Canadian Coupons: Costco In-Store Coupons, valid til Dec. 20, 2009


These are this week’s specials at Costco (East). They hand out these coupons at the door, but the cashiers already have their own copy to scan if you buy the specified product. No need to rip out what you want! I’m going for the Mini Quiche and Pinty’s Chicken Wings. Yum!

For this week’s specials at Costco West, click here.

10 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Costco In-Store Coupons, valid til Dec. 20, 2009”

  1. truedesigngirl says:

    Some of these are great deals but I don’t think they’re coupons. They are instant rebates that are already shown on the price by the item. The coupons this week (at least out west) were all coupons… nice because you don’t have to worry about ripping the coupon out or watching that the cashier catches it!

  2. Mirian says:

    The link only shows the first 6 items. Am I doing something wrong? When I go onto their site, it doesn’t show the rest of the items below.

  3. theton says:

    actually when they are coupons you do have to rip them out, but most of the time they are instant rebates now.

  4. Shadyman says:

    @theton: The cashiers normally just toss them away, and use their copy of the coupons to scan the barcode.

  5. Nadia says:

    just at costco yesterday. they have stopped handing out coupons at the door and just instant rebate what is on sale. kind of a pain cause there is nothing to tell you what is on sale, but saves on paper.

  6. moonglow says:

    Looks as though we Westerners are not being treated well by Costco … There’s a hugh difference in items being discounted!!!

  7. Pat_wobbly says:

    I don’t see all these coupons either at the link. We westerners getting ripped again?

  8. twinmommy says:

    I’d prefer if these were instant savings as opposed to coupons. When the item has a coupon they only let you buy one of the item. Instant rebates allow you to buy as many as you want.

  9. jjmm says:

    How much is the price for Ocean Spray cranbaries and VLR mini quiche without coupons?

  10. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Mini quiche is $16.99 regular. 60 pcs and 4 flavours. all yummy.


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