Lacoupe Canada is offering a $2 off coupon for any Lacoupe product, which has a very nice long expiry date of Dec. 31, 2012. This line goes on sale quite often and sometimes on clearance as well. In addition, you can request a free sample (while quantities last).
Click here to request your sample.
Thanks SO much!
It appears you only get 1 coupon when they send you the sample. Unless I’m missing something it doesn’t seem that you can print a coupon this time.
Weird, when i click on province to change it, it refreshes the page and removed all my fields!
I printed the coupon no problem, great for free hair spray at WM in the trial sized section
Is there a different printable somewhere?? This is what it says for me..
Get $2.00 off any LaCoupe product.
This offer has expired. To receive your free coupon, please request our free sample, which includes a $2.00 off coupon.
your supposed to void the bar code no? kind of fraudulent posting a coupon that is expired from the actual company itself… they clearly want users to receive this coupon in the mail with the sample and not printable
Agreed, Coupon Blogger…
simple mistake im sure 😀 #1 rule always void the barcodes!
I was able to switch the province by just pressing tab to the province section, when clicking it refreshes the page.
However I did not get a 2 dollar off coupon, maybe it will come be email later or in the mail with the sample.
Hey, I was wondering why I can’t get it anymore on the website! A costumer went to were I work today with that coupon! I was hopping to find it, but apparently it’s no longer available! :/
Can somebody help me?