For those of you who have any degree of success using printable coupons, (I know I don’t!) here’s some new ones available at [email protected]:
Sign up here to print yours.
Thanks to couponlady for posting in the forum.
For those of you who have any degree of success using printable coupons, (I know I don’t!) here’s some new ones available at [email protected]:
Sign up here to print yours.
Thanks to couponlady for posting in the forum.
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I can’t get my printer to work, wah. 🙁
I wish manufacturers would either mail out coupons or deal with retail. I have an awful time with printed coupons. They basically call me a thief for trying to use them! Not many stores in my city take them, they absolutely refuse.
Followed the instructions but still didn’t print for me. 🙁
Right…..Almost all grocery stores will not accept printed coupons, kind of makes you frustrated when you go through the bother of using printer ink, cutting them and then having them rejected at the cash out. I will just not bother until manufacturers can clear this up with the grocery stores
wont pull them up for me
Printed coupons I can barely use mailed coupons anymore.