Here’s a great coupon for a free product from Ozery Bakery that you will definitely want to print. Click the link below to print a coupon for a free bag of Ozery Morning Rounds.
The coupon has a maximum value of $5 and can be used wherever Ozery products are sold. The morning rounds are toastable mini pitas, that are available in several varieties, including muesli, cranberry orange, apple cinnamon, and multi-grain.
The expiry date on the coupon is not a long one. You will have about two weeks to use the coupon, which is valid until the 31st of October. It is a SmartSource coupon, but there is a limit of one print for computer for this one.
Click here to get your coupon for a free bag of Ozery morning rounds.
An expensive product, but we’ll give it a try with the printed coupon. Thanks for this valuable post.
@rockco, where have you found this product?
Use Ozery’s store locator feature, input your postal code and it’ll return the stores carrying Ozery products in your area.
The coupon was posted today Oct 16, I go ahead the print the coupon and what comes out of the printer is a blank sheet of paper; I attempt it a second time, same thing a blank sheet of paper ?
The printed blank page means either your Java or Adobe DC Reader is out of sync.
Simple fix is to de-install both completely, and do a re-install. Java is typically the culprit cause when it installs upgrades, it does not completely remove prior versions of itself, so be sure you’re removing all versions of java prior to a re-install.
Ironically someone who enjoys their moderation powers decided not to approve my comment.
Your comment was still pending because at 7pm on a Sunday, people are enjoying some family time and not necessarily at their computer to approve comments. I just tried printing it without issue, maybe contact SmartSource to troubleshoot why you are getting blank pages. It says the most common reason is the security features in Adobe do not share with them so it prints blank instead of the coupon which is shared from their server
I like these rounds. Nice of them to offer, but no store accepts printable FPCs 🙁
I printed the coupon without any problems. Walmart and No Frills have always taken Internet coupons without questions. Others also take them. There are Pin numbers and bar codes on the coupon. Sometimes my name is on them as well.
I called and asked them which grocery store carries this product, ‘coz I can’t find anything from their store locator… Ozery Bakery: T 905 265 1143