Canadian Coupon: Save $1 When You Buy Two Campbell’s Ready To Serve Soups Through *Now Working*

blog has a great new coupon for Campbell’s products available! Save $1 on the purchase of two Campbell’s Ready To Serve soups 540ml with this hidden coupon from, which can be ordered by mail. The coupon is part of the Campbell’s Under The Lid Instant Win Contest, so you will have to access the coupon through there. Visit the contest page, where you must scroll down to the very bottom of the page. Where you see the words “Special Offer,” you must select your favorite flavour of Campbell’s Ready To Serve soup from the drop down list. Finally, you must select your favorite place to enjoy Campbell’s soup.

You will then be directed to where you can log in to your account and get your coupon. You will not be required to add any other coupon to your order, as this is a special coupon and can be ordered on its own.

Click here to get your Campbell’s Soup coupon.

8 responses to “Canadian Coupon: Save $1 When You Buy Two Campbell’s Ready To Serve Soups Through *Now Working*”

  1. sandy says:

    Error message “This page can’t be displayed’

  2. Natalka says:

    Just get a blank page after submitting selections…

  3. baggypants says:

    Thanks for the link!!

  4. AnneDougherty says:

    A lot of people have been having issues with the coupon. I hope it is fixed, and if not then soon!

  5. jimmy says:

    Live now.

  6. Natalka says:

    Went through for me, Sat at 5 a.m.

  7. Abby1 says:

    6:20 pm EST: daily limit has been reached


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