Canadian Coupons: 500 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points for Reach Ultraclean Toothbrush *Printable*


Hi all! If anyone out there has those $1.00 off Reach Ultraclean Toothbrush coupons, head on over to Shopper’s Drug Mart to get 500 Optimum Bonus Points when you purchase this toothbrush. I believe they are $3.49 regularly (If someone knows for sure, feel free to confirm) and with the $1.00 off coupon, you will pay $2.49 and get 500 points. This is pretty good, considering that on 20x the points days, a purchase of $2.49 will also get you 500 points. I’m not sure if multiple coupons can be used. For example, print 3 coupons, buy 3 toothbrushes, and get 1500 points? If anyone tries this and succeeds, please share the info with us.

Click here to print your own coupon.

Thanks to Melody113 for posting this coupon!

15 responses to “Canadian Coupons: 500 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points for Reach Ultraclean Toothbrush *Printable*”

  1. kekes says:

    Thank You! I go thru toothbushes like kids thru candy! lol

  2. cmoody8107 says:

    Even better there is a $1.50 of any Reach Toothbrush excluding REACH 100 (from a recent insert) Making it $1.99 for 500 SDM Points

  3. kekes says:

    Thanks cmoody … I’ll check the recycle bin!

  4. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    cmoody – do you remember which one it was?

  5. kayaraelyn says:

    I believe it was the brandsaver (paper)

  6. Cmoody8107 says:

    Um – not really sure. I know it was within the last 2 weeks….

  7. Sara says:

    It was the beginning of Jan so smartsource maybe?

  8. CarlyinCanada says:

    Thanks! Hope we can use more than one bonus coupon as I have 4x $1 coupons! 🙂

  9. mcminsen says:

    I have the $1.00 and the $1.50 coupons but I can’t remember which booklet the $1.50 coupons came from. Maybe “Redplum”?

    This bonus points coupon that we can link to here… it’s HUGE! Any smaller versions out there? And it’s good to Feb. 28 so maybe the toothbrush might be on sale sometime between now and then?

  10. kt_9333 says:

    im 1oo percent sure it came in the smart source from jan 2

  11. Cmoody8107 says:

    Thanks Kt_9333! I knew it was Smartsource or RedPlum – I got the two + Brandsaver the same day.

  12. julyprincess says:

    TY! LOL..they spelled toothbrush as ‘toothbruch’..hopefully the cashier won’t cause a problem on this one! haha

  13. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Thanks for the info everyone! Hopefully it does go on sale before Feb. 28 (maybe for $1.99) and we pay $0.49 for it after $1.50 coupon and get 500 BP. Sweet!

  14. cindy petterson says:

    Plus .50 cents from futurarewards too.

  15. Grace says:

    Thank for the info, I have a $1.50 coupon. SWEET


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