This has been a great time lately to stock up on Pledge products with all the coupons and rebates and sales. If you haven’t picked up some for yourself yet, or you could use some more, (I think I have enough to last a decade) there is a brand new hidden SmartSource coupon available for Pledge products. Buy any one Pledge product and get one free with this coupon.
There are a few other coupons for SC Johnson products that are also available through this link, and they are as follows:
- Buy 2 get one free any Glade product
- Free Glade Automatic Spray refill when you purchase a starter kit
- Save $1 on any Windex product
These are all SmartSource coupons so I’m sure you are familiar with the limit of two prints per computer. I am not sure of the expiry date, but you should have at least 30 days to use the coupons from the time of printing.
Click here to print these coupons!