A new high value coupon is available through our SmartCaucks SmartSource printable coupon portal! Save $2.50 on the purchase of Pepperidge Farms Cracker Chips or Cracker Tortillas with this coupon. These are on sale many places this week at the price of 2/$5 so it should not be difficult to score some for free. Also, if you “checkout” one of your rebate apps, you can get $2.50 back for each one, limit of two. As this is a SmartSource coupon, you are able to print two coupons. Purchase two at 2/$5 with the coupons and claim them both on the receipt, and you will MAKE $5!
Just a heads up though that there is tax on this product. Once again, there is a limit of two prints per computer on this coupon. The expiry date is December 5th, 2015. If you have already purchased and claimed these products through your rebate app, you may want to hold off until next week to purchase the cracker chips with this coupon because the rebate might also be available then as well, and you could claim again.