Canadian Coupons: Save $1 On Iogo Probio Protein Yogurt (Printable Coupon)

We’ve seen lots of great deals on Iogo yogurt this year, with coupons, cash back offers, and sales. There is now a new coupon that you can print and hopefully use to pick up more super cheap yogurt. Head over to our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal by clicking the link below, and you will find this new coupon for $1 off the purchase of Iogo Probio Protein yogurt.

This coupon does currently appear on the main page, but in case you don’t see there you can select Iogo from the list of brands. The coupon is valid on the 4x125g and 585g sizes of the yogurt. Not all stores carry all the varieties of Iogo so keep that in mind before printing all kinds of coupons. You may have to look around to see who carries it, and where you will be able to price match, etc.

Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of Iogo Probio Protein yogurt. 

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