Canadian Coupons: Costco Instant Savings Coupons Valid Jan. 25 – 31, 2010

Hi all! These are this week’s Costco instant savings coupons, which are not really coupons per se, as Costco now doesn’t hand out these coupons at the door. Instead, the savings are automatically applied if you purchase that specific product. These are valid from Monday, Jan. 25 til Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010.






You know what I wish? I wish that Costco, instead of having 2 different sales between Eastern and Western Canada, would just combine that two sales together and make it nationwide. Wouldn’t that be better?

6 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Costco Instant Savings Coupons Valid Jan. 25 – 31, 2010”

  1. Sean says:

    What coupons relate to Ontario, the Eastern Canadian ones?

  2. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Sean – yes.

  3. Sean says:

    Thanks, Cheers!

  4. Moom says:

    It would be a lot better if most retailers just offered sales for all of Canada rather than splitting between East and West.

    You’ve got to wonder if Costco bother having different sales for each US state or if they just have a bunch of offers everyone gets.

  5. Alberta_Girl says:

    Thanks. It’s great to see the coupons in advance

  6. mcminsen says:

    Darn. I wish I was in the East. I wait patiently for those “Deep Dish” pizzas to go on sale. They are the best frozen pizzas I’ve ever had. Tender and crispy crust, a perfect little lunch. And the Munchie Mix, too.


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