Canadian Coupons: Free Vim With Coupon At Shoppers Drug Mart Sept.18-24

Canadian Deals & Coupons

vimThis weeks Shoppers Drug Mart flyer had Vim cleanser on sale for just $0.88. There are $1 off coupons that came in last weeks Red Plum coupon insert . So if you have this coupon you can get one for free. This coupon is good on any Vim product unlike the ones from that are good just on the 500ml. I was so happy I was able to get lots of old news papers last weekend and scores 20 for free this morning. This deal helped me reach the $50 level to get 20x the Optimum points.

23 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Free Vim With Coupon At Shoppers Drug Mart Sept.18-24”

  1. nosobbq says:

    i just saw this and was super excited!!

  2. wendyjane says:

    If SD runs out of stock Rexall has the same 250ml bottle for under a buck on sale too in their flyer.

  3. A Girl says:

    did SDM really let you use the coupon?
    i tried to use a $1off coupon for a rice product on sale for $1 once, and they wouldn’t let me.
    they were quite rude about it too – “i’m not loosing my job, so that you can get free rice”
    if you’re in Ottawa, the SDM on carling by bayshore area – staff don’t even know how to load a gift card.
    horribe horrible.

  4. Natalka says:

    Our SDM won’t let us use a coupon over the amount, and won’t adjust it either.

  5. V says:

    It’s all about the cashier, some adjust it to value.
    But most don’t know anything.

  6. busy.mommy says:

    I got lucky — My SDM cashier just changed the amount and all I had to pay was the tax. They don’t seem to have one consistent policy about this…

  7. jenny olson says:

    thanks will go and try to get some tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

  8. BCSparkyGirl says:

    all the coupons I have are for the 500 mL bottle, where are you guys getting the 250mL ones from?

  9. Abby1 says:

    @BCSparkyGirl: There was a $1.00 off any in last weekend’s RedPlum.

  10. nosobbq says:

    where do you get the “redplum” ones?

  11. Annick says:

    It’s the small bottle that’s on sale and I beleive the coupon has a sz restriction.

  12. ccmp1974 says:

    The one has a size restriction but the RedPlum one from last weekend does not. I got my red plum coupon insert in my local newspaper.

  13. Cindy says:

    Which SDM flyer are you seeing this in? or is it in store? because I can’t seem to find it in my flyer…

  14. Dee says:

    Hi. Can anyone please tell from where can one get RedPlum coupons? I am in Toronto….Thank you…

  15. ccmp1974 says:

    Cindt it is on the front page of my flyer here in Nova Scotia pictured with the Clorox.Dee I would try the coupon trading section and see if you can score a quick trade with another SCer in your area.Sorry I am not sure which paper in Toronto carries the RedPlum.

  16. Candyland says:

    My SDM in Vancouver let me use my coupon for the full value, but the cashier wasn’t so sure at first. He was never rude about it, just concerned about getting in trouble. He was very nice during the whole transaction even though there was a big line up. I also remained polite & easy going when he was humming & hawing at the start so maybe that helped? I find SDM can be inconsistent in so many areas & I don’t know if it has to do with a lot of them being independently owned.
    @Cindy:It’s advertised in the SDM flyer that just started yesterday/Sat. Sept 18.
    @Dee:The RedPlum coupon insert came inside the local papers last weekend, with all the usual weekend flyers, & its VIM coupon can be used on any size.

  17. Cindy says:

    Thanks – found it! The first cashier said she’d already had to deny someone that day who’d come in with 3 coupons, for 3 Vims. Said the manager had said no. the next higher up cashier was actually going to do it for me on another register, as she said she’d seen the coupons in the cash out from the day before…but the first cashier got mad at her! so the 2nd one went and checked with the manager and it seems their policy is that you can use coupons that are valued higher than the price of the product IF you buy something else so that the “extra” from the coupon is actually put towards something.

    I found some .75cent off any clorox bleach coupons and used those for the 88 cent bottles of clorox, along with 3 vim and the coupons to go with them and was good!

  18. D says:

    WHAT is Red Plum … and where do I get it?

  19. ccmp1974 says:

    @ D Red Plum is a coupon insert found in several newspapers across Canada.There is a thread in the coupon section with a schedule of when it is out next. Here in Nova Scotia you can find it in the Chronicle Hearld and the Cape Breton Post. Not sure which papers it is found in your area.

  20. WINKERSTONES says:

    I did get the Red Plum insert (Edmonton) but I didn’t see any Vim. Are there different ones printed for each province?

  21. ccmp1974 says:

    @ WINTERSTONES The coupon was on the top of the second page in my copy. Sometimes they do differ slightly from paper to paper just like the Smart Source. The other week my issue didn’t contain the Imperial one like the copies in the west.:(

  22. seylz_gurl says:

    A Girl….I had same experience with my SDM, the cashier asked their “merchandising person” whether she could accept the $1 vim and clorox cpns when the item was .88 cents and she said “no.” Went on to say “We won’t be reimbursed by the company if the amount is higher than the product price.”

  23. janice says:

    I had no problems using mine .Thanks so much for posting


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