Canadian Coupons: $2 Off Any Lacoupe Product + Free Sample


Lacoupe Canada is offering a $2 off coupon for any Lacoupe product, which has a very nice long expiry date of Dec. 31, 2012. This line goes on sale quite often and sometimes on clearance as well. In addition, you can request a free sample (while quantities last).

Click here to request your sample.

11 responses to “Canadian Coupons: $2 Off Any Lacoupe Product + Free Sample”

  1. Natalka says:

    Thanks SO much!

  2. Charly says:

    It appears you only get 1 coupon when they send you the sample. Unless I’m missing something it doesn’t seem that you can print a coupon this time.

  3. Lily says:

    Weird, when i click on province to change it, it refreshes the page and removed all my fields!

  4. Melody says:

    I printed the coupon no problem, great for free hair spray at WM in the trial sized section

  5. mjcf says:

    Is there a different printable somewhere?? This is what it says for me..

    Get $2.00 off any LaCoupe product.

    This offer has expired. To receive your free coupon, please request our free sample, which includes a $2.00 off coupon.

  6. Coupon Blogger says:

    your supposed to void the bar code no? kind of fraudulent posting a coupon that is expired from the actual company itself… they clearly want users to receive this coupon in the mail with the sample and not printable

  7. Natalka says:

    Agreed, Coupon Blogger…

  8. Coupon Blogger says:

    simple mistake im sure 😀 #1 rule always void the barcodes!

  9. Tara says:

    I was able to switch the province by just pressing tab to the province section, when clicking it refreshes the page.
    However I did not get a 2 dollar off coupon, maybe it will come be email later or in the mail with the sample.

  10. Emie says:

    Hey, I was wondering why I can’t get it anymore on the website! A costumer went to were I work today with that coupon! I was hopping to find it, but apparently it’s no longer available! :/
    Can somebody help me?


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