Canadian Coupons – Moores Save $25 on Tuxedo Rental

mooresWith this printable coupon, you can save $25 on every tuxedo rental package in your wedding party at Moores Clothing.  The $25 value is actually savings on the vest and shoes rental. 

Here are the specifics:  To receive your free shoe and vest rental, a $25 value, you must present this coupon when placing your order. Wedding party exclusive offer is available only through December 31, 2009 and may not be combined with any other promotional offers. Valid on rental packages regularly priced at $99.99-$149.99. $7 repairable damage fee is extra. One coupon per transaction.

Click here to print your coupon.

Thank you Kotasmommy for the information.

One response to “Canadian Coupons – Moores Save $25 on Tuxedo Rental”

  1. restinpeace says:

    wie ist das denn gemeint. ?


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