McCain has a new product in grocery stores everywhere, and you can try the product with a new high value mail to home coupon! If you are subscribed to the McCain Canada email newsletter, be sure to check your email for the latest offering, containing a link to a coupon that you can order for $2 off the purchase of new McCain Marche snacks.
The Marche line of products are available in three varieties, which include Protein Pop’ables, Harvest Pockets, and Pizza Pockets, in flavours such as roasted chicken club and chicken parmesan cheese. The link to obtain the coupon in the newsletter is a unique link, to be used only once. The coupon may only to ordered through the link using the email to which the newsletter was sent.
If you are not subscribed to the McCain email newsletter, be sure to sign up today to ensure that you receive the next edition, which will more than likely be a new coupon opportunity for a McCain product.
Click here to subscribe to the McCain Canada email newsletter.