Take the Tetley Personali-tea quiz to discover which of their more than 45 varieties is perfect for you, and you will gain access to a coupon for Tetley tea through WebSaver.ca! By taking the quiz each week, you will have the chance to win over 45 varieties of their tea from now until December the 19th.
Upon your first completion of their quiz, you will be directed to WebSaver.ca to claim your coupon for Tetley Tea. Buy two Tetley 20-24 canisters, and get a third one free with this coupon. The coupon is in the printable format only. I opted not to print it as I do not drink tea, so if someone who has printed the coupon could inform us of the expiry, that would be great! Thank you in advance.
Click here to enter the contest by taking the quiz, and to print your coupon.
I printed the coupon and the expiry date is 03/31/2015
Took the quiz twice. Didn’t bring me to the coupon. Perhaps it’s too late.