Canadian Coupons: Save $1.50 On Mr. Sketch Products *Printable Coupon*


We have a brand new printable coupon available for you this afternoon, through our very own SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1.50 on the purchase of any one Mr. Sketch product with this new coupon.

Just looking at the Walmart Canada website, you can purchase a six pack of washable markers for $5.96, so these would be $4.46 with the coupon. These are scented markers if you were not aware. I remember having a package as a child and they smelled really good. I see they now come in a movie themed scented six pack which kind of has me interested in purchasing them. The scents aren’t listed but I would imagine they would obviously include popcorn and be more interesting than the usual fruit scents!

As this is a SmartSource coupon, I am sure you know the drill by now. Your prints of the coupon are limited to two per computer.

Click here to get your coupon for $1.50 off the purchase of any package of Mr. Sketch products.

One response to “Canadian Coupons: Save $1.50 On Mr. Sketch Products *Printable Coupon*”

  1. kim says:

    Printed this coupon and it reads ‘Loblaws Coupon Zone’ so this coupon is only good at Loblaws and its affiliated locations.


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