Canadian Coupons: Save $2 On Any Simply Almond Product *Printable Coupon*

Our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal is a fantastic source of printable coupons, including this brand new one for $2 off the purchase of any one Simply Almond 1.5L product.

I don’t see any advertised prices this week in my area, but do check your local flyers. These products are shown on the Walmart Canada website, but are showing as not in stock and not available, so I’m not even sure of the regular price there.

If you aren’t familiar with printing these SmartSource coupons, you are able to get two prints of each of the coupons available through the portal, however, you can get more prints by using different browsers. Each different browser will yield two unique prints, so if you see a coupon you would be like to use several of then keep opening the link in different browsers.

Click here to get your coupon for $2 off the purchase of one 1.5L Simply Almond product. 

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