Canadian Coupons (Almost a Freebie): Gillette Fusion Power $10 off

Gillette Fusion Power Canada Coupons

I’ve posted this coupon before but they keep changing the web address so here it is again! Get $10 coupon off Gillette Fusion Power. Considering these razors go on sale for almost $10 or sometimes even less, we can pretty much say this is a freebie 😀

Click here to order your $10 off Gillette Fusion Power coupon

23 responses to “Canadian Coupons (Almost a Freebie): Gillette Fusion Power $10 off”

  1. amanda says:

    Thank you! New link, so I can get another coupon!

  2. JP says:

    How do you get more than 1 coupon? I got one a while back and everytime I try to get another one the website tells me that I have already got one.

  3. Alice says:

    $10 dollars off what? A small piece of plastic?

    All rasors and especially their replacement blades are extremely overpriced. Everyone is better just buying the 5 or 10 pack fixed handle models.

  4. Nathan says:

    You can get another coupon as long as you just barely misspell your address.

    For example, 55 Oak Street can become 55 Oak St. which can be also read as 55 Oak Stret…either way, the postman knows where it is going, and the system doesn’t filter that as 3 different addresses.

    Not that I am advocating that behavior, but that is how the system works.

  5. Erica says:

    Nathan hes refering to the forum, just put in a different email address, thats all I did, granted I have so many from all my school accounts.

  6. Nat says:

    Whether or not people are better off using the disposible ones or not… with the $10 off coupon at many stores (Wal-Mart) the rasor would be free… it can be treated like a disposible one and thrown out after it’s finished. (Some packages even come with a replacement cartrige, so two free rasors…).. It’s worth a try!

  7. John says:

    Lets see how many hard plastic sticks we can throw into the garbage dump because they are near free.
    Really we should be going back to the permanent metal rasor with the blades only that are disposable.

  8. Tracy says:

    does anyone know where it is currently on sale this week? My coupon expires on Sept 23, so I would like to use it by then.

  9. ME says:

    Tracy, the Fusion Power Razors are on sale at Shoppers for $9.99 & the Razor is on sale at RCSS for $7.77.

  10. Mani says:

    Hi! Nathan your method doesn’t work. I got one back in april so, when when i put my info on to it again . It says that it’s one per house hold.

  11. amycanada77 says:

    I clicked the link above – it asked me for my name and email – and it emailed me the coupon (to my junk mail) … I pulled it and I’m good to go! I have requested and recieved this coupon before in the mail a little over a month ago.

  12. amycanada77 says:

    Oh My I forgot to say thanks


  13. Nathan says:

    Ok Mani. However, I have 16 razors that I paid no more than $5 for in my bathroom that say otherwise.

  14. TaraF says:

    I used the above link and it gave me the same “1 per household” thing as well. My issue is, I never did receive a coupon in the mail the first time! 🙁

  15. Kturtle says:

    I totally agree with the amount of waste that goes to the landfill. BUT IMO it is the manufacturers that are the biggest problem. I have not been able to purchase unscented laundry detergent in a cardboard box for months. I have to buy a big plastic jug that is NOT refillable and ends up in the landfill.

    I also use Asthma puffers that get thrown out every month. I have asked my Pharmacist to just give me the cylinder. She said then she would just throw out the plastic…. so I throw 4 hard plastic useless containers in the trash each month..

    I could go own with the waste that manufacturers insist we have but, I am sure you get the idea….

    Thanks for letting me rant

  16. Myra says:

    I got mine from Wal-Mart when it was $9.97. They have increased the price to $10.54, but it’s still a good deal.

  17. somechica says:


  18. somechica says:

    So what you are saying Nathen is that you have now ripped off the company 15 times? Classy.

  19. Alex says:

    “…I have not been able to purchase unscented laundry detergent in a cardboard box for months. I have to buy a big plastic jug that is NOT refillable and ends up in the landfill.”~Kturtle

    Very good point Kturtle. All of the manufacturers have gone to a double concentrate liquid product this year. However if the product is dry and in a square box (like they all used to be) would that not be more earth/energy friendly? Really the liquid is not needed since the detergent is being added to water in your cloths washer.


  20. mememe says:

    Wow nathan that’s ridiculous

  21. Tracy says:

    Thanks for letting me know where it’s on sale this week. Tracy

  22. willowsprite says:

    Most plastic items can be recycled. Don’t throw them in the trash, throw them in your recycle bin!

  23. little lady says:

    WHY do people feel the need to abuse offers like thesE?


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