made a mistake. I had not picked up the right article, even though the standalone display where I picked it up had a large sign saying: $2.99. Nevertheless, the man still adamantly refused to apply the item free provision of the Scanner Price Accuracy Code.
After more than 15 minutes, it became obvious to me that the man – who was becoming increasingly agitated – was determined not to absorb a $2.99 loss – no matter the cost to Shoppers Drug Mart. I mention that because there were 3 clerks plus the tall man preventing access to the cash register for about a dozen customers for about 15 minutes all for the purpose of saving Shoppers Drug Mart : $2.99.
A kafkaesque situation. But that is not all. As I was leaving, the tall man shouted an 800 telephone number – apparently the customer service office for Shoppers Drug Mart. His way of saying – I won and there is nothing you can do about it because I know the customer service department is going to back me up. If the man I talked to is what passes for good customer service at Shoppers Drug Mart, I don’t need to call, I have already become quite familiar with their work.
Why can I not find the complete list of participating companies? All links list about 20 major companies and then refer to “+1374” others but always rederect to same page. Any info out there?