A brand new coupon is available this afternoon, through our very own SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1.50 on any Windex Trigger product with this printable coupon.
After having a look at some flyers, it doesn’t appear that there are many deals on Windex at the moment, but hopefully we will see some on sale in the next couple of weeks in case you wanted to get a jump on your spring cleaning activities. If it does happen to go on sale for $2.99, this coupon would make if half price for each bottle.
As with all SmartSource coupons, both the ones available through our portal, and the hidden ones you may find elsewhere, there is a limit of two prints of each coupon per computer. Expiry dates are generally a minimum of thirty days from the time of printing.
Click here to print your coupon for $1.50 off Windex Triggers.