A free product coupon is available from Save.ca at the moment. Visit Save.ca to order your coupon for any one Alokozay green, black, herbal, fruit, or spice Premium Tea pack FREE.
This is likely available for a limited time so do not hesitate to order the coupon.
If you prefer you also have the option of printing the coupon. I would much rather order this one by mail as I would anticipate issues redeeming a printed free product coupon. I believe that Targets coupon policy says that they will not accept free product coupons that are printed.
Click here to get your coupon!
You may want to attach the link to the coupon after signing out of your account on save.ca. Thanks!
Thank you! Try their Moroccan Mint tea. So refreshing!!
must be gone 🙁 wasn’t on my page. (8:43am PST)
It’s not there 🙁
It is a printable for a free product coupon…will any store accept it?
Most stores should accept it 🙂 Unfortunately it’s no longer available by mail.