Canadian Coupons: Free Clorox Bleach With Coupon At Rexall(Ont) Oct.15-28

Canadian Deals & Coupons

clorox1This coming weeks Rexall flyer in Ontario has Ultra Clorox disinfecting bleach on sale for just $0.99. There are $1 off any Clorox product coupons on So with this coupon you can get one for free. I can’t get over all the great deals on cleaning products the past while. Now all I need now is a little get up and go and my house will sparkly and shine. The flyer runs from Oct.15-28.

Thanks to cesme77 for posting the flyer.

7 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Free Clorox Bleach With Coupon At Rexall(Ont) Oct.15-28”

  1. CarlyinCanada says:

    Thanks! Loving all the cheap or free cleaning stuff! Now to get some help with the cleaning would be nice, lol

  2. Koolaid says:

    Great deal…I hope they take my coupon!! I had the buy 2 save $5 coupon and tried to use it on deoderant…it was off by 2 cents and they argued up the you know what that they can’t take them!

  3. jeffl says:

    could be difficult one. Price is less and the picture doesn’t match either as they also carry the ones in the picture for 1.99

  4. jeffl says:

    On the coupon it says … one coupon per purchase of the specified products and sizes may be used”..

  5. JANICE says:

    wow thanks i” go this weekend

  6. TJ says:

    Great got my $ 1.00 coupon today so will be using it soon 🙂

  7. TJ says:

    Great Offer .. I was planning to use my coupon but will be trading it instead 🙂


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