There is a new printable webSaver coupon available through the Kraft What’s Cooking coupon portal today, and it is a great one that you don’t see very often! Save $1 on the purchase of any Kraft Salad Dressing with this new coupon, in either the 475ml, or the new 710ml format. So this coupon will not be valid on those small bottles that go on sale for 99 cents, however, it is valid on the regular size bottles that are always on sale for $1.99, and 99 cents is a great price with the coupon.
You must have a Kraft What’s Cooking account in order to access the coupon, so if you do not have one you must first take a moment to set that up.
I am unsure of the expiry as I won’t be printing this one. I really prefer the PC dressings by leaps and bounds over Kraft!
Click here to get your coupon for $1 off the purchase of Kraft Dressing.
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It is not available for me.