Canadian Coupons: $1 Off When You Buy 2 Dozen Eggs *WebSaver.Ca*


I don’t usually blog about individual coupons but I feel this one deserves a special mention. Coupons for fresh food are few and far in between, so I’m very pleased that Websaver is offering a coupon for $1 off when you buy 2 dozen eggs. Click here to order your coupon from Websaver.Ca. You will need at least 2 other coupons to complete your order.

10 responses to “Canadian Coupons: $1 Off When You Buy 2 Dozen Eggs *WebSaver.Ca*”

  1. hadathickwallet says:

    thanks so much!!

  2. Natalka says:

    Thanks, that’s awesome!

  3. dawn says:

    Ya but if this like the pot of gold coupon they never came in . So web saver never sent or the mail never did .

  4. Sylvia says:

    Dawn, I received my Pot of Gold coupon, so perhaps try contacting websaver if you continue not receiving their mail.

  5. jo says:

    nice, tx

  6. Kurt says:

    thanks,great for all the Christmas baking we still need to do.

  7. Cindy says:

    Thanks. Can always use more egg coupons!

  8. slide says:

    wow. egg coupons rock!

  9. Shane says:

    i wish websaver didnt have the 3 coupon minimum.. i haev a hard time getting new coupons a lot…

  10. coley3 says:



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