Canadian Coupons: $3 Pampers Wipes Coupon *Yes, Again!*


If you have been trying to chase down the extremely popular coupon for $3 off the purchase of any Pampers wipes, you probably have a limited amount of time to head over to the P&G Everyday coupon portal, where it is just returned, for the third or fourth time. I have lost count!

Even if you have already printed the coupon you may want to give it another shot as it may have “refreshed” and you may be able to get another coupon from your P&G account. I don’t think the single packs are on for $3 or less anywhere this week, however, $3 off a multipack or box of wipes is still an incredible deal. You can also use the coupon on the wipes at the regular price of about $5 for a single pack at Shoppers Drug Mart, and then use the VIB coupon for 2000 bonus Optimum points, and this is also a good deal, especially if used with 20x the points or another offer.

Click here to visit the P&G Everyday coupon portal for more Pampers wipes coupons!!

7 responses to “Canadian Coupons: $3 Pampers Wipes Coupon *Yes, Again!*”

  1. Jonathan says:

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try printing later.

    Toutes nos excuses pour ce contretemps. Veuillez essayer d’imprimer à nouveau dans quelques instants

  2. J_Nguyen says:

    It won’t let me print – due to the previous time this was offered & I printed it at that time.

  3. Laurie says:

    Worked for me….checkout 51 has $3 back for wipes on again as well

  4. purplebunny89 says:

    Printing Offers – Warning
    Our records show that you have already printed these offers.

    I printed like 2 weeks ago when it was first available. I’m still so confused how people are able to print 15+ in the last few weeks when I’ve only been able to get 4 – 2 from smartsource and 2 from P&G when they were first released.

    • shortandsweet1986 says:

      If you use different browsers (ie. Mozilla, Safari, Google chrome, Explorer) you will be able to print 2 per browser, so total of 8 🙂 and if you have multiple computers you can do this for each computer! Plus if the coupon is available on different websites ie. and P&Geverday, it will usually let you print 2 for each site!

  5. Frances says:

    On sale at Food Basics, $2.99.

    • ina says:

      the pampers wipes are on sale at 2.99?that means you get them freee with the coupon.thanks for letting me know


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