A new printable coupon is available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1 on the purchase of any one Heinz Baby Cereal with this coupon. You may print two copies of the coupon per computer, which is the usual limit for all SmartSource coupons.
If you can use other Heinz products for baby foods, there are a few other coupons that have been available for a while through the portal. Select the brand Heinz from the drop down menu and click “Go” and you will find the following coupons:
- Buy four get one free Heinz baby food pouches
- Save $1.50 when you buy eight Heinz baby food glass jars or plastic tubs
- Save $1 when you purchase any one Heinz baby snack
Click here to print these coupons through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal.