Canadian Coupons & Free Samples from Dawn, Febreze, Cascade, Mr. Clean & Swiffer

Summer Canada

Thanks Brandt for emailing me about this free samples and coupons promo.

Sign up for Home Made Simple Canada’s free monthly e-newsletter and get free samples, special offers, and coupons from brands like Dawn, Febreze, Cascade, Mr. Clean and Swiffer.

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6 responses to “Canadian Coupons & Free Samples from Dawn, Febreze, Cascade, Mr. Clean & Swiffer”

  1. carlycanadian says:

    Thankyou! I signed up! 🙂

  2. Amse says:

    Thanks 🙂
    Anyone know a promotional code?

  3. phgirly says:

    I’ve done this before and got nothing so be warned.

  4. joe says:

    hey it says not available in my country(canada) ?!?!?!

  5. ankj says:

    U might be connected to some VPN / Firewall which is sending your request through US or some other country’s server….If you are in office…

    Try it from home

  6. We appreciate the Free Tips and discount codes man.


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