This is the week for the last minute Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers. Here is a list of just a few things you can fill the stockings with if you have just the right coupon.
Free in Red
Close to free in Green
Canadian Tire
$1.29 Snuggle fabric softener -$1 coupon= $0.29
The Bargain Shop
$0.97 Trial Size Old Spice deodorant and Body Wash – $3 WUB2 coupon from brandsaver = 3 for FREE!!
*$2.27 Listerine Mouth Wash 250ml- $2 coupons( in)= $0.27
Shoppers Drug Mart
$1.49 Old Spice Razor(2pk disposable) Trial Size – $3 WUB2 coupon from brandsaver = 2 for FREE!!
$1 Colgate Sensitive trial size – $1.50 coupon from dentist = FREE!!
$1 Colgate Total trial size – $1 coupon from dentist = FREE!!
$2.49 Garnier Trial Size Hair Spray- $2 coupon = $0.49
$0.68 Puffs trial size – $1.25 WUB1 or WUB2 coupon from brandsaver = $0.11 for 2 or FREE!!
$1 St Ives facial scrub – $1 coupon = FREE!!
$1.47 Satin Care Trial Size – $5 WUB3 coupon from brandsaver= 3 for FREE!!
$1.29(?) Gillette foamy – $5 WUB3 coupon from brandsaver = 4 for FREE!!
Bounce rollers(trial section) – $3 WUB2 coupon from brandsaver
*$1.27 St Ives facial scrub – $1 coupon = $0.27
*$1.27 Gillette shaving creams -$5 WUB3 coupon= $FREE!!
excellent, thanks
For the St. Ives, do you mean trial size only?
Has anyone given/received fabric softener as a sticking stuffer? I just don’t think I have the guts to do that one
@Ivan yes I was referring to the trial size and sooboy I do agree I think the Snuggle sheet stink (I use unscented) but there are people who do like the stinky stuff.Not sure why??!!LOL!!
I think my kids would no longer believe in Santa if they got any of this in their stockings, lol 😛
OK, I’m new here…what is a WUB3 and where can I get it?
@ Kim if you go to you can order the $5 off when you buy 3 Gillette product coupon there(if they still have it??) They usually take a few weeks to come in the mail to you. They were also in a news paper insert about a month back. If you have no luck there you can always try the coupon trading section.I get about half of the coupons I use from coupon trades.
Eric, I agree…. just wondering why people are putting personal grooming products in stockings? Aren’t stockings supposed to be for treats, little toys, and fun stuff… little Christmas gifts?
I think stockings are whatever you (or the person receiving it) want them to be!
In the case of my senior citizen dad, it’s absolutely chock full of personal hygiene stuff. He’s retired. He has spent a lifetime accumulating “stuff” and is now at the point where he doesn’t want “things” to clutter up his house that he won’t use.
If he can’t use it to get ready for a date with his lady friend, wash his clothes with it, wear it, or cook it, he doesn’t want it in there. So personal hygiene stocking stuffers are perfect for someone like him.
And…he’s as excited as my 4 year old opening all the little goodies in his stocking on Christmas morning. 😉
Where do you get the St. Ives $1 coupons?
ninna – gee, I didn’t think of adults getting stockings.. I thought it was just a kids’ thing…
@benjames I had some that came from a company mail out but I think there were some found in stores a while back.
@Natalka in my house mommy and daddy always have a stocking.But unlike the kids which is toys and treats we get personal care products which usually just come from my stockpile.:)
Adult stockings are something I inherited from DH’s family, actually. I only started that tradition with my own folks about 10 years ago. My dad gets genuinely excited about his stocking.
When DH was growing up, the kids in his family made stockings for their parents once they were old enough to have money and shop independently. This tradition continues. His folks continue to make stockings for all the adult children and their spouses, and the adult children make stockings for mom and dad.
DH’s mom never got Christmas as a child, so she puts on Christmas like no one I’ve met. The stockings are the size of 8 year olds. And every single thing is wrapped. It’s a bit nuts, but, they are extremely practical- food, household items like tea towels, personal care things etc. And always at least one weird and random or bizarre thing. 2 years ago, we stuck live lobsters in as a joke. So Christmas dinner was turkey and lobster. haha.
It’s taken me years to adjust to this tradition since my childhood family Christmases are extremely humble by comparison. I worry that the meaning of Christmas gets lost for my own kids by all the “stuff” (even if it is socks or shampoo). So every year, I try to balance it out with donations to charity etc.
Wal-Mart raising prices on toys, squeezing more out of holidays
By Matthew Boyle
(c) 2010 Bloomberg News
Wednesday, December 15, 2010; 12:53 PM
Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) — Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, raised prices on hundreds of toys this month, squeezing more out of sales during the biggest shopping period of the year.
Wal-Mart managers in the U.S. received instructions to mark up an average of 1,800 types of toys per store, according to a company e-mail dated Nov. 30 obtained by Bloomberg News.